
:flowerforyou: This is a thread for women who are looking to change their lives through weight loss and new habits and attitudes. The title says “Women Ages 50+” but all women are welcome.

:flowerforyou: We have started a new thread on the first of the month every month since I started here in February 2009 and each month we have reflected on our goals from last month and set new goals for the new month. Some of us set weight loss goals and others set resolutions for new behaviors and attitudes.

:flowerforyou: How did you do with your goals and resolutions for November? What goals and resolutions have you set for December?

:flowerforyou: We are in a new month that for some of us is filled with many speed bumps of food and drink that may inspire or discourage our healthy eating and exercise. I hope we can all find a way to make the changes we desire.

It’s a new page on the calendar and a new opportunity to change your life………let’s go.


"The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

:bigsmile: Resolutions for December
• Have a strategy for each holiday food event
• Weight training three times a week
• Act the way I want to feel
• Don’t expect praise or recognition


  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    My goal for November was to exercise everyday. I think I missed 2 days. I think I will continue that one into December. I won't stress if I mis a day or two.

    Good luck! :happy:
  • Kitkat_58
    Kitkat_58 Posts: 35 Member
    Goals for December:
    Exercise at least 3 days a week.
    Make it through Christmas week without gaining weight.
    Enjoy time with family and friends!
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    Really new to boards and not sure how I will ever find this again but I love one of your goals that says dont expect praise and recognition...That is a great goal...I will copy that one....I feel like I have done this journey so many times that by this time in my life (just turned 51 a few weeks ago) I should have it figured out....I get to a certain point in my weight loss journey then I start to sabotage myself...one time a few years ago my ww leader asked me what I was afraid of....I have NO clue, other than the fact that in our house its not ok to be happy (my husband is a not so nice miserable grump) so maybe I was starting to finally 'like' me again and that was not ok....anyway, I need to do this...I need to succeed...I need to find my self worth in Christ and not in my husband because he will let me down every single time....
    SO with that said:
    Goals for December
    Continue working out 4-6 days a week (both cardio and weights)
    Up my cardio on days I dont usually DO cardio
    Log my food, the good the bad and the ugly
    Dont expect praise and recognition
    Begin replacing the negative self talk
    Begin loving ME again.....
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    8 minutes til December in Dallas; I'll be back :happy:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    bump for tomorrow. looking forward to talking to you all - too late tonight and too tired.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Lovely ladies,:flowerforyou:

    Almost December on the west coast! It is a miracle we got some RAIN today in Southern California! The rain was not heavy, but just enough to wash the car and make the streets wet! It was really nice to have some WEATHER here, instead of blazing hot sunshine everyday!:noway: :noway:

    I must say that I have to thank all of you for helping me to get to the gym each day. I come here read the posts and then I get myself to the gym.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Yea for me! :drinker: :drinker: I am really enjoying going to the gym , as this was a big part of my former life! :bigsmile:

    Did not hear back from the work comp MD, so this means" that my employer has not approved the change in the PT group. :sad: :sad: The state disability told me they got a form from my employer yesterday :mad: and they are reviewing my application. I should hear something next week.:noway: :noway: :grumble: :angry: :mad: :explode: :explode: When I asked when are they going to "show me the money", all I got was you should hear something next week. UGH. I see the WC MD this next week, get my home ergo eval and see the orthopedic Md for my knee.:drinker: I have a deposition with the employers lawyer mid December. It' will be interesting to see how he will try to trick me into saying something so they can get out of their obligations of taking care of the employees:noway: . It is such a scam.:sick: Anyway, one can never go wrong with the truth. I don;t know how some lawyers can sleep at night!:devil: :devil:

    Thank you for letting me vent. :laugh: This is just so frustrating for me. I just want to go back to work, please pray for me that this will also be God's plan for me!:flowerforyou:

    I will be reviewing my Nov goals and re- posting my December goals this weekend.

