

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    virginia, thanks for the tip, will try it.....as for the quinoa, i have been eating it instead of rice(brown) or pasta, had to give up the carbs as my son was not eat it and too much for me...anyway found quinoa, one of my sons recommeded it , also a few posters here used it....just follow the cooking instructions, but i add broth instead of water, or the other day i ran out of broth and used the water with half a envelope of onion soup mix...it so yummy,...i havent tried it cold , but i have seen some use it in salad...off to the gym:flowerforyou:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :flowerforyou: Vy: You look amazing! Like others I wondered how long it took you to go from the before to the after?
    You asked about quinoa : there are several recipes here on mfp - just search the recipe threads and you'll find it. Lots of folks use it in place of rice. I've discovered its kinda of like cooking with beans in that quinoa itself hasn't much of a flavor but absorbs the flavors of whatever you cook it with. Or here is a link to everything you would ever want to know about it: http://www.quinoa.net/181.html

    Took me awhile to catch up on everyone's posts after being out over the weekend. WE got started back on our remodel project so I just barely had time to log food. This is such a chatty diverse motivated group of mature women. I so admire those of you who respond to each person by name.

    Today is my errand day, so catch you ladies later :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Sunday during church, Jacob (my six year old grandson) was watching the words on the screen and singing with the last hymn. I was watching from the choir, so proud of him. Then, as he sang the last line, "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me!" I saw him sitting on his three year old brother's head. I just about lost it!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    The amount of posts I have missed is amazing. (12 pages since the last time I read) Hopefully, everyone is doing well this month.

    My DD had an old friend who moved away come and visit for the weekend. Even though DD can drive now, she wanted me driving everywhere. We went skiing Saturday AND Sunday. Yesterday I walked the mall while they hung out.

    MY DS ended up in ER for dehydration. I just don't know how to help him sometimes. He is so stubborn. We tell him to drink, we have the "good stuff" in the house and still he does this to himself.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Robin, the Rainbow Bridge story is beautiful and really hits home, thanks so much for that. I've lost a few dogs over the years -- one time on the "day of", I had a vision of them running up on a beautiful grassy hillside with no ailments or pain, completely happy and free. I'll look forward to being completely dog-mauled, too. :smile:

    I've copied the story to send to a friend who is having to make "the call" this week about her elderly Lab.

  • luckygirl007
    luckygirl007 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello ladies! New here and so only a few pounds down that I recently gained due to recuperating from a car accident which left me with a broken knee cap!! Not a good bone to break if you like to do ANY exercising. I am 54 and have read some of your posts and you gals sound like good friends. I used to exercise quite a bit so I have put on about 8 pounds I didn't need since I was trying to get my weight down 15 more pounds to begin with. My knee still doesn't bend much but MFP is keeping me motivated to eat healthy. So good to find this website and this thread. Now I must go eat my oatmeal so you ladies have a wonderful Tuesday.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I've given up on keeping up. I pop in, read the last page of posts and give up on the rest! I just can't keep up with you guys.

    I've been in a funk in some ways. Not being able to exercise is killing me. It's really hard to manage my eating too as my brain injury keeps telling me to (a) eat carbs and (b) eat all the time!

    It's easier at work. And when we have good food in the house. But our cupboards are bare and won't get refilled until dh gets paid on the 25th. This trip to WDW was really stupid from a financial POV.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member


    :flowerforyou: It has been snowing here since the middle of the night. The dogs and i went out for our usual walk at 6:15 and had beautiful pristine snow to walk on. We walked for over two hours. At first I was worried that the dogs would get too cold but the longer we walked, the more they ran and played and burrowed into the snow and under the trees. It took many towels to dry them off and they were glad to be able to lie down next to the fire to finish drying.

