

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Cheryl - thanks, that's what I needed to know.

    Micki - have a great time

    who will be leaving in about 15 minutes for the airport. Can't wait to see my daughter!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I am back after about a year or more of giving up. Good news is that I weigh the same. No gain but no loss. want to lose 10 pounds by Jan 31 for son's wedding. owing to start tracking and exercising again

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Finishing up the wrapping.Love reading all the posts.
    Have a great day!!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Already started our Christmas celebration with lovely church service this morning.
    Michele - you win the prize for doing the most to get ready for the holidays. Your seafood
    sounds so good. Are you near the coast?
    Enjoy your daughter's visit.
    Cheryl. I am so proud of you. The .6 is significant. 155 here you come.
    As I'm posting on my iPhone, it's difficult to keep up with everyone. Just had tea party with Dgd So the fun continues.
    Tomorrow DH & DS go do their traditional shopping trip. I've already got all the gifts
    Bought so he's just going to keep our son company.
    My Christmas wish is that ea b of you enjoy every precious moment
    of making memories.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Let the festivities begin! :drinker:

    I've been singing the MFP carols over and over, lol. Too much fun. Thanks for pitching in, everyone, I had a lot of good laughs. :laugh:

    Holiday blessings to all, it's bound to be a few really fun-filled days! :heart:

    :smile: jb
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Yahoo:smooched: ds is here! And dd comes tomorrow AND it is her birthday! I have a few.more days of misbehaving and then back to program :laugh:

    I have to admit that the cookies don't taste worth the calories cost this year....big step for me because I love to bake and do not possess barbie's commitment to giving the tools away! The breads however are a different story...those will have to be sent out of the house or at least to the downstairs freezers, plus ds is here...HE can eat this stuff...A - he is a 21 year old boy and it is well documented that they can eat anything and burn it off and B- he is a marine and is supposed to protect me from stuff that can hurt me....right??! Lol:wink:

    Loved the MFP carols and had to sing them all! Thank you all and happy merry blessed Christmas to you all! Enjoy the love and blessings of family and friends! Hugs, high fives and prayers!
  • nursermr38
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Jake and I were sitting at the table watching our favorite football team beating our former favorite team and I was reading the "O Fitness Pal" songs and I guess humming along as I read.....finally Jake got up and said he'd go sit somewhere else so I could keep on humming.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: It has been a joy reading about all of you who are welcoming family members home for the holiday or headed down the road to be with family.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: our day was filled with dog walking, laundry, and taking the necessary steps to assure that our faucets and outdoor pipes won't freeze this winter....now we can enjoy the football game.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We've had a quiet day at home. It has been cold and wet outside, and I haven't taken the dog out for the walk we both need. I'm promising all of you that I'll take him out for a walk tomorrow even if it's wet. Please hold me accountable if I don't report that I did it within the day tomorrow.

    Neighbors stopped by for a surprise visit yesterday and brought us a gift bag with his and hers wine, obviously chosen for us. We didn't expect to see them, and didn't have a reciprocal gift. I'd love to get ideas from all of you for gracious "neighbor" gifts during this season. I have several good neighbors I'd like to shop for but my own mind is blank.:embarassed:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Sue - how I wish we were near the coast! Seafood from there is so much better. But we're inland in NC, at the foothills of the mountains. The unfortunate part is that most of the seafood has to be trucked in. But that's better than nothing at all. I do like to go to FL where we're on the coast.

    So much for my getting ready for the holidays. We got home with dd#3, I took a shower and as I was drying my hair Vince says to me "you gotta come out in the kitchen, it's pretty important". dd#1 surprised me by coming down. My first words? "I hope I have enough food". You should have seen me, hurrying to get more lobster tails out of the freezer, more crab legs, more of the pierogi, more salmon cakes, looking up if you can even cook a frozen lobster tail and crab leg and how long does it need to cook. Thank goodness I bought two chickens to roast for Christmas day. I needed to take more corn on the cob out of the freezer, hope it defrosts in time. Looks like tomorrow I'll have to do a shortened workout, I'll just do a 30 minute express Tony Little DVD. Have to wake dd#3 up by 7:15 so we can leave by 8:30 for the vet. I'll have an apple while I'm getting dressed before I exercise, I may not have time to eat until after we get back from the vet.