    For you Barbie, I am forever grateful and so thankful that I found you!:flowerforyou:

    For all of you, my lovely cheerleaders, I am also forever thankful for my continued dedication to this program and myself!:drinker:

    Have an awesome weekend filled with good nutritious choices, exercise, water and logging! Self love-, is what it is all about!
    Hugs, Linda-Sundance:heart::bigsmile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Bump. Back later----happy December ladies.
  • bluebug53
    bluebug53 Posts: 86 Member
  • whodatlixxie
    Happy December everyone!!!

    I did ok on my November goals - survived the holiday without major damage:smooched: . Exercised 4 - 5 times a week - YAY!!! Stayed within my calorie goals - mostly:blushing: The scale went down - a little but it was DOWN!!

    December goals:
    consistent exercise - 4 - 5 days a week
    strict adherence to calorie goals except for the "holiday events" and then maintain control enjoy but do not overdo - have and follow a plan for the "event"
    Must borrow this one from Barbie - don't trade in what I want most for what I want at the moment - LOVE THIS!!!
    Lose at least 2 lbs
    Enjoy Christmas for what it is meant to be and not what the world wants me to make of it!

    December is starting off nice and normal here in South Louisiana - temps in the 70s:love: This past week was cool (60s and humid) and I was COLD all week. Drank more hot tea than I have in a LONG time so I am thrilled by 70:smile: Yes I am a southern girl!:flowerforyou:

    Happy December everyone!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Happy December to one and all!!!!

    Will be back later to review Nov. and set new Dec. goals!

  • lretrievers
    What a great idea....doing things month by month is easier for me

    Do not want to gain weight in December
    Exercise at least 5 days a week, even if it is a 30 min walk (anything is better than nothing)
  • roxyhourican
    roxyhourican Posts: 16 Member
    my resolutions for December :
    workout every day (promise)
    prepare my healthy food on sundays
    have a meal plan for every day of the week
    pack my lunches and snacks
    pack my gym bag at nights instead of running around like crazy in the morings
    stay positive and think positive thoughts (when a negative thought pops into my head)
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Hi all. I found you from another thread! I love the idea of taking things a month at a time. Can I join in?

    Well my goals for December are to lose 4lb - hopefully that should stop me going too mad over the holidays!
    Also, I want to exercise every day - even a walk will count
  • BabyJago
    BabyJago Posts: 15 Member
    I am definitely 50 plus and happy to join in the conversation.

    My goals for December are: 1) maintain my weight - always better to maintain than gain, right?; 2) keep my expectations realistic (holidays can set you up for depression) and 3) survive yet another difficult corporate re-organization at my place of employment.

    I have found menopause to be very challenging, but it has made me even more determined to maintain my weight through diet and exercise. The motivation to remain attractive and healthy as I age keeps me away from junk food, snacking, alcohol, etc. I use older women who have aged beautifully as role models: Jacklyn Smith and Michelle Pfeiffer are two gals who look great in their 50's and 60's.

    As far as holiday treats: my mantra is this: there will always be more Christmas cookies or candy in the world. I can have one or have a taste, but I don't have to have it all. It's not worth it.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I am glad I found this group!
    I am in for the goals for Dec
    I will walk at least 3 times per week, (min 2 miles each walk)
    Most of the month I will be working double shifts, I have been doing this for 2 weeks already and I have gone from
    115 to 120. I do not know if I am building muscles or it is eating different stress gain.
    At 58 I decided I do not want to be fat any more, my goal weight before I turned 60 was 127.
    I reached that goal!
  • joanmarienana
    joanmarienana Posts: 69 Member
    I would love to join this group! I absolutely LOVE the quote about people trading what they wanted most for what they wanted in the moment! I'm Joan , age 54 and what I want most is to be able to do active things with my family & friends without struggling because of excess poundage! I want to be healthy and live an active lifestyle for as long as I can. I am a new grandmother this year and I want to be the fun grandmother who can act as young as she feels! I have seen my dad struggle to do even the simplest tasks because of severe obesity, and I am determined that won't happen to me!
    I found this site the day after Thanksgiving, and have been logging in each day and feel better already! For December my goals are:

    *30 to 45 minutes a day of cardio or weight training (2-3 strength & 3-4 cardio) per week
    * at least 20 minutes of yoga integrated through the day or before bedtime
    * logging all food each day, and planning ahead for coping with holiday challenges
    *journaling at least 10 minutes each day to acknowledge the positives & keep critical thoughts at bay.