    :laugh: the pictures were taken with my phone while I held both dogs on leash :laugh:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: my HRM told me that my heart rate is higher and I burn more calories walking in the snow compared to walking on the same roads when they are dry :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Barbie,thanks for the pics.
    Cindy,I feel for you.I love to walk and swim.I had an accident and injured my back in Sept.Dr is sending me for an MRI of the left knee as it has been bothering me since the fall.Can`t walk without pain.Not getting better.So Mri is set for sat.
    Last year I had arthoscopic surgery on my rt knee.
    When I can`t exercise,I have been watching my calories.
    We had rain this am not snow flurries.Gonna get cold in the next few days.temps in the teens.Winter is here for us now.We had had close to 50 last week.
    Everyone enjoy your day!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Yee gads, everytime I log in, we're at least one more page on this thread. I'm betting that we're going to need part 3 before the month is up.

    jb - to me, when I buy an organic food, it has much more flavor. Organic strawberries are so strawberry-yy. The season for them isn't long, so what I did was I bought them, cut them up, then froze them. I still have some in the freezer. It's neat to go to farmer's markets, too. Many times they'll tell you if they use pesticides. You know, I have never been able to get organic peaches in NC, but I can get them in FL. So when we go down there, right before we leave I'll do like last year, buy A LOT, bring them home and freeze them.

    OK - senior moment here. Wasn't there someone who had a cat who had seizures? How did you know that it was a seizure? Earlier today Loki made this funny yelping noise, when we looked he was drooling and he peed on the floor. That's why we're thinking seizure. Right now he seems to be walking around the house aimlessly. For the life of me, I can't remember who it was. Update: Vince did some research on the Internet, and we're quite sure it was a seizure. They say that the most common reason is if a pet ingests a poison. Also, aerosol. Now when I clean my hardwood floors, I use only vinegar and water (that was recommended to me by a flooring manufacturer, and it works quite well). I do use a rug cleaner if a cat throws up on the rug and I do use a chemical cleaner on the granite countertops. Don't know of any non-chemical to use. Then again, it could be that someone stepped in something toxic, brought it into the house on their shoe(s) and Loki picked it up. We'll just keep an eye on him for a while.

    Did an hour of the extreme pump class todayn (Mon). Have a board meeting at the Y tomorrow (I'm off that board in May - yea - so I only have to get up early 4 more times. The May meeting is in the evening.) then I'll take a spinning class. Then probably play mahjongg. Update: didn't go to mahjongg. Instead made a dessert for tonight. I wasn't happy with the consistency, so I actually made it three times. Well, Vince likes it so I'm sure he'll eat it.

    This one lady said to me that she wished she'd been able to talk to Jessica more at the social we had in October, so I promised her that the next time Jessica was down I'd have her and her hubby over for dinner. Jessica is coming down this weekend, so I asked her and another couple. I'm thinking lobster tails, got some baking potatoes (still want to buy sweet potatoes -- I'll have both because *I* like sweet potatoes). I'm planning to make the chocolate mousse that Vince liked but doesn't know what's in it. It's the one that's silken tofu, chocolate chips melted, a bit of almond extract and some vanilla extract. That's IT

    I hate when that little Mi character on the Wii says "that's overweight". Frustrating!

    Pam - don't be frustrated. A loss at least isn't a gain, so what if it's only 1 lb???? It's just my system, but no matter what, if I have anything to eat after dinner, I can be guaranteed of a gain the next day, or at least staying the same. I NEVER lose. That's just me. So many people say "a calorie is a calorie, your body doesn't know when you're eating it". Not my body, that's for sure! What is the olivia method?

    Welcome weezee! So glad to have you. Your name made me think of the show "the Jefffersons" And welcome Karen!

    mazaron - while I don't have a teenage boy, what I do a lot is make something for Vince (like he likes his cookies, brownies, muffins, cakes, etc) and then freeze part of it. Like right now I have 1/3 of a brownie in the freezer for him to have. Maybe that'd work for you? This way you wouldn't have to be baking all the time.

    Virginia - you DO look so much younger and vibrant.

    Bea - so very sorry for your loss. Know that Tawney is helping another animal

    Peggy - been thinking about you and wondering where you've been WB! You are a good friend.

