

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Linda S., I am grateful on a daily basis for my wonderful neighborhood where I can walk safely day or night.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, thanks for the update on Dixie…….I would love to see her posting here again…..I hope you’re feeling better

    :flowerforyou: LindaC. It took me awhile to figure out my pedometer but once I did, it worked great and I love it.

    :flowerforyou: :laugh: Meg, it’s good to see you laughing about the changes in Christmas plans

    :flowerforyou: TexasGal, I love your plan to redo a room for the New Year…..i heard about your weather in Dallas……a friend of mine is trying to get back to Washington from Dallas and the weather is creating a problem for her.

    :flowerforyou: Liz, I love your positive attitude and gratitude about your house.

    :flowerforyou: Deb, cross country skiing outside your house sounds like great fun

    :flowerforyou: Sue, your fitness gifts sound awesome

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I know it is so hard for you watching your daughter in trouble and wanting to help her get out…Jake has a son who is running amok in a different way and I watch his pain and frustration and not being able to help his grown child.

    :flowerforyou: Lin, what you did for Christmas is truly a demonstration of the Christmas spirit:heart:

    :bigsmile: It was back to line dance class today where we learned a wonderful new dance……another class tomorrow morning……life is good

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope everyone had a nice Christmas.Was so good to see my grandkids from IN.
    Had a nice time,exhausted after 10 hours of going.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    At work today - would rather be at home though!

    Will try to catch up with the posts later on.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    This is rare only two posts to answer to that's easy.

    it's great to be able to step out at any given time and go for a walk. I'm in that boat also there's a side road right in front cross the hwy and i'm on it. But don't like going out to early to get neighbours down the road dog might bark. And there's four houses together don't want to wake them up.
    Barbie with all your linedancing must be an awfull lot of steps at the end of some days.

    what a beautiful Baby. Grandkids hugs and kisses makes life worthwhile.

    Well not a good nights sleep but then again not all bad. Think i'm going out to coffee this morning. And i'm going to take a little bit of a walk see how this pedometer works.
    Wii gave me a little bit of a loss this morning about .7 i'd say. One more good day should get me in pre Christmas weight.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    LindaC:smile: I would have shared a few pounds with Santa too:laugh: ! Once you get your pedometer figured out, you`ll love it!!!

    Cheryl:smile: I keep Fitbit and MFP separate, I have Fitbit set to lose 1.5 lb. a week and MFP set to lose 1 lb., neither are working for me at the moment:sad: . I have figured out that MFP is usually pretty close to what Fitbit gives me if I add back 250 calories. I do love my Fitbit though!!!

    Colleen:smile: Maintaining is good:bigsmile: !!!

    Meg:smile: Hope everyone is feeling good and your late Christmas dinner was wonderful!!! Soup sounds delish!

    Teri:smile: Beautiful pic of the snow! Have fun painting and redecorating!!!!

    Liz:smile: Love the story about your home, you make it more and more yours as you go along!!!!

    DebA:smile: Enjoy the snow and the skiing!!! Stay warm!

    Sue:smile: Sounds like you had a great time shopping with the kids, I love shopping with my granddaughters!!!!

    Lin:smile: What a wonderful daughter you are! You will never regret one minute of your Christmas day! Hope you`re feeling better, here`s what I did.... 3 or 4 cups of hot tea with ginger and lemon (throughout the day), if you like it sweet add a bit of honey, 2 Advil every 6 hours, lots of water, Zyrtec, and lots of rest, I spent a lot of my day just resting, I did make myself go out and get a 30 minute walk in, but I didn`t push myself, I walked really slow for me, I got a nice warm shower and went to bed early and today I feel brand new!

    Sorry for those that I`ve missed this time, I did read all the posts! I`ve got to get some warm clothes on and go for my walk, and then go pick up my Synthroid, I didn`t do that yesterday, which means I just won`t take one today:ohwell: .

    Hope everyone has a great day! I`ll try to pop back in a bit later! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: LindaC. the interesting thing about my pedometer is that it doesn't register a lot of the steps I take when I'm line dancing so I get fewer steps from a line dance class than I would if I used the same time for a walk....the pedometer likes to count the forward movement of typical walking rather than sideways or backwards or hip bumps or a lot of the movements in line dance.....however, line dancing is a far greater challenge for my brain (remembering the steps) than walking.so I have to remember that steps cannot be the only measure of my daily success.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Dee Dee I hope I never need your remedy but I'll keep it in mind, just in case.

