

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I'm in work today and struggling! My back and knee are not at all happy. I have an appointment with they physio tomorrow morning. However, I also need to get an appointment with my doctor. - Warning - too much information to follow - I had to get up in the night to go to the loo and there was blood in my poo. I don't intend to wait around - I want to get it checked out. With my family history of bowel cancer I am just not prepared to ignore things like this. It's less than six months since my last colonoscopy, but will still get checked. I'm pretty sure it's nothing though.

    I hope all my pals are doing well and I'd like to wish a warm welcome to the new people who have joined us. MFP has been a huge help in my weight loss - it definitely works for me.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Great walk feels good once you get out and do it.

    You should find all you need to know in this site. Great knowledgeable women.

    A two lbs gain for dec. is nothing to be ashamed of. Good goals for dec.

    You take good care of my humingbirds I want them back come summer there only on loan.
    Wish hubby would join me in my treck for losing weight. But just not interested. So I keep making two meals not always depends what he's eating I just have less.

    When you say Nelson this is Nelson BC. I have a sister and niece moving up there very soon. Leaving here Monday the 7th. Stopping in Edmonton and on there way. Looks like a wonderful place. Scenery is sure nice.

    Enjoy your company. Treat yourself as you treat them.

    We are at an age where we need to listen to the bones. I just did a little wii balance 5 min. and the old legs said enough.

    I got rid of the sweets that were hanging around here after New Year's Day. Sent them to hubby's shop. Bad enough he has chocolate hiding all over the house. Darn old fart last night I had tops I come back have supper then come to puter two macarrons are sitting there what are those I ask. I thought you would like those it's your cheat night. Yes I know coming in from tops has always been my cheat night but that has to stop. And I refused to eat them. So a plus for me.

    Smart lunches wlll help.

    No more rat. New hair. And a beautiful coat. How's that for starting the year off right.

    Have you been a diabetic long. I'm still in the process of learning.

    I like the easy yoga on the wii. More like the stretching than any.

    You will get right back at it. Won't take long you did it before.

    Like the way you say not be a slave to your body. But we still must listen to the aches and pains not push till we break and never want to get back to that exercise that hurt. Accountibility and honesty will take you a long way on this journey.

    Are you in a position to tell this women off even if you got fired for it. Open her eyes that you are an asset to the company even if she don't see it. Darn I always hated working for women. Oopps no the first nursing administer I worked for was wonderful. But some were terrible. I'd sooner work for men. They seem more understanding. For some reason.

    Just do what you can. Even if it's knitting to keep you out of the cookie jar. My cookie jar is empty and going to stay that way.

    He wouldn't let me give them away. Well he can take them to his shop out of my sight.

    I did just dance 2 yesterday and you wouldn't think dancing would work such a sweat.

    I swear you look 20 years younger in that picture.

    As for dancing i'm a lot like you. Love love to dance pretty much any thing. Line dancing, zumba In our younger days hubby and I took the floor doing the polka with all looking at us.. Was kind of nice but like I say younger days.

    It's so nice that you have your Dad so close. Love him, Cherish him because we do not realize what we have lost until there gone.

    Guess you will have to polish your french. lol. She must speak English or there very good with sign language.
    Like sitting around a kitchen table I'm sure I could enjoy a tea with the most of you.

    Well there's one good thing you didn't gain.
    Like your goals.
    But 2 lbs a week may not happen every week. Why not go for one and if you do two bonus.

    Thanks I have quinoa and blueberries nice wild blueberries picked by me. I thought quinoa was like oatmel.
    I need to get a few good books instead of spending so much time on here.

    To all the newbies Welcome you found a great site.

    Up supper early again this morning. 20 to 5 and it took until quarter to seven to read all the posts and respond.
    So now today I get the grandkids shortly after eight until near 6 when parents get off work. No school until the seventh.
    Going to see that today is a great day. I did take a few min. to get weighed and did 5 min. of balance on the wii.
    Back later. Need to come here more than once a day. LOL
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Friends,
    I have been among this missing for the past month or so.....and I have been struggling. It is amazing how quickly those bad habits come back. Just getting back into my routine the past couple of days feels so much better. I am looking forward to getting cleaner and clearer with my food and exercise. My god child gave us the Zumba DVD's so I am planning for my husband and I do be dancing around the living every night- even if it is only for a short time.

