

  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    - On replying without taking notes. Just right-click the green Reply button and choose "Open in new tab". Now you can switch back and forth between the comments in one tab and your reply in the other.

    Thanks Virginia - I didn't know about that - wow - that will definitely make things alot easier :happy:

    catch up with you all tonight - have a wonderful day everybody!

  • kleinbuenstorf
    Hey Virginia,
    thanks for the info how to reply without taking note !! You made my life easier !!:happy:
    Have a great day, :flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member

    This is my first post on this board! I'll be 60 in April and I finally got sick and tired of yo yo dieting, of being flabby and not being able to pick up my motorcycle!! So I found MFP and I'm so loving the positivie effects!

    Matry, thanks for the motivation! I so agree with you, that first day is really the hardest. My resolution is to get back to the gym on a regular basis. I've committed to every Wednesday right after work (yes, today!) and I've been successful thus far. I am also adding either a Monday morning or Friday morning and eventually both, since those 3 times are when the female trainer is there. She's great, young but motivating and she's going to help me get fit again and stay on track.

    Now that you have told us that you are going today, you have to! (I have used that technique before too.) :flowerforyou:
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Since I'm doing this from work, I can take time to read your posts, but not comment on all of them You are all such and encouraging and hopeful group. I enjoy your updates and use them for inspiration myself. The lack of whining keeps it all positive.
    Found this site after leaving WW due to finances and I wasn't checking in daily or even weekly. Keeping track of my food and even posting the day ahead of time so I don't want to cheat really helps. My wt loss is pretty slow, but so was the gain. At least I'm on my way now :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Frnace finally seems to be working ok.

    Had to spend about an hour clearing out the ice and snow at the end of the driveway. It took so long I missed my aquafit class.

    Had a message from DBF - he has no phone in his room because the jack is broken and can't be fixed easily. He is likely to be moved to a different room sometime soon.

    I'm off to the mall as I have a few chores to do there, then I'll go off to the hospital to visit with him.

    I do need my ice-picks on my boots today as there is about half and inch of ice everywhere from the freezing rain we had yesterday. I have my crocs in a bag so that I can put them on at the mall as it is fiddly to get the ice-picks on and off my boots.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Grrrr! :mad:
    Had a nice chatty post written and was inserting a picture when I lost it. :blushing: Oh well... will try again later. Now its back to financial paperwork . Oh joy!
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    I was going to join weight watchers at work, but they have computer problems and they weren't starting any new groups. I am so glad I found this group. You ladies are a chatty bunch, & I love it.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Virginia; I don't think the right click thing works on a MAC. I just tried it since I don't know how to open 2 windows on MFP...Any MAC uses out there who can help me...in as simple a way as possible!?! Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Virginia; I don't think the right click thing works on a MAC. I just tried it since I don't know how to open 2 windows on MFP...Any MAC uses out there who can help me...in as simple a way as possible!?! Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    I use a Mac at home and that's where I learned the trick. Do you have a 2 button mouse? What browser are you using?
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Virginia; I don't think the right click thing works on a MAC. I just tried it since I don't know how to open 2 windows on MFP...Any MAC uses out there who can help me...in as simple a way as possible!?! Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    i dont know if this helps, but on windows7 there is a feature called stickly notes(like the post its)i open it up and make notes as i am reading the posts...hope this helps
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hi all.... just back form the gym after over a week away.... I wasn't sure how I would go as I only had 1 long run while on holidays even though I did lots of other exercise.... but I am thrilled to say I had one of my best days... I ran for 20 mins then a 5 minute walk then another 10 minutes straight.... I also did a few minutes on one of those arm machines where you turn circles in front of you.... trying to keep the momentum up from the days of kayaking while on holiday.

    Can someone tell me what a hump day is??

    Kackie - the beetroot salad is one of my favourites... its from the thermomix cookbook... but you could make it in any food processor... 400g raw beetroot peeled, 100g carrot not peeled, 1/2 red onion, 1 apple bunch of coriander (cilentro in US??), 2 tablespoons olive oil, juice of 1/2 lemon, salt and a dash of sugar to taste.... just bung it all in and chop....yum!

    jb- thanks for reminding me about eating omega-3.... think I'll have some salmon tonight with spinach leaves and walnuts...yum again!

    Laura - so sorry to here about your meniere's.... I might be wrong but I think it is the chronic version of the viral vestibulitis which I had a bout of several years ago... lying down I was fine but as soon as I got up I was so dizzy and nauseous that I would throw up.... what an awful thing to have on an ongoing basis.... I hope it goes away quickly... is there anything you can do to help it or just it just come and go.... do you know what triggers it??

    Things are all quiet on the home front.... I think the message has got through.... the 4 Icelandic girls have all gone off for the day on buses and trains to the Blue Mountains (a scenic area a couple of hours west of Sydney) and my son is off working.... I'm off to do some painting... house, not creative unfortunately!