    Did an hour of spinning today (Tues). Tomorrow I'll do the deep water aerobics. Had the meeting at the Y today. I found out that this one gal has been promoted to the fitness director. I feel good about her in that position. I still don't think that they should have hired someone from the outside to coordinate all the swimming activities, the gal at this one branch to me would have been better. She's been with the Y for about 20 years, has a good rapport. She's always there. But this fitness director I think just might work out -- IF she doesn't concentrate too much on the one branch but works on the other branches, too.

    Having bunco here tonight, just made the dessert. I have this recipe for a chocolate mousse. Actually, Vince likes it. It's light silken tofu, 2tsp vanilla extract, 1/8 tsp almond extract, and 1 cup of chocolate chips. I melt the chocolate chips. It's amazing how filling the tofu is, and not very many calories.

    You know, I remember staying home to raise the kids. How many times I wished that I was working! It wouldn't have been so much work. It seemed that everyone felt "oh, she can do it, she doesn't work" so I wound up being asked to do so very much. And me being me, I just couldn't say "no". I remember when we'd go on vacation Vince would say "I can't wait to go back to work, I need a vacation from my vacation"

    I'm going to have two couples here for dinner this Friday. I originally was going to have lobster tails, but they aren't on sale and there is no way I'm going to pay that price for them! Any ideas? I'd like to keep it to a seafood item.

    Oh, chicklet, I'm so so happy for you!!!! One thing I can say for sure -- your guy knows a good thing when he sees it, and that's YOU. It can't be a year that you and that guy have been together! Seems like just yesterday that you were telling us about him. Oh, I'm so happy for you.

    Cindy - congrats on becoming one of a wonderful group of ladies. So sorry to hear about your broken knee cap.

    barbie - you will burn more calories in the snow. Also in the sand (good reason to go to the beach, huh?).

    Better get this posted before it gets too too long.

  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Good morning/evening everyone.....

    chicletgirl21 - what a lovely story to read..... and so beautifully written.... I am so happy for you and I wish you all the best... he sounds like a real gem... it sounds like just what you need to help you through these difficult times with your mum as well. Its always good to have someone to share life's ups and downs with.

    just2jean - the walk/run thing you are describing sounds like the C25K program.... I started it in October and thought I was going to die when first starting out after not having run since I was a teenager.... I can now run for 26 minutes in one stretch.... not every time... sometimes I have a bad day and have to break it up but I know that I CAN do it now and I absolutely love running.... just a wonderful feeling after. And I too like the treadmill.... and also the beach but only if its low tide... i think it is harder to run outside but in a way I like it more because I am not watching the stats constantly but have a visual goal to run to.

    jb_2011 - well I think I am close to already being a salad sista with you... I love salads and it is my most common meal... my family all love my salads as I put in as many things as I have... I'll let you know whats in my next one.

    barbie - the photos are so lovely.... what a beautiful place you walk.

    Well I had a trying day yesterday.... my 20 y/o son is a wonderful boy/man mostly.... however lately he is just taking things for granted a bit too much and he also has his girlfriend living with us (she is from Iceland so here with no family and no working visa)..... she has lots of issues including a huge eating disorder... but thats another story.... At the moment she also has 3 Icelander girlfriends staying here too.... that's ok I said they could stay and they are very sweet.... but then I came home yesterday morning to see my sons car gone (not really his car but his to use) and he was still home.... all the girls had taken it to go out sightseeing.... so Lachlan had assumed because my other son is away it would be fine for him to just use Angus's car to get to work in the afternoon.....without asking us.... I just lost it with him .... we had had the same discussion with him just 2 days ago when we woke up to find 2 friends of his staying over without asking us.... he gets this sad puppy look on his face and says he didn't realise it would be a problem..."you never said it wasn't ok"..."I didn't know it would be an issue".... he just doesn't get the respect thing .... it sounds petty writing it here but there are lots of small things that have all added up to my being frustrated with him..... anyway.... the result..... he caught the bus... and I ate chocolate.... and way too much chocolate... and then crashed and felt miserable and teary.... and then bucked up for people over for dinner.... and then when they'd left I hit the chocolate again before bed....OH DEAR!!

    I've just got up now and I'm off to delivery the morning papers (for my younger son who is away) and then off to the gym.... I WILL HAVE A GOOD DAY!!

    Thanks for the opportunity to vent.... I so love this thread! Thanks again Barbie:drinker: :drinker:

    Lisa :heart:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Well yesterday's fix on the furnace was obviously only temporary as today I was woken up at 7:00 with a smell of burning. Turned the thermostat way down so that it wouldn't keep trying to start and rang for the engineer to come back. He has now fitted a new part and I'm hoping that now all will be well.

    Only 2 students came today because of the lousy weather.

    Half way through class my DBF's surgeon called to say that the operation was over and had gone well and that DBF was in recovery but by about 5:00 he could have visitors. I was hoping he wouldn't need visitors today but I'll see what the weather is like a little later - I'm certainly not going at 5:00 and get caught up in the rush-hour traffic which will probably be very slow this evening.

    I'll give his son's a call to let them know all is ok and get their e-mail addresses so I don't have to keep calling.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Chiclet - I just want to say that I am so happy for you. I agree that slow and easy does it every time. You now know that there is someone for you in your corner and an added bonus - your mum likes him!

    Lisa - I had to smile about the kids 'taking advantage'. Feel free to vent any time. I don't have any children so live vicariously through the exploits of other people's. Wasn't able to have any so I'm sure that is part of the reason my ex and I split as he really wanted children but not so much that he was willing to adopt, so as it was "my fault" he felt justified in having a girl friend. But that was long ago and a totally different chapter in my life. I've been divorced 4 times longer that I was married!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tuesday and the sun is shinning, but it's cold outside!

    Being good in the eating, exercising (but probably need to turn it up a notch) and drinking plenty of water...weigh in NO loss :sad: this week....not discouraged...will continue to fight on...I know it takes time....mad at myself that I'm having to lose this weight again:grumble:

    Barbie, I'd heard on the radio that the Pacific Northwest was getting quite a storm, your pictures are lovely.

    Virginia - I'm not sure how you find receipes that you have put in so other's can see them, I'll have to play with it and see. When I put in "Six Week Muffins" what comes up is NOT my numbers...if I can't find out how others can see it I will post my receipe here.

    Everyone have a good evening. :drinker: :drinker: drink your water and get up and move:happy:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello Ladies

    Gosh, I can't keep up with all the posts! I will try to read them all - but not tonight, got to move my behind.

    DH bought me my new ring - it's beautiful, loaded with five diamonds (to celebrate my 3 children and 2 grands). I'm so pleased with it as he chose it himself and fits beautifully with my other rings and will anchor them down to stop them falling off my finger.