    I have been reading and driving myself crazy with what plan to follow. I had done many rounds of the 17 Day Diet and initially I had good success--breaking the barrier I couldn't quite break. After a few rounds, I seemed to stay stalled. Also, I hurt my knees and my exercise really changed and slowly I stopped most of it. The holidays hit and now its January and time to start over.

    I look forward to reading your posts...they are so inspiring.....
    Thank you for being here....good to see the familiar folks and also to meet the new members!
    Happy New Year,
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well, congrats to me, I have been retired for one year today. It sure doesn't feel like it has been a whole year. It is raining here and today is a walk day, I guess it's to the good old treadmill.
    Got a bit of running to do today so I will get to it this afternoon, maybe a video.

    Lin- I've been a diabetic for about 10 years. There is a very good book out about the 1st year as a diabetic, it explains a lot more than most doctors. It bad, because you don't look or feel sick, but if your sugar is high you are. This is why most people don't do anything. If you have just been diagonesed (sp?) the best thing you can do for yourself is lose the weight.

    Tigress from GA
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, ladies! My new year is off to the same start as last one – flying by. It’s Thursday already? Arg:grumble: . Anyway, had a busy but low-key day yesterday – our first day of go-live on my project, found the missing reports, of course, so spent a good part of the day scrambling and taking hits:grumble: . Oh, well, I have big shoulders. DH worked late, so I ate dinner without him, then found myself still about 400 calories shy of my bare minimum, so popcorn it was. I had bought some Amish popcorn – didn’t pop. Arg:explode: . Fortunately I had some other popcorn that would pop – but it will be off to the store for more. So much for trying to buy local and organic. However, we watched “Pitch Perfect” – that was a very cute movie. Love Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson – and Elizabeth Banks has a hilarious role too:heart: .

    JaneH, I love Peter Nygard:love: ! I had a suit I had bought at the after-Christmas clearance in Albuquerque years ago – wore it out. He makes really good quality clothes. Dillards is always great for those sales. I’m trying to resist more shopping for now – after putting on a pair of pants that were my tiniest before, I can now just about walk out of them now. I’ll see where I am this summer before indulging more.

    Tigress, lol at getting out of shape for missing a couple of weeks – only because I can almost remember how I felt like I had been beaten with baseball bats when I started working out last summer after missing a few years . . . I could barely get out of bed:frown: . Being in shape is its own reward if for no other reason than your muscles don’t have to go through the learning curve again. I can understand wanting to limit carbs – I was just curious if there was a reason for eliminating wheat in particular. A lot of people are these days, but the science on it seems iffy still. Of course everyone should do what works for them – I’m a big believer that your body will tell you what you need if you listen carefully.

    Joyce, good for you for getting in that walk before the weather turns – make hay while the sun shines, right?

    Lentigogirl – I would say you still did pretty well with your goals – imagine how bad the holiday binging might have been had you not already been aware of what those calories cost in the way of the work it will take to pare them off again. You’ll get there.

    Bj, your machine is starting to sound like a kitten, isn’t it? I agree logging makes a huge difference – if you have to write it down, you’re accountable for it and stand a better chance of forgoing the extra helping that will push you over your calorie goal.

    Robin, :frown:. You really need to find a new boss. Until then, make that treadmill your boss and go punish it:bigsmile: !

    Cheryl, I think it’s Robin’s boss that gets to her.

    MTGWW – I got my husband an account and he did very well on it. He agrees, it really does work, but he’s one of those who has to want to do it because he only does what he wants. Good luck to both of you!

    JaneM, I hope you don’t catch the sick bug again – it seems like everyone is getting sick!

    LBP61 – welcome. How frustrating to have to deal with meds that inhibit our body sensors. I hope you’re able to get back in shape.

    TinaK – welcome. Good for you on the weight loss so far – and best wishes for the remaining loss.

