

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    December goals:
    --Exercise 3x/week
    --Drink more water
    --Stick to my food plan
    --Allow myself up to 3 unplanned treats/week (100 cal. max for each) and offset each with extra exercise
    --Sing Christmas carols in the car -- it makes me feel happy. :happy:
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good evening!

    Did I hear it is warm somewhere??

    Linda Sundance – whenever the heat of the sun is getting you down, come for a visit with me in your mind. It’s a short hop on the #428 bus and get off up at the corner. It’s a brisk five minute walk which can be quite pleasant even at 20 below but if the wind is blowing make sure you have your scarf up around your face. We can dust the snow off the garden bench in the back yard and be quite warm in our toques, gloves, winter coats and boots. We`ll have hot cocoa as we sit and watch the flocks of bohemian waxwings in a feeding frenzy on the rowand trees. If we are lucky a snowshoe hare might dart past us down by the garage. Our breath will cause little word clouds in the air and our noses will be the first feel the bite of cold.

    If you really want to cool off come visit in January when it is so cold the air freezes! That is, all the moisture in the air freezes and in the moonlight, the sky is filled with dazzling sparkles. It’s so cold your face feels like its burning, your nose begins to run from the hot wine and that freezes making it feel like you have ants up your nose. We`ll sit on the same garden bench but this time we will be wrapped in heavy winter sleeping bags and down hats and mitts and we`ll have mulled wine to warm our bones. If we are lucky, the sky will give us a brilliant display of northern lights, ribbons of green, purple and pink will dance across the sky.

    It’s a great night for a party for you will never run out of ice for a drink (10 minutes outside and your ice-cube tray is done!)

    There have I cooled you off a little?? Now, so I can warm up, let me visit you in my mind.

  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    bump for later
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    How do i join this group....?

    Post regularly. I am so glad I stumbled into this group, and I hope you will be, too. At first I was annoyed with the word "bump" but I discovered that you need to post fairly regularly or MFP doesn't continue to show you the thread.
  • Alicia7519
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: LinC and Barbiecat--I am glad that I am not alone. We'll do better this month!
  • Alicia7519
    How do i join this group....?

    Post regularly. I am so glad I stumbled into this group, and I hope you will be, too. At first I was annoyed with the word "bump" but I discovered that you need to post fairly regularly or MFP doesn't continue to show you the thread.

    Oh!! So that what the "bump" is for! No wonder I could not find the thread at times.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Wow 5 pages and only the 3rd of Dec. Chatty group we are!!! I don`t have time to reply to everyone this morning:sad: ! Hopefully I`ll be able to get back later today!

    Kate:smile: I`m going to visit you in my mind too, it sounds just absolutely beautiful, however since I don`t like the cold, I`ll imagine myself all toasty warm dressed in down and instead of looking puffy in fluffy down, I will look slim and trim in that fluffiness:laugh: !

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: Come in often and chat away! The women here are absolutely fabulous!

    I still haven`t decided on my goals for Dec.:grumble: , I`m trying to decide if I want to increase my calories to my BMR and eat back some of the exercise calories, I have a hard time wrapping my head around eating so much food...I did eat back some of my exercise calories last night and I was down 1.5 this morning...something to ponder on. I`d like to see a decrease in weight this month instead of a increase like last month. Stay tuned....

    Hope everyone has a fabulous Monday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Yes - have lost 28lbs now. Am using gym machines 6 days a week and yoga in a group on the 7th. Eating back all of my calories and thoroughly enjoying them!!!! (400 on gym days) I am 63 and feel much younger now.
    Looking forward to buying some jeans soon - haven't worn them for years. Am now able to wear a light bra without feeling as if the life is being squeezed out of me and have bought some tights to wear with dresses. Previously had to slope around in baggy trousers as too uncomfortable in anything else.
    Want to lose a lb a week up to Christmas and then hope to maintain, but wont beat myself up if I gain a pound.
    We are going on holiday in Feb and I hope to be the same weight as I was when I first met my husband 10 years ago - 161 lbs. Might just make it. I will then reassess and see how much more I want to lose. Another 14lbs???
    DMOMofTHREE Posts: 55 Member
    Good Morning!

    It's a new month and time for me to kick this into gear again!

    Catching up on everyone's posts, but only on page 3, will finish reading later, need to post now before I get sidetracked.

    No time to look up November goals, but I think I did OK. I did lose 3.2 lbs last month, happy with that.

    I have been at the same weight for the past 2 weeks, now I know why. Had a visit from a friend I hadn't seen in 5 months, lol.
    That would explain the scale being stuck, my moodiness, irritability and back aches.

    December goals:
    Lose 5.4 lbs (want to be under 160 by the new year)
    drink 10 glasses of water a day
    log my food everyday
    post here every morning
    respond to friends on the news feed every night, I need to encourage them as they are there for me

    need to go pack my lunch for work and get ready,

    Have a great day,

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Wow So many newbies welcome all. But no way can I respond to all. I did try on three occasions yesterday think I got them all. Well got on wii when I got up and it gave me another gain. I got mighty upset. But had in my head I can't give up. So just went and got on again after a coffee and it gave what I was yesterday i'm fine with that.

