
  • Newish to 50's and new to this site. Like the format for this group and would like to state my initial goal is to lose 10 pounds by mid feb. Ten pounds that I want to really be off, not just the quick off (losing water weight, etc.) then they come back on overnight. I hate that, it seems my body can fluctuate up and down, day to day 5-6-7 pounds. Crazy!
    SO...ten pounds! Help motivate me and I'll help motivate you! Let's do this!
  • Three weeks ago I had my 52nd birthday. I have always struggled with my weight but in the last 6 years it has been harder than ever. I am a nurse and my work day varies from day to day. One day I will start at 5 am the next could be at 830 am. I take my lunch but more often than not I end up missing lunch. I am either doing procedures or prepping patients for procedures and we work on a tight timeline.

    I am heavier than I ever have been. 10 years ago my max weight was 135 pounds. I am now at 190 and it seems no matter what I do I cannot get it off. As a result the injuries I have acquired due to military service and patient care have increased 10 fold. I need to have knee surgery to repair an injury however, due to my weight the surgeon hesitates to do surgery. This is because within a short period of time the injury will recur. I have to lose 50 pounds in order to have the surgery.

    All of this has created a vicious cycle. Unable to work out as I used to due to the pain and risking increased injury it is harder to shed the weight. I can use all of the encouragement and motivation I can get. I am a good cheerleader for others, not so good at cheer leading for myself.

    My guy is an Air Force Reserve Flight Nurse and is currently in Afghanistan. I would like to shed at least 10 pounds by February. That is his anticipated return date.

    I would love to be a part of this group to help motivate you and to have your help in motivating me. Thank you so much.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Just wanted to let you know...my dad's in the hospital with a possible infection of his knee. (He had knee replacements a few years ago.) At almost 90, it could be serious. I'd appreciate any prayers.

    Mimi sending prayers your way :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    It's grey and chilly here in London today. I'm glad to have my thermals on.

    Mimi, prayers for your dad and for you.

    Hello to all the newer ladies. You have come to an excellent place of support and non-judgement. Post as often as you wish and tell us all a bit more about yourselves.

    I am determined not to buy into the whole new year resolution thing, but I want to be healthier next year - resolution or not. The past year has seen me reach, break and maintain my weight goals and I have every intention to keep that up (or should that be down?) In addition to that, I have had a heart valve replacement, ran a 5k, lost my father-in-law, celebrated my dad's 80th and watched my darling grandtwins turn one year old. A heck of a year really.

    Next year sees my DH turn 50 (yep, my toyboy - but only by 3 years), and my DS turn 30 (although he's not actually 29 until tomorrow). My brother's wife will be celebrating her 60th next year and my DH's youngest half brother is getting married in April. Lots of things to celebrate. Lots of reasons to be thankful. Lots of reasons to be the healthiest and fittest I can be.

    I am off to visit my MIL in the nursing home now, so I'd better get a move on. I want to go for a walk this afternoon before my DH gets home from work and my DS comes over for a birthday meal (still don't know what I'm cooking yet!)

    Hugs and love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Three weeks ago I had my 52nd birthday. I have always struggled with my weight but in the last 6 years it has been harder than ever. I am a nurse and my work day varies from day to day. One day I will start at 5 am the next could be at 830 am. I take my lunch but more often than not I end up missing lunch. I am either doing procedures or prepping patients for procedures and we work on a tight timeline.

    I am heavier than I ever have been. 10 years ago my max weight was 135 pounds. I am now at 190 and it seems no matter what I do I cannot get it off. As a result the injuries I have acquired due to military service and patient care have increased 10 fold. I need to have knee surgery to repair an injury however, due to my weight the surgeon hesitates to do surgery. This is because within a short period of time the injury will recur. I have to lose 50 pounds in order to have the surgery.

    All of this has created a vicious cycle. Unable to work out as I used to due to the pain and risking increased injury it is harder to shed the weight. I can use all of the encouragement and motivation I can get. I am a good cheerleader for others, not so good at cheer leading for myself.

    My guy is an Air Force Reserve Flight Nurse and is currently in Afghanistan. I would like to shed at least 10 pounds by February. That is his anticipated return date.

    I would love to be a part of this group to help motivate you and to have your help in motivating me. Thank you so much.

    welcome....this is a great group and very supportive....small changes do work, ...eating regularly is important, as is logging your foods..try and carve out a few minutes to eat you lunch(skipping meals will work against you),as for exercise maybe biking will help, i have knee issues and when i was in therapy thats the exercise that was recommended....good luck and you can do this:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Just wanted to let you know...my dad's in the hospital with a possible infection of his knee. (He had knee replacements a few years ago.) At almost 90, it could be serious. I'd appreciate any prayers.

    sorry mimi,...hope your dad recovers quickly
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I just wanted to introduce myself.

    I am 52 yrs old, married with 2 adult children, {....well....adult by age in years!}

    I am a successful WW'er. I lost 43 lbs 4 yrs ago on WW, but discovered MFP when I lost my online e-tools when I became a lifetime member. {Yes I am too cheap to pay the online version!} I have been at or near goal for 3 full years now. I am always on the hunt for new fitness and dietary ideas. I also feel that support groups, are responsible for me to keep the weight off for 3 years and counting. I look forward to getting to know you.
  • nt2012
    nt2012 Posts: 5 Member
    Good (late) morning [EST]: I enjoy reading the posts here - and nice to hear from age-matched peers. I used this site to lose pounds and rev up on my exercise regimen before, but last year was hectic and I lost touch [and gained 10 lbs]. So, I am determined to keep on track with watching my calories and getting to the gym. Is anyone practicing yoga? It is one of my ways to stay flexible, gain strength, and destress. I am in a class of 50+ women with a couple of great instructors.
    Off to get some work done, Chao
    PS I can't seem to put up the scale slide on my posts?
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all,

    was feeling a bit out of sorts yesterday, and not myself and had a sting when i urinated..so i went to the doctors this morning, i have a urinary track infection(i got before the pain got to be very bad)i have to take antibotics and something for the pain...i didnt workout this morning, and am hoping to feel better tomorrow to do so....