    Viv, a lot of women here do just that – they “prerecord” their meals. I had to clean out the cupboards to ensure I didn’t have access to chips (crisps) anymore – and cookies, etc. Fortunately DH took care of the excess wine for me lol. Funny story – went to the market last night to pick up a few things for the next several days and the fruits and veggie section were wiped clean – no organic lettuce to be found anywhere, no bananas, no celery, no cucumbers . . . looks like everyone’s taking this NY diet seriously! Enjoy the lack of rain. I stopped in York once. The cathedral there is amazing:love: !

    Sue – love the “I can’t go to bed until I’ve met my goals” idea. We had the Wii Just Dance set up for NYE – it was so funny to see BIL and DH out there, dancing with the girls:laugh: . BIL especially can be a little “affected” when he’s dancing – it’s pretty funny. Hope you feel better soon.

    Susan – yes, the Wii is quite the workout, isn’t it? Hope you enjoy those girls!

    Barbie, I agree – the weather’s going to do what it wants regardless, so might as well just put on the gear and go. I’m generally with the bunch that says “anything but lightening or hail” although I tend to be a baby about the cold unless it involves skis lol. However, when I make myself go out in the cold I am always glad I went after just a couple of minutes – it’s just that initial shock. You are indeed a “happiness missionary” – and we’re all grateful for that:heart: !

    Colleen, how great that you have your father right near you (on most days at least, I’m sure lol). I hope he gets over his illness. I wish my mom were closer, but she swears she’ll never leave CO. It’s OK, gives me a reason to go back. Still I worry about her.

    Michele, Ooh, Olive Garden – I love their bottomless salad and soup bowl. I think the calorie count isn’t too bad – and if I recall correctly they have items marked on the menu that are supposed to be healthier. I haven’t been in a long time. I don’t think you have to freeze the beans individually – even thrown together in a bag they will come apart pretty easily because the skins keep them separate (like blueberries).

    Lila, I like the idea of a quinoa cereal. I just made a bowl of yummy oatmeal – I was going to tell JB that my recipe calls for using a bit of almond milk in it – it’s a good way to “disguise” it lol. Anyway, might try cooking quinoa instead of oats.

    Carey, Hi and welcome and yes, I use that trick a lot (like most of the days lol). I hope you find MFP to be “user-friendly.” If you have a smartphone there’s an app you can add (for free) that is helpful too.

    DeeDee, I must have missed the post about pink hair – kind of hilarious:noway: . I haven’t started dedecorating yet – probably this weekend. We were supposed to go to Chicago but thankfully that trip is cancelled. I’m a little traveled out right now. Have fun at the hairdressers’!

    Amanda, oh, I hope nothing’s wrong. I’m sorry you’re feeling so poorly. Hopefully the break after the holidays will help you get to feeling better soon.

    Lin, how sweet that your DH was trying to win you over with sweets :smile:. Maybe you can give him ideas for non-food treats – a foot rub, a warm neck compress, etc. Good for you for letting the cookies go.

    Sally, how fun to be able to Zumba with your DH. I hope mine decides to join me at some point. Hopefully you’ll realize that a diet shouldn’t last 17 days but the entire rest of your life – as in, a healthy diet that feeds your body and fuels your exercise. Above all your diet shouldn’t make your body hurt and prevent you from exercising! I’m outraged that it would on your behalf :laugh:.

    OK, off to work now. I hope everyone finds a warm spot to stay for the day. Robin, I’m especially thinking of you. I worked for a “horrible boss” for a year on a temp job once – I’ve never felt so bad about myself as then:frown: . I hope you find something else to do soon.

    Cheers everyone!

  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    Good morning! :smile:

    Well, day 1 of "diet" or maybe I should just call it "eating healthy!".....did fantastic yesterday. Drank plenty of water too. And even passed on the roasted potato hubby made with dinner (he's not starting his diet change till after his BD on the 10th)....

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hello ladies

    I'm in work today and struggling! My back and knee are not at all happy. I have an appointment with they physio tomorrow morning. However, I also need to get an appointment with my doctor. - Warning - too much information to follow - I had to get up in the night to go to the loo and there was blood in my poo. I don't intend to wait around - I want to get it checked out. With my family history of bowel cancer I am just not prepared to ignore things like this. It's less than six months since my last colonoscopy, but will still get checked. I'm pretty sure it's nothing though.