    :bigsmile: we have to pick somebody up and get to a meeting by 7 AM and I still have to walk the dog for awhile so I'd better not linger here

    :flowerforyou: Make it a great day
    act the way you want to feel

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Dee dee
    I wore my pedometer this morning and had a not big walk but a good 15 to 20 min. and it gave me 48 steps somethings not right but I had it at the front of me. Hubby said to try it on the hip so it's there now. But not marking much sitting here lol.

    I guess it don't regognize side moves and maybe if you go backwards it subtracts lol.
    Going to try that just for the heck of it.

    Make today a great day so far so good.

    Linda C
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    I have no New Year's get togethers either so all I have to do is stay well. With so much illness around, that may be the most difficult thing to do. My head is swollen, my eyes heavy and my nose looks like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I was so sick to my stomach this morning that I couldn't move much. Add it all up and it equals sinus problems. I'm just going to hope and pray it goes away. (If you have any home remedies, send them my way.............)

    Hugs all 'round.



    Lin, You'll be glad for the day spent with your dad this Christmas. It was a good thing to do. As to the sinus problems, drink lots of water, take whatever antihistamines you prefer and hang tough. I hope it doesn't last long.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We spent the day visiting our niece yesterday and had a good time. She's gone into business with a friend and we visited her vintage items and collectables shop. I loved the way she set up her displays in rooms of an old house. I especially love that she's having so much fun with it. Her husband works impossibly long hours and her kids are in middle school and college, so she has time on her hands. She seems to be filling it with work that gives her pleasure.

    I had some very nice NSVs into the bargain. The family noticed that I'm losing weight, and asked how I'm doing it. They noticed my clothes are fitting loose. :bigsmile: So I said I'm counting calories using MFP... The support I get from you sure helps me to stay strong. Thanks for being here.:flowerforyou:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good morning MFP Vit F friends. Very cold here and we have to go out for fruit, veggies and staples. I think my body is craving veggies. We were gone 6 days and I can't remember eating many veggies. I know.. I should have taken some or bought my own. I did make a salad one night and my DGD and I were the only ones who ate any.
    Lin - sorry you aren't feeling well. Stay on top of that sinus problem because it can lead to bigger problems if you get an infection. Take care of you.
    DeeDee - does it snow often where you are? We lived in Las Vegas and it snowed a few times while we were stationed there. Be care with chest discomfort while shoveling. That could be a sign to take a break!
    Will pop back in later to see what's happening on the best thread in the community.:flowerforyou:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Having a blizzard here. I need to get motivated!! you all seem so active. I should bundle up and walk in the snow .
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Afternoon lovely ladies. I am glad for the most part that you all seem to have had a good Christmas. I have certainly eaten too much, and of the wrong foods. Oh boy I need veggies and lots of them! I think I have probably gained a few pounds, but trying to be careful. Its hard to get back on the wagon again, as there are so many leftovers to deal with. New Year is the next hurdle then life can start getting back to normal.

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Feeling a little down after the Christmas high. My daughter will be moving soon to upstate PA. near where my son already lives (about five-six hours from me in Delaware). She and her two boys spent Christmas with us and I guess I'm just now realizing I won't be able to see them whenever I want. I called my son last night and the tears started to come out of nowhere! My daughter E-mailed me this morning that he called her in a panic to see if there was something wrong with me that I wasn't telling him. Didn't mean to scare him. Also, I am turning 60 on Sunday, so that might have a thing or two to do with it. 2012 was a pretty good year for me. I'm back down to my goal weight and trying to maintain, but I'm struggling today and feeling very hungry. Trying hard to stay on track. Just needed to vent a little. Thanks!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    ♫Olive, the other reindeer, ♪ used to laugh and call him names .....