    Have a good day/night everyone :heart: Lisa
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Can someone tell me what a hump day is??

    In a word, it's a Wednesday. The day you get over the hump and are on the downhill side of the week.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Right-click works but so does Command-Click. That's a shortcut for opening up the new link in a new tab instead of navigating away from the old window to the new one.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Lisa: Thanks for the beetroot salad. I love beets roasted and the combination you use sounds so yummy! Can't wait to try it. Any kind of apple, or are the green tart ones better?

    Virginia: I use a MACbook so I don't have a mouse...normally I just hit the right side of my "bar", but for some reason that doesn't do a thing different than the left side!

    Got to get dinner going, but thanks for trying to help. I need one of my children home long enough to show me these things!

    good night, ALL!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    So much happening on the board. I’ve been sick for a couple of days with an ear/ throat thing (yuk). I got meds yesterday and today was basically a couch day. I will plan to get some gym time in tomorrow –even if it’s a slow day. I know that I just need to get there to keep the habit going. I can let go of my exercise so easily, filling the time with other stuff. So tomorrow, I hope to be back here to report in about getting myself to the gym!!
    Kackie….Sounds like you have a great plan for the weekend. Enjoy your guests!
    Jb-2001…I have been trying to get more Omega -3’s in my diet. I have added some flax seed (ground) into my yogurt. Thanks for the reminder and for the food list.
    Cathy…Hope you have a great night with your company.
    Mary…So glad you finally got out of detention…and Good For You in getting your swimming time in!!!
    Laura…I hope you are feeling better. I just had a little vertigo with an ear infection yesterday and I couldn’t stand it.
    Virginia…good for you with the Glamour Shot…you’ll need to share it with the board!
    Mixdouble…glad that you are here. I get so motivated as I read these posts!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: Snow----Day 2----It’s not that snow is any sort of a novelty for me or that our snow is any more impressive than snow anywhere else, it’s that there are many “firsts” going on with this snowfall. It is exciting at age 65 to be enjoying “firsts”.

    :flowerforyou: It snowed overnight and most of the day---not hard but steady. This is our first year in our new house/neighborhood and the first year that I’ve made a commitment to myself to walk the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter what. It’s my first year with really good boots designed to keep my feet warm and dry and my first experience using a heart rate monitor to really see how many calories I burn when I’m doing something. So each day is a new adventure.

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday Jake and I took turns with the shovel to clear the driveway and sidewalks. When we were almost finished, the shovel broke. We have joked about fighting over who gets to use the shovel, so today we drove into town, took the dogs to the dog park to run in the snow and stopped at two different hardware stores to buy “his and hers” snow shovels----mine is blue. We cleared the driveway when we got home, and they both work great…..and with both of us shoveling, neither of us has time to tell the other how they could be shoveling better. :laugh: The high temperature today was 27 so there wasn’t any thawing which should minimize the chances of icy roads in the morning.

    :flowerforyou: I stayed in bed late this morning because I thought the roads would be icy after the brief thaw yesterday afternoon and woke instead to new snow and perfect conditions for the usual dog walk…….actually it was an amazing workout because the snow was deeper and we walked almost exclusively on the trails and meadows that had about seven inches of snow. I walk along the streets only when it’s dark and we need the light from in front of the houses to see where we’re going.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, I love your dog. How big is she?

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Chiclet, glad to hear your good news……take it one day at a time and believe that there are good things in store for you.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I love the Rainbow Bridge story. Thanks for sharing it. We have many pets waiting for us.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I’m glad to hear from you and sorry to hear that your son is having more problems.

    :flowerforyou: Genealace, I am so glad to hear that your furnace is finally working. When we bought our house, the furnace was 30 years old and we were worried that it would quit on us in the middle of winter…..do you have a fireplace for an alternate heat source?

    :flowerforyou: Jb, thank you for the info about Omega 3…….I was so excited to read about walnuts because most of what I knew was cold water fish…….I got right up and weighed a serving of walnuts and had them for a snack.

    :flowerforyou: Cathy, I loved the snow when I went to college in Southern Minnesota and lived on campus and walked everywhere I went and I love it here where I am retired. I did not like it when I lived in Maryland and had to commute to work.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, I have been doing an hour of financial paperwork every day….it’s a discipline like exercise and housecleaning.

    :flowerforyou: I have a friend coming over in a few minutes so I’ll be able to sit and relax with her. She is following a careful eating plan so when she comes over we drink water and talk.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    January goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Boy, even just being away for a short time, I'm thinking I'm getting behind.

    Did an hour of deep water today, tomorrow I'll do a DVD, LaLoFit (it's weights). Jessica is supposed to come tomorrow night. In the morning I have my crochet (haven't done anything on it since last week), then want to stop at this one store to buy lobster tails, they have them at a decent price. I thought they might since one other store in the chain is having a "grand opening" really what it is is that they've remodeled. any reason for a sale, but I'll take it. Then I need to stop at another store to get the light tofu for the dessert I'll make.