    I hope all my pals are doing well and I'd like to wish a warm welcome to the new people who have joined us. MFP has been a huge help in my weight loss - it definitely works for me.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x

    Amanda, please keep us in the loop on your health. If the blood in your poo is bright red it could be from bleeding hemorrhoids. I know from experience that this is obnoxious but not necessarily dangerous. I hope your situation is no more serious than that.
  • Kellysmom78
    Kellysmom78 Posts: 81 Member
    Looks like a very interesting group! I was in a challenge group last year with a group of wonderful supportive ladies, which several of us are still close....looking for another group like that.
    For whatever reason I am unable to figure out how to locate the group to join, any suggestions?
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Happy Healthy New Year to all! I am starting the new year with new determination. Started seeing a dietician for help concerning a chronic health issue (sarcoidosis.) Maybe it will work in the weight loss area too. That is my hope anyway. Sue
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    M-I stay away from wheat, because I love the things made with it. Bread, crackers, cookies, pizza, etc., you know the things and weak as I am I can't eat just one slice. Now if I don't eat any slices, I'm fine. I also like the way I feel not eating wheat products. And for the carbs, and calories I can eat way more veggies and fruits. For example, yesterday I made what I call easy jambala.
    1/4cup brown rice,per cooked, 5 oz turkey smoked sausage, 1/4 each of onions, bell peppers, 1/2 mushrooms and 1 cup zucchini, and cumin, garlic and lots of cayanne a little olive oil and presto (nothing up my sleeve) yummy. Eat with a salad to cool down you mouth between bites and you have a good lunch. Or I could have a tuna sandwich for the same carbs and calories approx, and I would still be hungry. So no wheat is the way to go for me. It also doesn't spike my blood sugar eating the veggies. Of course you have to watch the fruit, that could spike it. I like to eat and I like food, I don't mind cooking and if I don't start on bread I don't really miss it. I do eat it once in a while, but I found that if I eat a lot of it. I have bowel problems. Like amamda, with blood in my stool, because it hurts to go to the bathroom. Sorry probably TMI.

    I know that most folks like the whole grain thing, it just doesn't work for me. I stay away from it as much as possible.

    Tigress from GA
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good morning Januaries! It is white, cold and grey here in SWO; I am out for two meals today, and have arranged to go places where I know what I can eat!

    Hope you all have a great day, off to the races here....

    BJ, Southwestern Ontario, CA
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone. I am the last day of my holidays and already did some strength training. I think I can do it this time for sure -am I ever out of shape!!! Sore from 3 sets of 30 reps. Must keep at it. I will touch base with people individually later -laundry awaits. But for Robin - hang in there. Just think how unhappy your boss must be to be so nasty with others. I know how hard that can be. I was in the same boat for a while and then he left-lucky me"
    Susan from Eastern Ontario
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    @Amanda, you are wise to have things checked out asap.
    @Robin, years ago I read a book called "How to fire your boss" by Chris Malburg. It was an eye opener, and helped me. Not sure if it is still in print. You are obviously a very competent worker. So part of the strategy may be to "help" your boss understand what makes you tick. Many bosses do not know how to give and receive feedback (and we're not that much better of course).

    Today's quote: "Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."
    ~Jim Rohn

    This is a short note, because I am off to work!

    :heart: Rebel
    from Vancouver Island, BC
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Well so much for not letting her get to me. Within the first 30 minutes of being here I was so angry, so demotivated and demoralized, and so depressed I was contiplating ending it all until I thought of Olivia. I need to get some help. I will seek it out. At least I only have 2.5 hours left today to deal with it.

    I am sick to my stomach all the time now, (no longer flu just stress) I gained over the holdiay because I was a depressed slug. I am trying to get myself back in gear. I have plans to tap and then treadmill for an hour. hope I stick to it.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter

    Dear Robin ,

    I am so sorry you must work under the tyranny of such an awful person. People like your boss are never happy unless they are making others’ lives miserable, it’s all about power and control. They are energy vampires, sucking the life out of you and everyone around them.