    Missing my granddaughter at the holiday but at least there is facebook and I get to see things like this.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Well I went for the walk in the snow. Our road is not plowed what. Work out, Feel better for having mde the effort
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Thank you for the tips! I have started drinking hot lemon water and that seems to be helping. I'm doing this the old-fashioned way by heating water in the tea kettle on the stove and I love the sound of the whistling pot! I'm then filling a huge mug and I'm squeezing the juice from 1/4 of a giant lemon in it and it's delicious. My furnace humidifier isn't working so I'm also putting some steam in the air by putting a pan on the stove to simmer (and no worries, I set the timer so I won't forget it).

    I got my errands out of the way this morning although I really did not want to go out in the cold (seems to make my head ache). But all done now. Thank the Lord. Snow is predicted again for tonight and tomorrow so I'd better feel better quick as it will be me and the snow shovel again.

    Hugs for all my friends..............


  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ughhhhh. I ate a days worth of calories in breakfast!!!
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Cheryl- you made me giggle when I just read your post! I giggled
    As we have all been there before and it's nice to have a place
    to post our humanness!

    Lin- I love hot lemon water. I used to work for a weight loss company
    and hot lemon water was what they promoted for their clients to
    drink every evening! Hope you are feeling better soon!

    DeeDee, that is great you are feeling better already! I still have a
    sore throat , cough and sinus pressure! After my morning coffee I am
    Going to start drinking the hot lemon water. We have a Meyers lemon
    Tree that is loaded!

    I will be back later tonight to post! I have a child nagging me to
    go to the mall to exchange some items! Not going to happen today
    So I need to get ready to discuss her unrealistic expectation!!

    Have a good day my friends!

    Like Barbie reminds us to " act the way we want to feel"

    Make it a good day with good choices to nurture ones self!

    Blessings, LindaS
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Checking in to mark my spot. Oh I will so welcome being back at home, and in some routine, and able to log my food, and exercise more regularly! Who knew my body and mind would be craving healthy food and exercise!!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Greetings from snowy Omaha. It is snowing ever so gently and is really pretty outside. It’s damp though so seems colder than it is. I went grocery shopping today, forgetting the trucks would be a day behind because of Christmas and man, the shelves were bare!!! Took a while to figure it out!:tongue:

    DD#2 has stopped throwing up….yay. She had a little rice last night (2 spoonfuls) and today had 2 more plus some apple juice, so I Think she is on the mend. :wink:

    Texasgal: look at that snow. Sure is pretty….did it mess everyone up in Dallas?

    Liz: I have always enjoyed home improvement projects and that is a great way to make your house truly yours.

    DebA: cross country skiing! I have always wanted to do that. You enjoy that foot of snow!

    Suebedew: your shopping trip sounded like so much fun! Hope you are safe in that snow!

    Michele: it sounds like you are having such a hard time with Denise. I can tell you one thing as a formerly-abused woman: it makes you crazy and soon you begin to think it’s kind of normal. Even not being raised that way, you sort of fall into this pit where the relationship takes on a life of its own and is the total priority no matter what. She may be trying to please him to slow the abuse down. Just be there for her when she needs you. I’m sure it is awful standing by when you probably want to intervene. :flowerforyou:

    Jen: I am way behind the ball here too. I keep saying “tomorrow” then tomorrow doesn’t happen the way I want. I need to start planning better.

    Lin: I Hope you feel better. You are such a good daughter to spend Christmas in the nursing home with dad. I’m sure he appreciated it.:flowerforyou:

    LindaC: bad food and no exercise won’t help any of us! LOL:laugh:

    Barbie: great quotation!

    Jane: get some rest!

    DeeDEe: hope you had a great walk!!!

    Katla: ;great nsvs!!!!!

    S: where do you live? Stay safe in your blizzard!

    Annie: new years isn’t as big a hurdle for me as Christmas was…we are going dancing all night as usual, so even if I eat too much (more like drink too much) I am burning it off.

    Robin: what darling baby! You must be so proud!:love:

    Wessecg: I know that feeling! More exercise!

    OK someone help me out here…I can’t find the update on Dixie. How is she doing?

    Well I think I need to get something accomplished otherwise I’ll sit here watching the birds at the feeders all day. I got 2 new one for Christmas so now I have 12 total. I love watching them!
    Take care, stay safe and warm! Meg:drinker: