

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Went to visit DBF but while I was there another doctor came to see him because he had complained of chest pain earlier in the day. As a result they have moved him to ICU for a day or two while they do more extensive tests on his heart. He is very confused with the meds and thinks he has been moved to a different hospital and wants me to call his surgeon tomorrow to tell him that he will get back to him when he is feeling better. I said that the surgeon would be able to find him because he is still in the same hospital just in a different ward, but he couldn't understand that and made me promise to call. So another job added to my 'to do' list for tomorrow.

    Have to get the car emission test done and also go to buy more salt-melt for the driveway

    And so to bed......
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Lisa: Thanks for the beetroot salad. I love beets roasted and the combination you use sounds so yummy! Can't wait to try it. Any kind of apple, or are the green tart ones better?

    Virginia: I use a MACbook so I don't have a mouse...normally I just hit the right side of my "bar", but for some reason that doesn't do a thing different than the left side!

    Got to get dinner going, but thanks for trying to help. I need one of my children home long enough to show me these things!

    good night, ALL!

    Kackie I am on a macbook as well and you just need to press the command key as you press click (on the trackpad) any link to open in a new window... so clicked on quote while holding command and a new window opened so I could put it side by side the original one I was looking at.... make sit easy to scroll all the posts while composing your message.

    Also the recipe says green apple but I often use a sweeter red apple and then don't add any sugar.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    @Desiree - How cool! I live over by Hulen Mall -- Hulen and Granbury Rd area. What part of Ft Worth are you in?

    @Laura - My dad has occasional bouts with Meniere's. His ears feel like they're stopped up most of the time, but he only gets the dizzy spells every once in a while. Hope it subsides soon!

    @Barbie - I probably shouldn't say anything -- but I'd love to have some snow down here. We hardly ever have snow; usually have freezing precipitation at least once during a winter, but that's almost always sleet or freezing rain. And considering we had a total of 27 inches of snow (real snow) last winter, it will probably be a loooooonnnnnggg time before we see any again! :frown:

    Tonight was my first night of classes this semester. Taking 2 classes from the community college here: American Sign Language and Fingerspelling. Last class ends at 10:30; didn't get home til 11:00. Had a good day today though -- finally got my exercising back in my schedule, and stayed on my eating plan all day. Ended up within 100 calories of goal and stayed under on all my nutrients!

    Now to hit the hay . . .
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Lisa: THANK you for the simple instructions. I did it and at the top right part of my screen a bar pops up that says "spotlight", then I started to type in MFP, but then the menu drops down so that I can click it....done! (Now you know how VERY un-technical I am about these things! ) THANK YOU!!!!!!! SO glad to know how to do this:-)

    Have a good day!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morining girls,

    the last few days have been a struggle, havent logged all the foods i eat, workouts are suffering as well, fun but i can pin point this to monday when someone mentioned that i looked thinner to them....i know this sounds strange, but i find that i sabotage myself often, ...why i dont know, .dont i want to succeed and lose weight????why last night i beat myself enough, off to the gym(spinning and weight training)already logged my bfast and lunch, and planning dinner....WILL DO WELL TODAY...its a new day...thanks for listening....have a lovely day:flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I cannot get over all the posts! I think this is the busiest it has been in a very long time.

    I'm at work at present, so just hopped on whilst I eat my lunch (naughty to eat at my desk, but the gallery has been super busy today and I don't have the chance to move from my desk right now) I've been running up and down the four flights of stairs all day long, so I should at least burn some extra calories.

    Lunch today is delicious cheesy oatcakes with semi-dried figs. Yummy, although a little crumbly. DH is working here today too, so we shared the tube ride and will take a circuitous route home which will include walking across St James's Park and round by Buckingham Palace. It gives us time to stomp and chat, which is the best part of a shared working day as far as I'm concerned.

    Better get back to work. Have a good day all.
    Amanda x
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Yet another work from home day. I live on a very steep hill and when we get snow (once or twice a year) it is very tricky to get out of our neighborhood. We are also having freezing rain which is making the roads really scary. Since I can telecommute I chose to again. I know that people who are closer to main roads think I am a woose but I just don't think it is worth the risk. I think I might take some inspiration from Barbie and get out and shovel a little later today. Ritter is so fun to watch bounding thru the deep snow.

    I hope you are all doing well.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    It's another good morning in rainy Oregon -- it can rain all it wants and I'll be happy happy happy -- today I logged in another pound lost. Oh it's working, it's working! Since the first of the year I've lost 1 a week since dropping my calories down to around 1250, only eating back about 50 exercise calories of the 300-400 I normally burn. Weekends I kinda cut loose a little.

    It's like solving a math problem trying to keep my food at around 1000 cals in order to have a couple small glasses of wine in the evening. Stupid wine, 100 cals a pop or thereabouts....but what's the point of living if there's not a little wine involved?? tee hee

    Sure enjoy reading everyone's posts, what a great group. I'm in awe of all of you who take the time to reply to everyone individually, that is simply amazing!