    Right now you are going into work, your stomach tied in knots long before you walk in that door and see her face. She knows she’s got you and she is feeling good about, she is smug. The performance review is another control mechanism. Why these people feel they have to be royal b@#^% to be in control is beyond me but they do.

    Take back your power.

    Start the day by arming yourself (no I don’t mean a gun), with a positive attitude. This may sound naive but hear me out. You are a good person and you must tell yourself so. It’s all about you (she must never enter into this part of the morning ritual). Wrap yourself in a cloak of rainbow light which keeps out all negativity. No I am not crazy! This creative visualization is a process by which you slowly take back your power. When she says something hurtful, look down and watch it bounce off you. Yes, it will take practise, you feel a bit silly doing it but no one knows what is going on in your mind so you are safe.

    Carry with you something that was given to you in love; something small that you can touch when you are feeling most vulnerable to give you strength, a child’s picture, a locket, just something to anchor you.

    Whenever she is evil to you, visualize her in a way that makes you smile; whether it is as a toad, a witch boiling in her own cauldron or being run over by a steam roller (it doesn’t matter), whatever makes you smile. Smiling back at her will make her crazy, she is losing control.

    Smile at your workplace; be more cheerful than normal to coworkers and her (yes, that’s part of the plan) like you have a giant secret, hum a little song to yourself….. be as if you just won the lottery and could leave there at a moment’s notice. Being cheerful under her tyrannical rule will throw a spanner into her master plan. When she is asks you what is wrong with you (as they invariably do) just say, ”Nothing, I feel marvelous today and not even you can spoil that.” (Notice the slight dig!) If she challenges you by asking what you meant just turn to her, look her in the eye and say, “Really?” Don’t enter into a fight because then she has won again. Walk away.

    At the end of the day, before you go in your door at home, take off your imaginary cloak and shake it, watch all her vicious words clatter to the ground. If there are a few sharp arrows that managed to pierce it, pull them out, break them in two and fill the wound with love. Do something in the evening for yourself that will make you laugh. You need to work at feeling good.

    Will this work overnight, no, it takes practise. Will it change her, possibly but probably not, but you must survive in this shark infested swamp. It took six months before one particular witch showed any respect for me and she was absolutely shocked when I handed in my notice. I had become her most valued employee. That was a surprise, so why did she wait till the end to tell me? I was able to leave that establishment because I had changed my attitude to a positive one which made the days far more bearable and it had been noticed. I got several job offers because of it.

    So my love, don’t lose heart. At the end of the day, you are responsible for you. You are a wonderful person. Above all, thank the lord you don’t have to live with that awful person you presently call boss. Instead, bless her as you leave each day because she must lead a miserable life and need all the help she can get.

    Be strong, choose happiness and rant here all you like!

    Hugs, Kate
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Happy New Year! I have been on MFP for a year and a half. I over that time I have found exercise and it's now a habit. I want to make sure I stay as young as possible and am not limping around in my later years like my dear Mother did. I did my first 1/2 marathon last Feb and a few mud runs. Training for my next one the Urban Warrior Dash on MArch 2nd:bigsmile: I have been in a few challenge groups here and it has really helped alot! I feel like I have had a big gain over the holidays even though I was exercising alot. I feel better after just one day of eating right and drinking water. We can do this!!!!!

    Goals 2013 - More strength training - read alittle everyday - put down the wine glass :drinker: - get to my goal!!!

    OMG I feel a Hot Flash coming on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day full of Good Choices. I look forward to getting to know everyone and sharing support.

    Judy - So Cal :happy:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    WOW! I am blown away by all the support on this thread! I guess by the time we ladies reach the ripe old age of 50+ we are just a bit kinder. I love how so many of you know each other well enough to respond and offer words of encouragement for specific issues. I hope I can get to that point and get to know all of you better.
    I noticed there was less money in my paycheck today and found out that the SS tax reduction ended at the end of 2012. That sucks!
    BUT......I got a very kind and complimentary message from a young lady on MFP whom I never met before, and that made my day!
    So, I guess the moral of the story is that there are good and bad things that happen all the time, and we can choose which ones we want to dwell on. Today I am going to choose the positive! Thanks to all of you ladies who make my day a little brighter!

