

  • kathiemcn
    Hi all - first time to post. My name is Maria and I'm 54..going through menapause and finding it hard to lose. I've followed MFP for 50 days and plateaued at 6 lbs...I keep telling myself that ONE day, the scale is going to show a drop. My plan is the 1200 cal a day plus whatever I earn in exercise which is usually 250 to 300....and I eat all of it and am still hungry.

    I walk every day and 2x a week go to the gym.

    Anyone else a slow loser?

    I have been a pretty slow loser (on average) , but have done a bit better on MFP. Why don't you try not using your exercise points and see if that helps? Just a suggestion. I've been through menopause and they say the best you can expect at that point is 300 gms per day. I've plateau'd twice in my journey, but when I do I try something different to nudge things along, adnit usually works (not WW though).

    BIG mistake my me!!!!! They say the most you can hope to lose after menopause is 300gms per WEEK! Not per day! (I wish it was per day...lol.)
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Congratulations, Mary, on the birth of your new grandbaby :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: How wonderful for you, you will enjoy him so much, grandchildren are so much fun, almost "better" almost than your own children, if that makes any sense? :laugh:

    My hubby and I booked a Caribbean cruise for March; that is our Christmas gift to each other, which I think is great and I am looking forward to it already :wink:

    I see that some of us are still in a funk; I hope you can find your way out of it... I am still forcing myself every day, I am just not into the Christmas spirit this yeart, but I have to get it, so I have Christmas songs playing during my long commute, we have Christmas songs playing at work and I try to watch all the old favourite Christmas shows, anything to get myself into the mood. Slowly, it is working, I am getting to feel better and better about things. I hope everyone who is down will also be able to do that too. For the sake of the grandkids, if noone else!! They will be coming over and they expect everyone to be excited, don't they? They don't understand people being in a funk or not being in the mood, so I have to smarten up.

    Well, My Friends, hoping you are all well. Talk to you soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Mary congrats on baby Isaac. I should be joining the grandma ranks next month.

    I finally got my new range and microwave installed yesterday. It took us all weekend to do something that should have only taken a couple of hours. (very typical for us)

    I got to use my new cookware and I love it.

    Looking forward to the holiday out of this coldness and into some sunshine. It will be a much needed break.

    Much love to you all
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    My new grandson, Isaac, has arrived! 8 lb 9.5 oz 21 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well. Grandma is walking on air!
    congratulation on baby Isaac enjoy
  • beth535
    beth535 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Rough 30+ hours for me. One of my closest friends in AA (yep, that's one of my 12-step programs) relapsed over the weekend after having recently celebrated 4 years of sobriety. Another of our friends and I were able to get into her unlocked back door (she has a HUGE dog, who loves both of us) and found her. The hospital detox said she didn't need to be admitted. The other friend is a nurse anesthetist, who stayed with her overnight. I had about 4 hours sleep. And she and the other friend both smoke, and I just celebrated 10 months without cigs last week.

    BUT, I didn't smoke and I didn't overeat and my calories were actually under goal. A victory! I just kept reminding myself that the best thing I could do was demonstrate my ability to take care of myself with wellness and healthy habits. Apparently that worked to keep me on the right track!

    And now I really need to get some sleep. Will catch up with you all tomorrow.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Mary - good luck to you and your daughter. How exciting! He's here. Pics, we want pics!!!!

    barbie - call me uninformed because that's what I am. What is the difference/advantage/disadvantage between a group and a forum? How will things change for me?

    oh, how I will be so grateful when these holidays are over! Made an apple pie tonight. I was going to do it tomorrow so that I'd sort-of space out my calories for the day, but it turned out to be a better day than they predicted so I helped Vince put out some of the Christmas decorations, that is after I'd done an hour of extremepump, gone to the mall and got Jessica a pair of earrings that were $40.00 for $2.99, got myself a sweater for $30 (I probably wouldn't have paid that much, but I thought it was SOO pretty), then bowled 5 practice games. Want to go to mahjongg tomorrow so I made the apple pie today. Don't know if Vince will need me tomorrow, so I might have to skip mahjongg. I really would prefer not to since I won't go Friday.

    Will do an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill tomorrow

    Cathy - you are so lucky to be going on a cruise. I'm trying to talk Vince into taking one in January. We do usually go to FL in Feb. for the Daytona. But I would like to get away. He isn't real crazy about the idea, how can I convince him that it'd be a good idea????? Gotta think on this

    Beth - what a wonderful friend you are!

    Going to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mary, congrats on your new grandchild

    :flowerforyou: Robin, congrats on your new kitchen appliances

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, thank you for sharing your insights......I knew there was a reason I didn't drink water with my meals and you had the answer
    it makes sense since the championship eaters drink a lot of water or something while they're eating a zillion of something in a few minutes.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, congrats on not eating, drinking, or smoking at a time of stress

    :bigsmile: today my line dance group performed at three assisted living places.....we look great in our festive holiday clothing and our dancing was good enough to get us applause and thank-yous.:bigsmile: we'll do the same thing at three other places next Monday.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: keep sharing your thoughts about whether we should turn this thread into a group.........I don't have any problem with what we're doing now, but another thread I post on turned into a group and I've seen some of the benefits and the burdens.
  • beth535
    beth535 Posts: 31 Member
    Mary: Forgot to say "mazel tov" on the arrival of Isaac! What a nice, early Christmas present.

    Today WILL be another healthy day. In AA we stay "sober." In Nicotine Anonymous we're "smober." In Overeaters Anonymous they're "abstinent." Do we have a word for sticking to our food and exercise goals??? LOL!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning lovely ladies...did an early spinning class, and need to run lots of errands today...made two plates of cookies and candies for my sons offices or whatever they want to use it for...some cookies(a martha stewart shortbread recipe that i added all the leftover halloween candies to)and some coconut stacks, and some almond bark with mixed nut(yummy),put them all in a pretty festive plastice plate and wrappyed it in clear cellophane with pretty wire ribbon:love: i hope you all have a wonderful day...:flowerforyou:

    @cathys01...how wonderful that you are going on a cruise...great Christmas present!

    @rjadams..good news on the new applicances..enjoy

    @beth535..you are an awesome friend...and congratulations on staying strong ...

    @michele...hope you get to convince your hubby regarding the cruise

    @barbiecat...im sure you all were very entertaining!
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    Good for you on not smoking, you are a good friend! Nice that someone was there for her....They say there's alot to this Holiday season, good and bad....Hope your reward comes with a nice number on your scale!

    Hi everyone.

    Rough 30+ hours for me. One of my closest friends in AA (yep, that's one of my 12-step programs) relapsed over the weekend after having recently celebrated 4 years of sobriety. Another of our friends and I were able to get into her unlocked back door (she has a HUGE dog, who loves both of us) and found her. The hospital detox said she didn't need to be admitted. The other friend is a nurse anesthetist, who stayed with her overnight. I had about 4 hours sleep. And she and the other friend both smoke, and I just celebrated 10 months without cigs last week.

    BUT, I didn't smoke and I didn't overeat and my calories were actually under goal. A victory! I just kept reminding myself that the best thing I could do was demonstrate my ability to take care of myself with wellness and healthy habits. Apparently that worked to keep me on the right track!

    And now I really need to get some sleep. Will catch up with you all tomorrow.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Well, I accomplished one of my goals for the day. I actually managed to read all of the posts for the past week that I have missed. I thought of a lot of things to say to all of you individually, but couldn't manage to do it for a week's worth, so just know that I am chiming in with my "congrats, atta girl, amen, hang in there, and do you need a hug?", whichever was appropriate for you in the past week.

    My baby Isaac is a Mary Poppins baby - practically perfect in every way! I am heading back to the hospital tonight for a bit after work. It is 60 miles away. Tomorrow they will be coming home and I will be helping out. So I may be sporadic, but will try to pop in. Everyone have a great day! Mary
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Well, I accomplished one of my goals for the day. I actually managed to read all of the posts for the past week that I have missed. I thought of a lot of things to say to all of you individually, but couldn't manage to do it for a week's worth, so just know that I am chiming in with my "congrats, atta girl, amen, hang in there, and do you need a hug?", whichever was appropriate for you in the past week.

    My baby Isaac is a Mary Poppins baby - practically perfect in every way! I am heading back to the hospital tonight for a bit after work. It is 60 miles away. Tomorrow they will be coming home and I will be helping out. So I may be sporadic, but will try to pop in. Everyone have a great day! Mary

    mary how wonderful that you can spend time helping out and enjoying Isaac...have fun:flowerforyou:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    BIG mistake my me!!!!! They say the most you can hope to lose after menopause is 300gms per WEEK! Not per day! (I wish it was per day...lol.)
    I don't believe that. I can't believe it's one number for everyone, for one thing. But also I think it's got to depend on how active you are.

    It does slow your metabolism, of course. I just think it has to be a different amount for different people.
  • kathiemcn
    Hi everyone.

    Rough 30+ hours for me. One of my closest friends in AA (yep, that's one of my 12-step programs) relapsed over the weekend after having recently celebrated 4 years of sobriety. Another of our friends and I were able to get into her unlocked back door (she has a HUGE dog, who loves both of us) and found her. The hospital detox said she didn't need to be admitted. The other friend is a nurse anesthetist, who stayed with her overnight. I had about 4 hours sleep. And she and the other friend both smoke, and I just celebrated 10 months without cigs last week.

    BUT, I didn't smoke and I didn't overeat and my calories were actually under goal. A victory! I just kept reminding myself that the best thing I could do was demonstrate my ability to take care of myself with wellness and healthy habits. Apparently that worked to keep me on the right track!

    And now I really need to get some sleep. Will catch up with you all tomorrow.

    Good on you Beth..what a great friend you must be! And congrats to you for all of the bad habits you have managed to overcome over the years. You must have some great determination and willpower...so you will definitely win at weight loss. :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    I did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill today (Tues). I'm not going to go to mahjongg, Vince might need me to do something.

    Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I'm planning on doing a step DVD at home, then we have the Newcomers general meeting, then I have the senior bowling, tomorrow night we have the Newcomers bowling. Next year I really hope we don't have it again on Wednesday. There was one gal (and her hubby) who only wanted it on Wednesday and since three of us wanted it on Tues or Thurs, we decided to go with Wed. Well...as it turns out she had gall bladder surgery and now she says that she'll be out for the rest of the season because her shoulder is giving her problems and she needs to buy a new ball. Sounds like a story to me.....she never mentions her shoulder at any other time, and just buy a ball, that's all. So now the rest of us are stuck until the end of the season. Oh well......

    How I can't wait for the holidays to be over! Too much temptation. I'm trying to avoid too many parties since that'll just put temptation in front of me.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • kathiemcn
    BIG mistake my me!!!!! They say the most you can hope to lose after menopause is 300gms per WEEK! Not per day! (I wish it was per day...lol.)
    I don't believe that. I can't believe it's one number for everyone, for one thing. But also I think it's got to depend on how active you are.

    It does slow your metabolism, of course. I just think it has to be a different amount for different people.

    Yes, I must admit, since I've been on MFP I've been losing more than that, which is always a thrill, considering what "they" say. So it must be different for everyone.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member

    BUT, I didn't smoke and I didn't overeat and my calories were actually under goal. A victory! I just kept reminding myself that the best thing I could do was demonstrate my ability to take care of myself with wellness and healthy habits. Apparently that worked to keep me on the right track!

    Very good thing you did, Beth! I'm sure your friends appreciate your steadfastness! God bless you!
  • kathiemcn
    Just found out my healthy weight range was miscalculated all those years ago. Added to the fact that I have shrunk by 1cm since then, my healthy weight range, and thus my goal, has now gone down by 1.9 kgs (4.2 lbs). So instead of being 3.8 kgs from goal I am now 5.7 kgs (12.5lbs) from my new goal. Very disappointing, but I am pleased that I can get smaller than I had planned to.:grumble:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello All!

    Mary: Congratulations on Issac!!! Keep walking on air:love::love: :love:

    Beth: Being there for a friend the way you did is the "spirit of Christmas"...what a gift. AND you stayed true to your resolves. Good for you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lots going on for everyone, I know. I have not finished my logging the past 2-3 days. Always some job or project that has kept me unfocused. My goal today is to log EVERYTHING and stay on track. For TODAY!!!

    Take care Dear Ladies:flowerforyou: Kackie
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello All!

    Mary: Congratulations on Issac!!! Keep walking on air:love::love: :love:

    Beth: Being there for a friend the way you did is the "spirit of Christmas"...what a gift. AND you stayed true to your resolves. Good for you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lots going on for everyone, I know. I have not finished my logging the past 2-3 days. Always some job or project that has kept me unfocused. My goal today is to log EVERYTHING and stay on track. For TODAY!!!

    Take care Dear Ladies:flowerforyou: Kackie