    Guess the body has to have time to adjust to lower calories kind of Hey what you doing to me. I think maybe i'm a little low on calories but feel good with that. So going to stick to that for awhile. It will have to go down. Eventually.

    Today I will make it good. Going to city so lots of mall walking. I need to get downstairs and fix all my exercise equipment they all need batteries then I can track how much I do on them. Right now I don't even go down to my sewing. Got to get in gear.

    So to all you wonderful ladies I wish you all a great day. I've read all posts and only positives in here which is great.

    Throw them lbs out to the wind.
  • Chardonneh
    Over 50 and overweight, but not for long. Can't change my age though.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Good morning ladies – so great to read all of your posts. This is a great place to spend some time! There’s no other place to find ladies who understand the struggles, who will offer advice and support, and who are so interesting!! Thanks to all.

    I’m making my list of things I need to do today. Then tomorrow is likely a one-day trip to look after my dad’s house, then to the nursing home to straighten his closet, find out what might be missing now and take his watch to the store to get the band shortened. So I’d better keep ON TRACK.:noway:

    The scale gave me an extra treat this morning for which I am quite grateful. Down 3 lbs. this week. I’ll take it. I hope this does not sound like boasting to anyone here. I know when things aren’t moving along as you’d hoped it can be somewhat depressing to read of other people’s successes. I am pulling and hoping for everyone here to be successful on their path. What each of us accomplishes does not diminish anyone else. :heart:

    All my best to each of you. :flowerforyou:


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Kate - "little word clouds in the air", don't ask me to explain it, but the first thing I thought of was how the comics have the words in little balloons. Thanks, but I think I'll pass on visiting in January.

    katla - I don't think you need to post regularly for MFP to show you the thread. I joined this one group, only posted once a month or so back, haven't been back since, but it still shows up in my topics. I think the word "bump" is used just so that the thread will appear under "my topics".

    4Dogmama - the thread might have been locked out or perhaps it was the end of the month, a new thread had started and you didn't post to the new thread so that's why it never showed up under you "my topics"

    DeeDee - I have a hard time eating back my exercise calories. I have to be careful that those calories are foods that are nutritious, not junk just to get my calories up. I know that I can easily fall into that trap. Supposed to be nice today -- in the 70's

    cityjane - wow! Big congrats!

    Lin - that's awesome, down three 3lbs. Wish I could say the same. Was down yesterday, up today. Oh well, it'll all even out in the end. Sure doesn't sound like boasting to me. Sounds encouraging, if anything. To know that there are days when the scale is up, then there are days when it is down.

    Well, off to start the day.

  • 14again
    I'm glad to find out what "bump" means, too. I should have done it yesterday. Sundays are always a total loss for me because that's the day that my husband likes to eat out, and his favorite place is the all-you-can-eat buffet. Since I have no willpower, I always go and stuff myself, all the while telling myself "You shouldn't be eating that!" So I only weigh myself once a week on Saturday. It takes a whole week to recuperate from Sunday. Also, there is a consignment store right next to the buffet and I picked up three more pairs of fat pants, so now that I have some pants that are comfortable, I am even less likely to be motivated. Shame on me! Oh well, baby steps, baby steps. My goals for December are to get into good habits of tracking every bite of food that I eat and trying to get into a regular exercise routine so that I am in a good place to really get serious on January 1st.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good morning! -2 pounds on the scale this morning... must have been the lack of water recently.

    The 20,870 pounds at the gym yesterday was calculated by the machines at the Y. You log in to each machiine as you go around the circuit and when you logout at the end it tells you the number of pounds. You can also get Fitlinxx reports from the website to track your progress.

    The Cookie Walk items are homemade - think I'll go for that rather than make items at home. I will probably have to make the Thin Mint cookies, but I can make/pack those right up.

    Off to work - have a good day,
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Monday Morning December dolls,
    Loved reading all the goals set for this month, realizing that this is the last month of the year....it seems so appropriate to set goals in life and health per month. Am 1 pound from my first key goal; The goals are not he standard numbers, but the weight numbers that I remember at important times in my life! Makes the scale more interesting!

    Hope you all have a great day; sunny here in SWO and should be warmish too. Will be walking today.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Lurking post to mark my spot. All's well with the labs. Ritter is starting to fill out now that he is one year old. He was so skinny I was a little worried. He is a bouncer. He jumps so high. He actually reaches above the Slider door when he starts jumping to let us know he wants in. He is still a major cuddle bug which is fine now because it is cold but when it gets warmer it can be a problem. I am hoping that when I get home after work today I will get on the dreadmill. It really seems to help but it is so hard to get myself to do it anymore. I can't believe I used to spend 4 hours a day on it.