    Lucy from Delaware
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning, Ladies!

    It's sunny and cold here in Denver. Actually, it's almost always sunny here, no matter what the temperature is! I've been back on track for a week now, and it's getting easier. The last of the Christmas fudge that I put in the freezer keeps popping into my head, but I'm just ignoring it. I hate to throw it away, because hubby asks for dessert every night (an annoying habit he developed just two years ago after a lifetime of not caring about sweets).

    I have two self-improvement goals (resolutions) for the coming year. Since I'm already solidly into improving my health and losing weight, I needed new ones instead of my old standbys! 1. I want to procrastinate less and just get things done. I've risen to my level of incompetence and need to change that. 2. I want to work on being a nicer person. I feel like I've become more defensive and less pleasant over the past 3-4 years, and I want to get over that and go back to who I was before.

    Robin -- I hope that you're able to get things at work under control soon. You can't change your boss, so you'll need to change how you look at it -- not easy, I know. I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. I loved the letter that Kate wrote to you, so full of great advice and encouragement. :flowerforyou:

    Viv -- I hope that today is better from an eating perspective! Remember that "today is the first day of the rest of your life" and don't worry about past failures. Only what you do now really matters.

    Lin Charpentier -- I love your smile on your photo! :smile:

    Tigress -- Congrats on your one year retirement anniversary! I hope it's been a great one.

    Mwheatcraft54 -- I read the sugar article that you posted. Thank you! I know that sugar is supposed to be bad for you from so many perspectives. I've always been a sweet-aholic, it's my real downfall. Maybe if I keep reinforcing how bad it is, I'll convince myself to try to cut it out. That's so great that you are floating in your previously tiniest pants! I also have some favorite pieces that I've totally worn out. Peter Nygard does have really nice things... when Dillards said "extra 50% off clearance, one day only" I made Nygard my priority and got several pieces (it was a total zoo!). I also like Michael Kors (my favorite for the past few years as I love his zippers), Jones New York, INC, Calvin Klein (for capris) and some of Reba's things. Can you tell that I'm also a shop-aholic???

    Emtjab -- Congratulations on getting through your first day with flying colors! :happy:

    Kate -- I really liked your letter to Robin. You're obviously a very wise and caring woman! :heart:

    Jane in Colorado
  • momoshelly
    momoshelly Posts: 7 Member
    hi im Shelly 49 this spring
    Proud grandma to 4
    started Jan 1st -100 pound weight loss goal
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    hi im Shelly 49 this spring
    Proud grandma to 4
    started Jan 1st -100 pound weight loss goal
    Hi Shelly,

    Welcome! I see this is your first post. I wish you all the best in your journey to get healthy and fit. May 2013 be the best year yet!
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Well I was excited to go through and read all the posts again. So many ladies on here, and many of you seem to be so supportive of each other, that's great! Well my husband and I are doing this together.... all of one day so far, don't be impressed. I didn't know how he would take to counting calories and looking things up, but since he has a new smart phone and pad, he got kind of into it. I was impressed. It would be so fun if we could be successful together.

    I know this will vary from person to person, but I wonder if there is an average of what calorie amounts people are going with to sustain a continued weight loss. There are a number of you who have lost significant weight, I'm very impressed, and I haven't been able to sustain anything like that in years. Would people mind posting what calories they ar e eating at and how much exercise?

    January Goals

    I have never been a goal person. I know it's bad. My husband is King of Goals and always keeps records of everything. I'm kind of go with the flow of whatever is happening. This has not worked in my best interest, and since I have 50 years of practice at being this way, I lack faith in myself for changing. Persistency is what I lack and persistency is what I need. So.... this is my goal.
    Stay persistent with this for 1 month. Chart food, work out regularly, keep in contact, don't let myself quit no matter what. Then I can see where I am and make a new goal for the next month.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all and hearing from you.

    Karen, from Michigan