

  • letty60
    kalolin, you join this group by having 50+ birthdays, you don't look like you qualify,lol!
  • shipshape55
    shipshape55 Posts: 47 Member
    I am going to lose 5 pounds this month and hopefully not gain it back. I am on a lot of meds. Since August I lost 8 pounds, eating 1200 calories a day and burning 250-350 calories a day through exercise 5- 7 days a week. Then in November I gained back 7 pounds in 4 weeks. It seems fuetal, but I will try to lose 5 pounds this month ( which is not unreasonable) I just hope it doesn't come back in Janurary. My diary is always open even when I mess up, like today I ate a cinnamon roll. Feel free to friend me.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :laugh: I did pretty well with November goals...accomplish my thanksgiving challenge...which I did and then some

    December goals:
    60 miles of movement - biking, rowing and walking
    2 days of kettlebells &/or dumbbell weights
    log daily
    have 2 veggies with dinner and reduce the late in day carbs
    try to keep stress under control as we transition to agency merger at work

    I love that someone has an annual movement goal...I plan on borrowing that next month. I did keep track of # of days since January so am looking forward to adding those up

    Thanks to all for sharing...the collective stories, advice, rambles and quotes are so helpful in this lifestyle change journey. Enjoy the rest of your weekend I am going to work on a change of season (I know, I have been procrastinating!) changeover and closet purge.

    Hugs and high fives:bigsmile:
  • AlisalGal
    AlisalGal Posts: 88 Member
    I want to join this group, you all seem like a wonderful group of women and I can use like-minded people to motivate me. In 28 days, I'll be 53. I'm just experiencing the beginning of menopause and my metabolism (always slow anyway) seems to have ground to a near halt! I'm very inspired by the numbers you have posted and feel certain that I can post great numbers too. I wish I could do more strenuous cardio; I loved Zumba so much but have worsening arthritis symptoms in my right knee and left hip. My doctor told me no exercise with lateral movements, so I walk as much as I can (thank you, two big energetic dogs!!), ride my bike, and do yoga. My goals:

    1. Track my food and exercise daily, even (maybe especially!) the stumbles
    2. Post on message boards more often - it's very helpful for me
    3. Yoga 3 times per week
    4. Exercise daily
    5. Weight loss goal: one pound per week
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks to those who responded to my previous question about genetically modified foods.
    Coincidentally, the day after I had posted that, I read in our community paper that Metchosin has banned genetically modified growing!! (We live just on the border.) Yay for Metchosin.

    @Lila - fortunately I also live in Canada, so in that regard we may be a bit better off when it comes to labelling. We also grow our own veggies as much as possible, and we should expand on that actually. There is nothing like home grown tomatoes, beans, beets and lettuce for example. DH also grew zucchini and they were delish. Unfortunately we have a huge problem with deer and rabbits, so need to improve on our fencing.
    @Barbie - thanks for welcoming me back and also for the advice. I went on the internet and found stores. Tricky part for me is that DH usually does the shopping (and cooking), so it is back to educating him! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: (I've talked about that part in the past on this forum; he is a good man but tends to slide away from what I need, skinny thing that he is:grumble: )
    @Michele - to assume that all foods are GMO's is something I may be ready to acknowledge. How did it get to be that way (rhetorical question). And thanks for always writing such interesting posts.
    @Robin - Thanks!!!
    @Vickym - Interesting that you started on the "Eat to Live" plan. I was just reading about that and think will get the book.

    Meanwhile, we had our little grandson overnight. What a joy! :heart: We love him so very much. DH and I were both awake for more than an hour before he woke at 6 AM, is that not just so funny! Now we're tired :laugh:

    It is lunchtime on the west coast and I will be making myself a salad.

    :heart: Rebel :heart:
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    I would like to join too :)
    1. track my food faithfully every day
    2.lose 10 lbs by the end of the month
    3. be good to myself if I have a slip.
  • shipshape55
    shipshape55 Posts: 47 Member
    I think 8 ounces is a glass
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm so proud of myself. The nursing home that my mother in law lives in had thier annual open house this afternoon. They have REALLY good goodies and I knew that I would be tempted. I put one of my Nature Valley granola bars in my purse along with a muffin my sister made. I don't really like them since they are so sweet but I knew in a picj I would eat it. It is a bran muffin with bananas and applesauce in it. She bakes them with Splenda. I am not used to sweet stuff at all since I started on this different meal plan. It is only 60 calories and 12 carbs so I knew I could eat it if I had to. But I was satisfied with just the granola bar!!!!!. My husband ate a piece of decadent cheesecake and a good size brownie and eggnog. There was also huge muffins, red velvet cake, german chocolate and a bunch more good things. I didn't even go through the line. I just went and sat with my MIL. When we took her back to her room I saw that was also fresh fruit that I could have had but my husband didn't tell me. But I DID GOOD!
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member