    welcome to all newbies....

    here is hoping everyone has a great day:flowerforyou:

    PS...i did read somewhere about yoga for 50+ i have not found a class close to me, but i am trying to take a yoga class once a week, with the intention of uping that to 2 classes a week, i also notice that it helps me with my back and hip issues
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    I"ve been awol from this group since Summer. I've been using the holidays as an excuse to binge on sweets and a busy stressful life as an excuse not to exercise. Shouldn't be any surprise I'm up 20 lbs from this time last year.

    Today I decided its time to stop the madness, throw away the contraband and get back on the treadmill. I even changed my username from Suezzque to AHealthierSuzyQ as added motivation.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I hear you Suz. I fell off the wagon for a while and gained back the 11 pounds I struggled so hard to lose. Now I need to lose 25 pounds. I am pleased to report that I only gained .4 of a pound over Christmas so I am now down 4.6 pounds since I recommitted. Off to do 30 minutes of elliptical and then a 30 minute infra red sauna. that should sweat out that .4 I gained. good luck to everyone over new years celebrations!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    i just read this and want to share!!:flowerforyou:

    If I Lost One Pound A Week Of 2010!
    Written by rgcakes (renee) on 1/4/2010 8:49 PM

    By Valentine's Day, I'd be 7 pounds lighter.
    I'm loving it!
    By St. Patrick's Day, I'd be ll pounds lighter.
    With the luck of the Irish, I'll make my goal!
    By Easter, I'd be 16 pounds lighter.
    I'd be a cute bunny!
    By Memorial Day, I'd be 23 pounds lighter!
    Won't let it rain on my parade!
    By Flag Day, I'd be 25 pounds lighter.
    Boy, could I wave my flag, then!
    By Independence Day, I'd be 27 pounds lighter.
    That's a great independence from over eating!
    By Labor Day, I'd be 36 pounds lighter.
    What a wonderful reward for my hard work!
    By Columbus Day, I'd be 41 pounds lighter.
    What a joy to discover what I can do!
    By Halloween, I'd be 44 pounds lighter.
    I didn't think I had a ghost of a chance!
    By Thanksgiving, I'd be 47 pounds lighter.
    I have so much to be thankful for!
    By Christmas Eve, I'd be 51 pounds lighter.
    Talk about being merry!
    By New Year's Eve, I'd be 52 pounds lighter.
    It's not just a new year, it's a new ME!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey, everyone! Now I can't remember what I was going to say!

    Oh, New Year's resolutions. I don't do them. I made a resolution not to do them ever again after a year where I spent the entire Summer and Fall putting off changing a bad situation because I was waiting for "next year."

    However, this is the triathlon off-season when it's very natural to look at your season and to figure out what you want to focus on next season. So these days I do make goals and stuff around this time. But it's just a coincidence! I swear! :laugh:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Our daughter left for the city today, poor DH (does that stand for Dear Husband? Hope so!) had to get up at 4 am to drive to the airport, now he's napping. Hope to get my son up of the couch to come to the gym with me when I finish this post. Stick with the routine.....

    Wannagetfit02 - I can really appreciate your comment about teacher snacks because I live it too. We take turns bringing snacks once a week and I have to either go into the staff room with my heathy snack in my hand or stay out altogether because most of the food is delicious, tempting, and troublesome! Fortunately, the treats are usually gone by lunch time, so if I skip recess on snack day I miss most of it.

    Rita, thanks for forwarding the message about New Year's Resolutions. My son gave me a card a couple of years ago that I keep on the wall of my classroom. It quotes Yoda from "Return of the Jedi" (Yes, a bit nerdy, I know) saying to Luke: "There is no try, only do". The card plays the Star Wars music when opened, too. (OK, very nerdy). I find it quite fun and a bit inspiring. "There is no try, only do"

    Barbie - I'm doing the 100 squats a day too, started a couple of days ago. Not so hard to fit in 5 sets 20 over the course of the day, but ouch, I feel it in my backside.

    nt2012 - you can get your ticker to show in your post by going to settings on this page and selecting it.

    Mimi - I hope your Dad's knee is healing.

    Off to the gym, and then it's time to get rid of these Christmas decorations before the guests come to dinner tomorrow.

    Hasta pronto,

  • Right now I need to be reminded how not to use food to stuff feelings. I just had an experience that is causing me to want to do some emotional eating and one of my goals is to find better alternatives. I am at work so crying or curling up in the fetal position probably won't go over too well - I know underneath the pain I have the skills to do this - just can't access it right now - so any support and reminders would be greatly appreciated.
  • hello i have just started please feel free to add me!
  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Everyone -
    Just want to let you know I have changed my user name.....
    Will write more tonight, I need to get back to work.

    Susan (kennsu)
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    I'd like to join this group for the January posts.

    I'm 56 years old (wow, it's hard to write that!), married with two children who should graduate from college this spring (one is working full-time, with a few credits to finish this semester). Empty nester, full-time worker. Developed a lot of bad habits over 24 years of childrearing and working full time. Now I've got some time for me, and I intend to get fit and healthy.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    to Harmony - Remember no one can make you feel bad about self unless you let them! Hope you feel better!
  • thanks for the reminder smwert - that's always the fun part when in the midst of the strong emotions - trying to recall what we know to be true vs what we are feeling.