    Back soon. Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • kleinbuenstorf
    Hello again !!!
    I have been gone for a while and just caught up on all the post !!!:smile: WOW !!! So glad so many are doing well and Virginia, you look MARVELOUS!!! :wink:
    Well, I'm hanging in there with counting my food and walking 5 miles every day AND I rejoined my yoga class and loving it !! :happy: :happy:
    Had a great weekend with warm weather and was able to trim my rose bushes. I really need to mow but I'm not very energetic today.:frown: It's amazing that we already have yard work to do and I really need to clean my raised beds and get them ready !! :laugh:
    Ahhhh well, there is always an other day !!!:wink:
    Wishing everyone a wonderful day, :flowerforyou:
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Genealace:flowerforyou: MEN! I feel you girl. My first husband wanted children and I couldn't have them either. I always wanted to adopt since I was a little girl, he didn't. So he found a girl that could and left me too. He ended up with 5 children. Then I married my second husband who was fully aware that I couldn't have children (nor could he) but he wanted to adopt. We adopted my son who was a perfect child growing up.....unitl he hit high school. Then it got ugly. I had to be on him constantly and reteach everythiing he had learned in school because he wasn't paying attention and hated high school. Most nights I was up unitl midnight with him. My husband didn't do very well in school so it was up to me to make sure my son graduated. The stress was a killer and many a night I would be crying at the dining room table from exhaustion and depression, It was during this time my husband met someone and one day told me, "I didn't make him feel #1 and that I should have been paying more attention to him instead of my son. I looked at this time as a difficult time in raising our son and it affected our marrige, but I didn't feel it was something to justify cheating on me. He moved out and left both of us when we needed him the most. At the time it killed me, because I really was in love with him. Now I look back and think, "Oh well his loss." He now has a son that barely talks to him. It's funny how we both had wanted a child so bady and felt like we were given a gift when we got our son and how easily he was able to give him up so he could feel #1 with a woman. He was a definite "ME" person. Like I said, "Men, I don't get them and I know I never will." I think God put them on earth to make things interesting for us women...you know give us something to do. Either that or he thought it would be fun to put opposites against each other and watch the havoc it created to make him laugh! I'm leaning towards the last one.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, All!

    Lisa: Oh, reading about your son brought back memories! We have 2 sons...grown now...32 and 28, but oh that sounds too familiar! They KNOW how to get their puppy dog eyes going don't they? And I must confess that I dealt with our small conflicts in much the same way that you did! Good luck and know that sons are THE BEST and love their Moms...it is a selfish time period for them. They DO grow out of it...or at least, MOST of it! You are a good parent to welcome their friends with open arms. But I know you hate to feel taken advantage of!!!!!!!!!!!! :grumble: Take care:flowerforyou:

    Barblie: Thanks for the photos! WOW...that is pretty snow and a good workout for you and your frisky poodles!

    Chiclet: GOOD to hear from you and I agree that you deserve some companionship & fun!

    MacMadame: Sorry you cannot exercise...I can only imagine how you feel after all of your super-athletic feats! Take care and hope things get better for you!

    Desiree: Good to hear from you...5 miles every day is fantastic!

    Laura: Hang in there...I am sure you'll have a good drop soon!

    Gotta go start dinner! Making Turkey Taco Salad. Take care All:heart::heart: Kackie
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good evening all....made a dent in my paper work(shredding, filing )will continue on thursday, tomorow is bible study class and errand day...had a good day, and workout(spinning,, and some light stretching).....have a good night my friends be well...:flowerforyou:

    @vypeters....yay for doing sweating to the oldies, everyday..keep at it

    @just2jean.....good job on your running program

    @jb_2011....YAY on the on weight loss....

    @msh0530...mary i would have lost it...LOL

    @jam0525.....sounds like you had fun with your daugther...sorry to hear about your son, hope he is better

    @luckygirl007....sorry about your accident, hope you heal soon

    @macmadame....sorry you are not feeling well...hope you get to workout soon

    @barbiecat....i love the pic, it looks so lovely and awesome on the extra burn...

    @janemartin02.....sorry about the pain....i also had an arthoscopic on my right a few years ago and it seem like the recovery took forever...be well

    @exermom...we have two jack russells and one recently bite a bull frog and went through similar sysptoms...the frogs have a toxin that cause this reation, he was take to vet and after IVs and some meds, he was fine...hope loki is better....i look forward to trying the chocolate mousse, it sounds yummy

    @lisa....i was smiling as i read your post, having 3 sons(30,27 and 21)i agree with kackie, and they do love their moms so much and i also dealt with issues with my dear friend....chocolate...

    @genealace.....good news on your DBF surgery went well

    @laura80111....i hear you...i also seem to be doing all the right things, and no weight loss this week either....but we must keep trying

    @tiarapants...your rings sound so beautiful and very thoughtful

    @kleinbuenstor....awesome on your logging, yoga and 5 mile walks
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Thanks everyone. In some ways this is more challenging than training for an Ironman!