    I love that someone has an annual movement goal...I plan on borrowing that next month. I did keep track of # of days since January so am looking forward to adding those up

    Hi Jen. I copied a friend who inspired me, and it has worked to push me to exercise for years -- even pre MFP. I set a monthly goal and an annual goal, and enter everything - time and distance - in a database (used to use excel, now google drive) that shows me how far I've gone and how far I have to go --or how far I'm over -- for every category. If I add a new category, like the exercise bike I bought this spring, I prorate it for the year. And the things I used to do -- mostly floor work stuff like crunches and pushups, but also weights -- I leave on for inspiration and a slight bit of guilt.

  • Britgal50
    Really new to boards and not sure how I will ever find this again but I love one of your goals that says dont expect praise and recognition...That is a great goal...I will copy that one....I feel like I have done this journey so many times that by this time in my life (just turned 51 a few weeks ago) I should have it figured out....I get to a certain point in my weight loss journey then I start to sabotage myself...one time a few years ago my ww leader asked me what I was afraid of....I have NO clue, other than the fact that in our house its not ok to be happy (my husband is a not so nice miserable grump) so maybe I was starting to finally 'like' me again and that was not ok....anyway, I need to do this...I need to succeed...I need to find my self worth in Christ and not in my husband because he will let me down every single time....
    SO with that said:
    Goals for December
    Continue working out 4-6 days a week (both cardio and weights)
    Up my cardio on days I dont usually DO cardio
    Log my food, the good the bad and the ugly
    Dont expect praise and recognition
    Begin replacing the negative self talk
    Begin loving ME again.....
  • Britgal50
    What I have found out is......the people that don't exercise, and don't want you to succeed, are usually the ones that seem to sabotage you and make negative comments. When that happens you need to come here and get motivated. I'm new to this also, but it always makes me feel better when I read some of the posts. More than anything....lose weight for yourself, you'll look better, feel better and you can be proud of what you have accomplished. Keep it up. Britgal50
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :flowerforyou: I slept late again today. This is a good day for it because we’re doing an Isagenix cleanse day and the later I sleep, the shorter the day is. It’s also good to sleep late on a day when I don’t have to be somewhere early in the morning. I was able to walk the dogs for two hours with no rain and a minimum of distraction from deer, other dogs, people, and cars. Now I’ve got laundry going, a football game on TV (our team is losing), and several other easy chores on the list to fill the day.

    :flowerforyou: Eileen, I like your goals especially the one about keeping out of the Christmas goodies---that’s hard if you have them in the house.

    Michele, yoga somehow got lost a few months ago and I haven’t gotten back to doing it….Jake has had a variety of injuries that :flowerforyou: made yoga hard for him so he doesn’t want to do it and that means that the motivation is totally on me

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, do not be discouraged……I see that your food diary is open so if you want any suggestions from the women on this thread, just ask, and you may get some good ideas

    :flowerforyou: LinCharpentie, if you set your food diary to open, I’m sure you will get some good suggestions about possible changes to your food plan.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I am always glad to see a post from you…..you have a much busier life than I do and I think you do a remarkable job is juggling all your obligations……how blessed you are to be able to go on a family trip for Christmas and to have the space and energy to host your MIL

    :flowerforyou: Carolyn, I look forward to the story about Jazzercise

    :flowerforyou: Letty, my “aha moment” came at 183 pounds and I was so grateful that it wasn’t any higher than that when I started this journey.

    :flowerforyou: M, thank you for your well said post about not making the holidays about food

    :flowerforyou: Katla, your new clothes sound awesome

    :flowerforyou: DogMom, I did the same thing you did
    letting myself have some days where I let up on my careful eating and before long I was overindulging in too many things….I’m glad we’re both going to be on track again

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I love hearing about you and Bodi and Ritter…I’m reading a book now about a woman who has three labs and it reminds me of you and your sweet dogs.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I have my happiness commandments on my refrigerator but not my goals and I hadn’t even thought about having them on the computer desktop

    :flowerforyou: Chrispatk, the longest journey starts with a single step….you are on your way.