    Yes, I did stress eat, getting the utensils ready, finding my other set of nut crackers, getting napkins ready. Now if only Bryan would surprise me! I think I would probably fall over on the floor if he did. Was planning that dd#3 would use the upstairs bedroom, but dd#1 uses those bedrooms and bathroom for her cats (they don't get along with any other cat), so I had to clean out the downstairs bedroom for dd#3. Had all of Bryan's gifts all over the bed, had their stocking stuffer stuff in plastic bags, had to take that out of the bedroom. Let's see, tomorrow we'll have to peel more potatoes and put more carrots in. I have them in smaller pots, looks like I'll need larger ones.

    Jen - have a great time with your children.

    katla - I try to keep some things that I can give as a gift in an emergency. Right now I have a box of perfume, a serving dish, a box of steak knives, and two figurines. I can just throw them into a gift bag if needed.

    Better run. Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.

    So THAT'S why dd#3's phone kept signaling that she got a message! dd#1 was texting her, and neither Vince nor I knew it!

    I'm one happy gal right now.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi, My friends,
    Wow, miss a few days on the blog and one is really behind.:sad: Took me a few hours to write this out, with my keyboarding restrictions.:angry:

    Made it to the gym today! :drinker: Was busy that last couple of days that I just did not make myself a priority! Today, I said I am the priority and I am going to the gym! I feel so much better when I am done!:bigsmile:
    I am ready for Christmas. It is nice this year that I don't have to wait for the kids to go to bed to put the presents under the tree and then do the stockings! I asked my DD's if they wanted me to put the presents out after they were asleep and they said "NO". So, all the presents are under the tree, except for one package that is supposed to arrive tomorrow!:noway:
    We head to my in-laws house on Christmas day for a brunch with all the family (about 38 people), exchange gifts and then come home.No special cooking for my kids as they are too picky, so we just eat our normal foods. This works well for me!

    I will plan to just eat some eggs and ham at the brunch and stay away from all the sweets. It is just another day of living and celebrating the birth of our Savior!:smile: My gift to him is to become a healthy temple, as our bodies should be!:flowerforyou:

    I want to wish all of MFP pals a very Merry Christmas, enjoy your loved one's while taking care of yourself.:wink: Try to eat for nutritional needs and not for traditional needs.:bigsmile: If you eat it , log it and remember tomorrow is a new day!:heart:

    Kate-:flowerforyou: congrats on the weight loss complement, even when someone speaks their mind, those words can be hard to hear. Having some tack would have been nice though!

    LinC-:flowerforyou: hope you do not get sick for Christmas! Take care of yourself, rest and get lots of water!

    Meg-:flowerforyou: love the build a bear story- That is so magical!

    Liz,:flowerforyou: I am a big time list person. I would be lost without them!

    DeeDee,:flowerforyou: nothing wrong with pink hair, You will just look like a modern girl! I am sure your GD will love it!

    Katla-:flowerforyou: I would love to have my friend to shop with. She does substitute teaching and she is working all the time. I shopped with my girls this year!

    Janie, :flowerforyou: so glad that you get the chance to go back to work.

    Cheryl,:flowerforyou: -congrats on the weight loss. How sweet of your DH to want to take a picture of you! Nice present for your son! He will be so happy! Thanks for the info on the fitbit. How do you keep from losing it?

    Gardendolly-:flowerforyou: where is Lanzarotte. I hope you got your cake decorated!

    Lin-:flowerforyou: love the picture you posted with the Christmas stockings!

    Rebel-:flowerforyou: congrats on the loss! Awesome, be proud!

    Barbie:flowerforyou: , love the snowman hug. Hope the bike is fixed. Did you walk at 0400 in the am before your ferry ride?

    Robin,Bodi and Ritter,-:flowerforyou: glas to see you back and in better spirits!

    Viv:flowerforyou: , you will be back on track soon. There is so much tradition tied up in Christmas. I think all the treats and stuff takes us back to those childhood days, a secure and warm feeling to be that child again. Tomorrow is a new day!

    Michele-:flowerforyou: I had to laugh at your story about Vince and you doing nothing. My husband made a remark just yesterday about me being lazy and I told him that the next time he asks me to do something for him, I will show him what lazy is! Today he asked me to make him some breakfast, and I told him “no’ REMEMBER I AM LAZY! He apologized for calling me lazy! I think it really is projection on their part. They feel bad about what they don’t or haven’t done so they project their feelings on someone else! We know the truth! I love smoked salmon, everyone eats it here!