    This sounds like a wonderful supportive group, and I thank you for helping me in the journey!
  • apohaqui
    apohaqui Posts: 7 Member
    Hi!! I'm Kathy... I am 55 years old, and some days I feel like 104.. Love the quote:heart: . What I want to to the most is to put this spare tire the trunk of my car. With Christmas coming, I find that I get stressed with trying not to overindulge. I should lose 20lbs, but would be happy as a clam with 10 :smile: I'm a shipper / receiver with a car part company, and I'm constantly up and down stairs picking orders. I know, it may not be much in the line of exercise, but at the end of the day... phew.
    I just happened to come across this site, and thought... WOW..... maybe there is a spot for me.

    My goals for December:
    - Maintain my weight, or better yet, lose some
    -Not to stress over food. 80/20 rule
    -Try to figure out how to use my pedometer
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi, Ladies. I started this journey mostly because my knees hurt. It occurred to me that I was too heavy for them. My resolutions are few, but they've been so effective that I'm repeating them.

    1. Log every bite.
    2. Make healthy food choices.
    3. Exercise whenever possible.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Good day----no sunshine here but the weather is mild. In Central Iowa, that is a great day---unless you run a ski lift or other winter attraction.

    My goal for December is to keep myself on track. I've just received more extremely stressful news and it's something that will likely drag on indefinitely. So it will take all the internal strength I have to continue on this healthy path.

    Once upon a time, I mentioned that I had coffee with a friend I'd not seen for a while and she had noticed I was smaller and asked how I was doing it........and as soon as I started to tell her she zoned out and didn't listen to me as she wanted a quick fix. I happened to speak to her on the phone yesterday and I was surprised that she said I had inspired her to start working on eating in a more healthy manner. Wow, I had no idea.

    That was pleasant. I am so glad that she is back to taking care of herself.

    Time to go---be safe, be well, be healthy.


  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning on this beautiful chilly dec. morning. Well chilly for some i'm sure.
    So it's that time of month were we all meet and chat about our goals.

    This month my goals will be.
    First and foremost to get under 200 only 3.25 to get there. And then to get far enough to never see it again.
    Getting my eight glasses of water seems to be a problem.
    Exercise here is my plan go two days break, two days break. But if I feel I want to get four, five in a row bonus.
    Be here at least every day can't see nothing coming up in Dec. Not even spending overnights at cottage.

    So there if I can accomplish that it should show a good loss at the end of the year and starting Jan. with a positive.

    I'm going to write that quote about Don't trade your success for what you want at the moment.

    Great Nov. and wanting to make that a life time habit is great .

    Change your name. It makes me want a chocolate bar. Great goals.

    Mumof duo
    Love yourself when you look in the mirror look further than the outer self. Love who your are not what you are.
    I married a grumpy man 42 years ago. He hated than I got up in the morning jolly and happy and singing. But he came to like my ways we can even talk to him in the morning and he's alright. In my world you have to be happy I may be 100 lbs overweight but i'm still happy. Am I mad at myself i'd be lying if I said I wasn't. But no one put a gun to my head and told me to eat 3 chocolate bard in one sitting. Or 2 helpings of whatever was served that night. So here I am still happy and Jolly and Jiggly but doing something about it. Oops stole your space.

    Sorry to hear about your knee. Good for you for hitting the gym throught out the pain.

    Down is what you want that scale to be. But up on life is where you want to be. Your goals sound doable.

    good goals

    You should be able to accoplish that workout every day takes dedication. Here's something I found interesting for lunches Go to Marylyn Denis and under recipes. Good ideas.

    Come right in. Kick your shoes off and start reading. Get comfy.

    Must be muscle but not much fat there to turn to muscle. You are so tiny.

    I think and only my thinking. You are hitting the excersice hard. I can see yoga every day I found it openned my lungs and made it easier to breath. And I have to get back to that now that winter is set in.

    So with all that said and done it's time to get them maids a working. So see you all lighter.

    Love love this site.