    :flowerforyou: Housegirl, I’m glad you joined us…..you will find a lot of support and encouragement here

    :flowerforyou: BJ, I love your goals and the lovely narratives that go with them.

    AlisalGal, what kind of dogs do you have? My frisky Standard Poodles provide me with a lot of exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Rebel, I do most of the grocery shopping but when Jake shops some very interesting things come home with him. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jmkmomm, what a great report about avoiding the food at the nursing home open house……paying attention to the people rather than the food is so much more satisfying in the long run

    :flowerforyou: Hope, your annual goals and record keeping are admirable……my pedometer data can be downloaded to the computer so I have a record of my steps for almost three years.

    :flowerforyou: Britgal, I love the support of the women on this thread……I have so many people in my face-to-face life who make very strange comments to me like “you’re wasting away” and “how can you enjoy the party without eating all the goodies”…….I come here for sanity.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Yippee, my team won the football game in sudden death overtime

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    It’s not what you eat between Thanksgiving and New Years that will get you as much as what you eat between New Years and Thanksgiving.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Apparently I never made or posted any November goals, which reflects the way the month unfolded! The yard project provided for exercise, yet it was difficult to track shoveling rocks, hauling the blocks in wheelbarrows, etc.

    For December: Exercise - 20 cardio sessions, 12 weight sessions; and Life - keep a better work / exercise / home balance and continue to log and start posting more again. Posting / interacting more keeps me focused.

    It is too easy to get sucked into working unnecessarily long hours. Very difficult for me to shut it down at the end of the day -- I can do just this one more thing, etc.

    After church today I watered the new plants (once a week until it is colder and they are really dormant). December 2nd and it was 70 degrees outside, so they really still need water. Then I worked on clearing some of the clutter from seemingly every flat surface in the house, cleaned the kitchen and went to the Y. (1 45-minute cardio session and 1 weight session done! [20,870 pounds])

    Been feeling a little off for a couple of days, and realized I have not been so good on drinking water so am getting that back on track. Hopefully that is the reason.

    Well, I've got a load of wash going and need to get back to other chores. Have a wonderful evening and I will check in tomorrow before work. (That's in self-defense to keep up with the posts, too!)


    PS - We have some family friends that really look forward to cookies from our kitchen every year, something I am not in the mood to do. I'm considering supporting my former church's Cookie Walk and presenting those, instead of having them in the house. Good idea or tacky?
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member

    Hi Jen. I copied a friend who inspired me, and it has worked to push me to exercise for years -- even pre MFP. I set a monthly goal and an annual goal, and enter everything - time and distance - in a database (used to use excel, now google drive) that shows me how far I've gone and how far I have to go --or how far I'm over -- for every category. If I add a new category, like the exercise bike I bought this spring, I prorate it for the year. And the things I used to do -- mostly floor work stuff like crunches and pushups, but also weights -- I leave on for inspiration and a slight bit of guilt.

    this is great...thank you...I have used 2 white board calendars to keep track on a monthly basis but I like the cumulative idea..not sure yet what the annual goal will be.

    I find I am better with fitness goals than with food goals but am hoping fitness goal success will help with the food changes...a case of I know what I SHOULD be doing, however follow through is a little lax! Baby steps and finding what works individually is key.

    This thread is so great for idea sharing...one never knows what you will pick up.

    Update on closet purge...2 bags of garbage, 4 bags of stuff for the used clothing boxes..did I say I also bought some new tops...inspiration for the new office...apparently they have a dress code...we were the VERY casual side of business casual!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun~!
    Worked out at the gym yesterday and did my walk today.
    Did better at night,no over eating last night.
    Keep up the good work,love the posts.
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all - 60 degrees today here is SE Wisconsin! Pretty exciting for December 2. I took the opportunity for a good, long bike,ride, 75 minutes. I am going to use this to set a new type of goal for myself for December. My goal is to ride 100 miles on my bike and recumbant bike. Seems like a huge number to me but I'll never know if I can do it if i don't try.
    Welcome to all the new ones. Keep coming back!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well it was 82 in Texas today! I went for a 45 minute walk and broke out in a sweat. It's good to sweat, right? Beautiful day, the beginning of advent season. Christmas is coming and so are the parties. I agree with the post that stated her taste buds have changed so much that really salty or sweet things don't appeal to me now. Hope that continues.
    Everyone has posted great goals so now that we've written them down we have to do them!!:noway:
    Be back tomorrow to see what's happening.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Wow, I love the idea of an overall milage goal for the month.. I will calculate something for Dec! :flowerforyou:

    ..and yeah for all the frisky standard poodles! Mine can't wait until I get faster and jog or run with him! He is a non-stop pooch once he gets going, he just needs a friskier owner! :laugh:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    14again - I like the reasoning behind your name. You WILL be a 14 again. It may take a while, but all good things are worth waiting for

    Does anyone on here have IBS? What kinds of foods do you eat? Jessica just started dating a guy who has IBS, and I know nothing about it, what he should avoid, what he should have more of, what's good for him, what's bad. What's worked for anyone on here with IBS?