    Made magic cookie bars. I promised Jessica at Christmas if she'd let Denise take the rest of the ones I made at christmas home with her, I would make her a big batch. I need to put them in the refrigerator.

    Made these Snickerdoodles for bunco. Actually, I like this recipe better than the other one I have. But because they are so good, I had some of the leftovers that I was going to give to the foodpantry, so I took the ones for the bowling alley to them this afternoon, just to get them out of the house. Did have some snacks at the Y when they did the birthdays, I took a pineapple/angel food cake. It's not sweet, so that's what I like about it.

    jb - I have the book "Eating Well for Optimum Health" on my iPod. One thing that I never figured out was when he says that you shouldn't eat mushrooms raw. That's one of the ways I like them. Don't know why he would say that.

    Cathy - we never did find out what was wrong with Loki. He seems to be acting "normal" today. We haven't told Jessica because she would worry, we'll tell her when she can see that Loki is OK. We're pretty sure it was a seizure, probably due to some sort of poison. The only thing is, there is no way we can determine what the poison was. Was it the cleaner for my granite countertops, a cleaner for the cabinets, a spot cleaner for the rug, something someone brought in on their shoes? We'll probably never know. At least it isn't something that is continuing to happen

    After the wataer aerobics, went to the post office to mail a pkg for Bryan, then got money from the ATM, did a bit of food shopping (not much), then the senior bowl, came home to have dinner and take out the garbage, then Newcomer bowling. Right now I'm making the oatmeal for tomorrow's breakfast.

    Welcome susiegal, dbutorac, and anyone else I may have missed. Tell us more about yourself.

    lisa - hump day is Wednesday, the middle of the week, as in "We're over the hump of the week, it's all downhill from here"

    I agree with everything everyone else said to people, so I won't repeat things.

    Just cut up the magic cookie bars for Jessica, put them in a bag in in the freezer they went.

    Better run...beddy bye time.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    Barbie you make me tired just reading your January goals.

    I ENVY everyone who has snow! We had a chance the last couple of days. It came, it went but it sure was pretty!

    My goals for this month is * increase my water * get my husband on well * use the stationary bike or treadmill 5 days a week.
    Also need to get a few other stress-er resolved.

    JB thanks for the information on Omega - 3. I didn't know the breakdown.

    I have been really the post and enjoy them greatly. Makes me feel connected to something. I'm sorry I don't respond to them but I have a hard time putting thoughts and words together.

    Everyone keep up the great work and thank you for the motivation. I have reached my first mini-goal!!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    I'm home from the second session of my weekly circuit class at the gym. Hard work, and lots of good ideas to incorporate into my next workout on my own.

    January blues are getting to my students too, I think. :grumble: They were grouchy yesterday and the whole day was an uphill slog. Much better today though. We are studying Ancient Greece and I found some comic versions of traditional stories of the Greek Gods to read to them. Just what 12/13 year old boys love: blood, guts, gore and glory. Not so much the marrying your sister or kissing your mother parts, though! :blushing:

    Just2Jean – Thanks for the encouragement about treadmill running. I am going to keep your words in mind when I am on the indoor track at the gym instead of the treadmill. I think it must be the bells and whistles on the treadmill that keep me going – speed, elapsed time, calorie burn…all that stuff. I can run for a mile now at 6 mph, and do the 2 minute sprint / 2 minutes rest routine a least once a week for 20-30 minutes. Killer.

    Salad Sistas – 2 cups broccoli slaw tossed with two Tbs roasted cauliflower hummus. Filling and fine. I might add nuts of some kind next time.

    MacMadame – brain injuries take a long time to heal. I know, you know. It’s hard work. I’m pulling for you. :flowerforyou:

    Jb_2011 – OK, one more reason to remember to put the walnuts in my porridge! :smile:

    Msh0530: Detention free day! :drinker: Yeah! You will make it back to the pool on Thursday, the determination is vibrating off your post.

    Virginia, I hope you share the Glamour Shots with us. What a great idea for a “I made it” reward.

    Genealace – thank goodness your furnace is working OK, January in Ottawa is no time to be without a heater!

    I can join in all the folks from the snow belt - it's colder than usual here (-10 c) and dumping with snow. Our School District does not have snow days, so no hope of that. Every staff person has to report to the nearest school and be ready to work, even if we can't get to our own site. I live just a few km from my school, so I'll be there, even if the busses don't make it. Could be a peaceful day in the classroom tomorrow.

    J'boy is done his math homework and DH is wandering the hallways looking for me. Time to get back to real life, tidy up the kitchen and make some lunches. Salad for me! :happy:

    Hasta pronto,

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Michele, Weil says raw mushrooms have natural toxins which are destroyed by simple cooking, and goes on to say that "common button mushrooms contain agaritine, a natural carcinogen". He writes about this on pg. 157. It was all news to me!

    :^) jb