    Salad Sistas are rockin' out this week, wowie! I want to try the roasted cauliflower hummus - saved the recipe somewhere.

    For those of you who missed the link for info & chart for potassium-rich foods: www.krispin.com/potassm.html

    Time for another cuppa joe. Have a wonderful day!
    jb :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mary, I love your dog. How big is she?

    She is a standard. She weighs about 52 pounds, and I haven't measured her height, but I can pet her without leaning over, and I am 5'10". She is a sweetheart!

    Swimming tonight - yes! The opportunities for excuses started early today, with my husband calling in sick to work, but I WILL stay determined!

  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Hey everyone! Happy Thursday. Cold this morning, at least for here (some of you would probably scoff at what I consider cold).

    I made the Glamour Shots appointment for February 9th so now I have a deadline: I've gotta get those last 2 lbs off in the next 3 weeks - nothing like a challenge! I've ordered a brown leather vest and brown fedora hat for the occasion. They'll have to do any pictures without the hat first, because once you put a hat on my head it's all over - my hair will not cooperate any more.

    I will actually continue to stay on my loss program after I hit 175 lbs, as I want to try to maintain BELOW that weight. Not sure how big a cushion I should give myself, 5 lbs or 10? I'm so big framed that that too much thinner and my upper body will look emaciated. If I could just get any further weight to sign a contract that it will come off my hips and legs I might go down a little lower. Haven't figured out a way to do that though.

    genealace - Ick on needing the ice pick boots. I've never had a pair of those (don't need them often here) but have a pal in Montana who swears by them. Hope DBF improves and they figure out what's causing the chest pain. Is the confusion from the meds, and are his doctors aware of it?

    SallyCC - So sorry you're feeling under the weather. {Hugs} and hope you're better soon.

    Exermom - What do you do when you said you did an hour of "deep water"? Some kind of water aerobics, or swimming?

    Mazaron - Sounds like you're a good teacher. Nobody ever made Ancient Greece interesting for me when I was in school - I remember hating that year of history.

    Pam3 - Having people notice our weight loss can be intimidating. For some of us it's that we hide behind the weight. For others, it's because if we know someone's watching we feel we're gonna fail. I know there are other reasons too, but it's funny how our minds work, isn't it?

    jb_2011 - It's a DIFFERENT cute puppy! You confused me! Thanks for the potassium info. I need to focus on that a little.

    And that's all I got...

  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Cathy - we never did find out what was wrong with Loki. He seems to be acting "normal" today. We haven't told Jessica because she would worry, we'll tell her when she can see that Loki is OK. We're pretty sure it was a seizure, probably due to some sort of poison. The only thing is, there is no way we can determine what the poison was. Was it the cleaner for my granite countertops, a cleaner for the cabinets, a spot cleaner for the rug, something someone brought in on their shoes? We'll probably never know. At least it isn't something that is continuing to happen


    Do you get cold/snow/ice where you are? I know that the de-icer "salt" that everyone puts down on their sidewalks here to attempt to keep them passable is a big toxic challenge for pets. It gets stuck on their paws and they lick it off, can cause all sorts of horrible symptoms that no one can track down to a source.

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    good morining girls,

    the last few days have been a struggle, havent logged all the foods i eat, workouts are suffering as well, fun but i can pin point this to monday when someone mentioned that i looked thinner to them....i know this sounds strange, but i find that i sabotage myself often, ...why i dont know, .dont i want to succeed and lose weight????why last night i beat myself enough, off to the gym(spinning and weight training)already logged my bfast and lunch, and planning dinner....WILL DO WELL TODAY...its a new day...thanks for listening....have a lovely day:flowerforyou:
    I thought it was funny that you mentioned that you were struggling AND not logging foods. The same thing happened to me last week. I can't figure out whether I didn't log things in because I wasn't eating well and exercising -- or if I wasn't eating well and exercising because I wasn't logging in. Whatever -- there really seems to be a connection between the 2. I started logging in my food again Tuesday, and I've stuck right with my eating plan and exercising every day since then!

    I've gotten down to 200 lbs on 3 separate occasions, then allowed myself to get side-tracked and start gaining again. I can always think of reasons why I didn't continue losing, but like you, sometimes I wonder if there's some subconscious reason that I don't want to succeed :frown:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thursday and my head is spinning,

    Hope all of you are having a good day, from the weather reports it sounds like Washington is buried in white.

    Lisa, my meniere's comes and goes, I used to think the change in weather did it but since my life is so stressful right now maybe it's stress that causes my inner ear to get out of balance one thing I do know I get so sick to my stomach:sick: reminds me of being in the tea cups at Disneyland only they are more fun:wink:

    SallyCC, hope you're feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Virginia, I alwaysa wanted to do the glamour shots, will look forward to hearing how that gors:drinker:

    Barbie, His and Her's shovels...don't think I'm sharing that idea with the hubby:noway: at least nit until I;m in better shape:wink:

    Michelle, I'm sure that you and barbie are the best at mixing up your exercise:drinker: something I could really learn about, I get stuck into ruts so easiy:grumble:

    Susan- congrats on reaching you first mini goal:drinker: all those mini steps add up!