    Oh, another question. I know there is someone on here (and I'm sorry to say I don't remember who) who does a lot of cooking and catering. Do you make desserts? I made a bundt cake and I'm trying to get the icing where it'll just flow down the sides of a bundt cake (like you see in pics) but I can't seem to get the right consistency. Anyway, I made a cake to take to Mexican Train this Tues since it's Vince's birthday Fri and Mon is the birthday of one of the gals who runs it. Anyway, the icing poured a lot down the middle of the cake so I tried to transfer it to another dish. I have this wide thing that you put under a cake, but the cake still broke. How do you manage to move it to another plate without breaking the cake?

    katla - I know that whenever I have something high in fats (like french fries or a hamburger), I feel very "yuk", so I totally understand about the quality of foods. A problem I find is that so many people like the high fat foods and will offer only that to you. If you're hungry, it's a problem. When we go away, I usually bring snacks for me to eat. Vince laughs when we go into a fast food restaurant. He always wants to sit in the back of the restaurant so the people there won't see my "contraband".....lol Lots of hotels have a microwave and I bring bags of the microwave popcorn with me, that's just one of the things that I bring with me. Big congrats on those pants.

    angelsoars - there are good things about menopause, and bad things. The weight gain is one of the bad things. It can come off, it just takes a while longer, that's all. Keep coming here and you'll get more motivation then you know what to do with.
    Lin - do you use the Wii daily? I usually do and so many is the time when the Wii will show a gain but when I go to log my "official" weight for the week, it'll be a loss. Don't ask me to explain that because I certainly can't.

    Vickie - have a wonderful holiday with the mouse. Are you going to do the breakfast? My kids always loved that part.

    I can't believe that it's almost 3 years on MFP for me!

    M - good for you taking a break from P90X but continuing to exercise, just on your schedule. I know how that goes, there've been so many times when I've changed things around to fit exercise into my schedule. Are you going to go to Longwood? Where do you go skiing?

    Welcome everyone who recently joined. You've come to a great place.

    katla - way to go on the NSV's. To me, they mean so very much.

    housegirl and Carolina - yes, you got it, housegirl, you just post and this thread will show up under your "my topics". Click on the this topic and you're here!

    Well, Jess was going to leave early so I didn't go to church so that I was here for her. She usually doesn't leave this early but she has a "date" so she wanted to get back early. Then I made a pumpkin beer bread. don't know how it came out, I don't care for beer and Vince won't eat anything with pumpkin in it...but I know **** (at senior bowling) likes his beer so I'll give him some and the rest I'll give to another guy at senior bowl who is ****'s neighbor. Then I made a fudge cake for Vince's birthday, made some spinach crab dip to take to Mexican train. I was thinking I would like to take veggies, but now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have some sort of cracker with that dip. What do you think? Maybe I'll do both, veggies and some sort of cracker. Then I made oven "fried" chicken for dinner this week. I usually log my dinners early in the week since I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to have

    Did an hour of training games on the Wii today. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    jmkmomm - that's the way to do it! I'm proud of you

    Gail - what does 20,870 pounds mean? How did you arrive at that number? Do the people on the Cookie Walk usually bring homemade cookies or store bought? If the majority of the cookies are store bought, I'd say it was on the tacky side, but if they're homemade, I say go for it. Your family friends are probably looking for homemade things.

    Jen - sounds like a great closet purge!

    Well, need to run, take a shower, and get ready for tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • c0c0nn0r
    Sounds like everyone is getting ready for the holidays.

    DeeDee your decorations must be beautiful!

    Here are my December goals:

    1. Drink more water.
    2. Try to lose 5 lbs. (this will be tough-there are so many
    parties during work and massive amounts of food)
    3. Continue going to the gym.
    4. Try and put my picture on MFP (I'm not very computer literate)
    5. Relax and enjoy my family and friends.

    Have a great Monday everyone!