    Take care ladies.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, Ladies! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the weekend – it sounds like it was a busy one. DH and I got our lights up on Saturday, I got the front of the house weeded and pruned, we went for a walk and then had a nice dinner. Yesterday was a complete loss – slept a little late, then went shopping, had a terrible brunch (calorie-wise), decided I’d overindulged too much in calories so didn’t eat but went for a walk and then did some painting, wound up not eating dinner and slept horribly. Now today I’m feeling shaky. I did my workout this morning and even pushed pretty hard. I’m having a protein shake and promising to get right back on the band-wagon. I’m not going near the scale until all the salt from yesterday is washed out.

    I’m taking today off to finish getting my house in order. The guys who replaced our French doors had to come back and replace one of the panels on Saturday (short story: right after the hurricane they were doing the installation and a rogue gust of wind grabbed one of the panels and blew it over, breaking a panel of glass), so now they’re finished and I have to paint them. DH and I were both sad to cover the wood in paint, but all of the trim in the house is painted, so it wouldn’t make sense to have varnished doors and all the rest white. I have to finish some shopping and do some decorating, then I have bunko tonight. Guess it’s going to be this way all month.

    Welcome to all the new ladies – feel free to chime in whenever you want!

    Michele, yes to Longwood, and we’re going to Tahoe to go skiing for Christmas. I also want to go into Philly to see the Christmas bazaar, but we’ll have to see how the time works out. All of our weekends are already spoken for for the month :sad:.

    Someone was asking about GMO: I don’t know what answers you got, but on produce you can identify GMO mainly by a five-digit code beginning with 8. Organic foods are a five-digit food beginning with 9. It’s not 100%, nor are GMO items required to be labeled as such so it’s very hit and miss. However, organic items are from companies and farms that meet specific standards so that’s a little more complete; you can still get items that are organic but haven’t gone through the certification process, usually at farmers’ markets and such although you’ll probably want to get to know the grower first to make sure they’re honest. Almost 100% of soy and most corn products are GMO unless they’re specifically marked organic. If you have further questions, there are a few good documentaries on food that can help – but be prepared, you’ll not want to eat anything commercial again after watching them lol. I’m not trying to push organic, but the only way you can be certain a food is non-GMO is if it’s organic.

    I love the goals – especially singing Christmas carols in the car! That reminds me, I need to add my carols back on my ipods.

    Kate, someone on FB posted a “welcome to Canada” meme yesterday that was pretty funny – I’m guessing winter is hitting with a vengeance this year, eh? I love your description of your winter, regardless if it was meant tongue in cheek :laugh:.

    DeeDee, I agree it’s confusing. I’ve been reading about intermittent fasting (where you go about 16 hours/day without eating, then have an eight-hour eating window, same amount of calories) – I think I naturally eat that way so may try it, but honestly as to how much? I don’t know if I’ll ever know. I feel like less is more, but clearly I need to eat more sometimes. I hope I can hear what my body is telling me.

    CityJane, you sound like you’re about at the same place a number of us (including me) are. Congratulations on the loss so far, and good luck on getting down further.

    Lynn, rats on the visit from that “friend” :laugh:. Now the counting starts over again :frown:. You’re doing great though, and you’re going to get that little extra hormonal drop once your friend leaves!

    LinC, it sounds like you need to ignore the Wii weight and just do the exercises. Good luck!

    Lin, congratulations on the loss! You’re not boasting – we’re all celebrating your successes with you, so please let us!

    14again, you might need to read up a little on how to live with someone who is less supportive of your weight loss journey. I hope you find your ability to do what you need to do for yourself regardless of what others are doing. Good luck!

    Gail, congratulations on the weight loss! Have fun at the cookie walk.

    Robin, your picture is so pretty! Have fun with the "dreadmill" lol :laugh:.

    Well, off to take advantage of the day. I’m going to try to get the trim all painted today in addition to the decorating and shopping – so I may be exhausted again tomorrow! Isn’t it crazy what we do with our days “off”?


  • DebMc150
    DebMc150 Posts: 5 Member
    December Goals!

    Get reorganized
    Make it to the Gym that made it to my calendar
    Do a little treadmill in my basement daily
    Invision Success!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Well it's Monday...I so dislike Mondays.

    Boy kick me in the pants I just got so busy this weekend and now there are 5 pages....not sure if I will ever catch up.

    December goals,

    20 days of exercise (it's such a busy month I'm hoping I can do this)
    Maintain, Maintain, Maintain
    Drop 1 or 1/2 lb in my extra loss for the holidays (not necessary but would be nice)
    Get on the computer at least one day each weekend...cause I just get so busy and don't take the time:blushing:

    I met all my November goals:bigsmile:
    Completed 30 day Shred
    Continued to Maintain
    Got in over 25 days of exercise

    Hoping everyone is doing well and finding time to log your food, move your body and drink your water:drinker:


    Maybe by tomorrow I will have caught up on everyone's posts...now there is a goal for the short term