    Glenalace- glad that the furnace is working, unless you are in Australia or New Zealand or even Hawaii:noway: this time of year the furnace is very imortant

    Nancy- fun reading ehat you are reading to the class, reminds me of my Dad he had been in the 8th grade fo 26 years and 4 in the 7th grade...when he retired he finally started talking like those of us in the real world:bigsmile:

    Linda- Wish it came on with plugged ears, then I'd know it's coming, usually I have no warening, just stand up and have to grab onto something to keep frome falling over:grumble: Taking classes at night, that's something I might consider in a future life that being after retirement:wink:

    Pam3- sometimes what it takes to stay on tract is to pull out something in the closet that you want to wear and can't quite fit into just yet or go to the topics board and look at some of the before and after pic...they really help:drinker: hey you already have lose 15# you know you can do it:happy:

    Amanda- hearing how you will walk home with DH reminded me of our trip to the UK in 2009 and having walked and explored that very same area, so lovely:flowerforyou:

    Robin glad you can tetecommute I know how bad the freezing rain can make the roads an ice rink:laugh:

    Yellowrose-What I learned last year when I stopped logging and getting on here daily, is that I had no accountability and hence I gained.....so I'm back and having realized why I failed at keeping the weight off...I'm now here for the long haul:drinker:

    So last night I took the motion sickness pills, slept for 14 hrs and thought I was fine this am until I sat up, NUTS:cry: I really wanted/needed to be better today, instead I'm in bed with the notebook reading MFP and keeping very still. Hubby is being a very goo nurse and even fixing what I ask for to keep my calories in check...since I can't exercise I can at least drink my water and eat only the healthy stuff.

    Every one have a good day:flowerforyou: drink your water:drinker: :drinker: and for those of you that can :drinker: get up and burn some calories...cause I sure do wish I could:wink:

    :smile: Laura
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs!Cold temps here in the teens and more snow.Just trying to get some ex in that won`t bother my knee.If it was summer,I`d be in the pool.
    Love the shares from everyone.all the tips etc.
    Have a good one!
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    good afternoon ladies - hope you're all having a wonderful day.....it's -37 here today and I really don't want to go anywhere lol

    just a question - what do the initials stand for? DBF DH I saw some others too but can't remember I think SIL and DIL is son-in-law and daughter-in-law but not sure about the others....daughters boyfriend? DH - I'm lost lol da Husband :laugh: I'm not quite up to speed on the lingo yet but I'll get there.

    take care everybody - off to a meeting tonight after work won't get home till after 10pm then back to work tomorrow morning :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: and then a really busy weekend - can't wait for Monday to come back to work and relax :bigsmile:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hi all ....just wanted to share this link about flax seed....i just started using it ...put some in my yogurt and i love the taste....i think i will try the muffin recipe also....will check in later

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    good afternoon ladies - hope you're all having a wonderful day.....it's -37 here today and I really don't want to go anywhere lol

    just a question - what do the initials stand for? DBF DH I saw some others too but can't remember I think SIL and DIL is son-in-law and daughter-in-law but not sure about the others....daughters boyfriend? DH - I'm lost lol da Husband :laugh: I'm not quite up to speed on the lingo yet but I'll get there.

    take care everybody - off to a meeting tonight after work won't get home till after 10pm then back to work tomorrow morning :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: and then a really busy weekend - can't wait for Monday to come back to work and relax :bigsmile:

    I'm not very up either, and never use them, but I think it is dear boyfriend and dear husband. Unless you are mad at them I suppose, and the d could be used otherwise? Mary
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Hard to believe I'm welcoming the rain. Got my truck stuck going up the driveway last night. Thank goodness didn't have to work this morning. Still have a foot of very wet snow. Only good thing I have to walk to get wood by the arm load instead the wheelbarrow. Shoveled snow off the sidewalk. BURNING THE CALORIES. Did get the truck out. This is worst snow I've seen in 25 years living in SW Washington. 19"of very wet snow.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello ladies! Just popping in to say hello.:happy: I am very busy this time of the year as I am an Office Manager for an Accounting Office and work 6 days a week!:noway: Just about have time to exercise, track my food and sleep in between!!!!:laugh:
    I had lost 2 pounds before Christmas and managed to keep them off until this week.:ohwell: My husband made a beef stew that was to die for:tongue: .....so I went a little overboard.:embarassed: So I'll just keep drinking a lot of water, exercising every day that I possibly can and ALWAYS tracking my food. I've been doing it for about 2 1/2 years with MFP and it's the best thing that ever happen to me!:love:

    Have not had time to post or read posts but hope everyone is well! I see there are many newbies, scrolling though the posts! Welcome!!!!

    Well, back to work! Sending hugs to all!!!!

    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart:
  • dbutorac
    dbutorac Posts: 120
    sometimes dogs have seizures when they are dehydrated. Just a thought.