    Gardengail-:flowerforyou: good for you keeping up with your exercise. Getting exercise in at this time of the year can be a challenge!

    Carolyn,:flowerforyou: glad you are back on track! Good job with only eating one small cookie!

    Micki-:flowerforyou: glad to see your post again. Your Christmas with your family sounds really lovely! Have a wonderful with the clan!

    Sue-:flowerforyou: talking about shopping at the last minute. Well at least DH and DS are making good memories!

    Jen-:flowerforyou: so happy that DS is home and DD will be home tomorrow! Cookies still taste good to me, but they are not worth the calories or having

    Texasgal-:flowerforyou: My daughters would love the money balls! That is a great idea for next year!

    If I missed anyone, I am sorry.:tongue: My brain is tired and it needs to go to sleep. :yawn:

    I have read all the posts and sending prayers to all who need them, and welcome to the new ladies!:drinker:

    Blessings to you all, Linda S:heart:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Michele - how wonderful to have your extra guest! Enjoy every moment.

    I can hear the rain coming down outside. The dog barked and fussed during the night, but I ignored her and DH got up (a rarity!) this time.

    DH works at the pharmacy today. He is scheduled until 6p, but they never just get to clock out and leave so his arrival home is a bit unpredictable. We signed up to usher at the 11am service tomorrow, so if we don't get to the candlelight service tonight that is OK. I am so pleased he is finally willing to participate a bit more. Lots of prayers have been/are said for guidance as to where we will fit in to our new church.

    Well, I have not finished the scarf for my BF, but I have a plan b so that is OK. She can receive the scarf for Valentine's Day instead (and I'll be waaaayyy ahead of schedule!). She happens to be a talented artist and keeps saying she wants to get back to painting again, so I purchased some canvas boards for her to use. Recently she mentioned that her paints were still good, and when I got rid of all my painting/paint craft stuff last fall I gave her all my real brushes. I hope she likes getting them. Also have a couple of other little things for her. We've known each other over 30 years now.

    Did 3 1/2 miles on the treadmill yesterday and ate salmon at dinner. Apparently salmon is still magical as I was down about 1.5 pounds from the 'up' due to Saturday's overindulgence.

    Blessings of peace to all -- I may not know your specific situations, but God does, so I pray for you each day that your needs may be met and that you find peace, contentment and joy in your life.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I don`t have much time this morning, meeting a friend for coffee in just a bit:happy: . I`ve read all the posts and have lots to say, just don`t have time to say it right now:laugh: . Will make it a priority to pop back in later today! Dinner with the kids last night was wonderful, we laughed and danced and just had tons of fun!!!

    Have a wonderful day today!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!


    Turducken: I didn` like it at all, kids loved it!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good morning this Christmas Eve day. I hope that all of your holiday preparations and celebrations are a pleasure and that no one overwhelmed. At this hour it is just me and my faithful dog observing the morning watch. DH is in bed, and hopefully sleeping soundly. I'm determined to walk the dog today, and unwilling to go while it is still dark, so I'll have to report on my good behavior later. The scale says I'm up a little, and the best cure for that I know of is logging and exercising. Eat, driink (H2O), and be merry!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Wishing everyone a magical MUSICAL holiday. You are such special ladies!!



  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve.
    You all are so special.I cant` wait to read the posts.
    Have a great day!!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Taking a moment to wish everyone a wonderful day tomorrow, no matter how you celebrate family and friends.....

    I hope you have one moment of peace, two moments of pure joy and lots of laughter!

    Our family tells the same stories over and over,,,,,and those are the kids, not the adults!

    Happy Holidays to all the MFP partners and comrades in arms, ...or make that forks !

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Happy holidays to all! Enjoy time with friends and family.

    Deb A
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    MERRY CHRISTMAS to all! Eileen
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Merry Christmas eve. Off to the in-laws. Already entered my calories for what I'm about to eat. My husband said, "4 oz of Prime Rib?? How am I supposed to give you just 4 ounces?" We'll see if I have a need to eat more. :drinker: Happy eating everyone!