I do think PF has the best deal out there. It’s only ten bucks a month and I think $40 to enroll on that plan. I have a Planet Fitness Black Card so that I can go to all their locations. Only twenty bucks a month. I think it’s worth it. There are no classes or anything, but I usually do my awkward aerobics at home anyway…
Ha! Hibernation mode, huh? I guess I never really tracked my food so I never paid attention to how much I used to eat versus how much the MFP Me eats.
I eat a good amount of protein too. Lots of steak and chicken this week alone...and I love FAT! I am still losing weight, but I wasn't sure if it was normal.
Perks of being healthy! Nice work Ashley!
I grew up in San Francisco and I never once had to be in the closet. I don't have a coming out story. I know I'm lucky. Now I'm in NYC and I am free to still be myself. I know I'm lucky. I have so much Pride and I rarely miss a Pride celebration! Pride is my only true holiday and the only holiday I take time off of work…
Strength training with focus on chest. Assisted pull-ups for example, you can feel it right in your under arm area. Are we talking armpit fat or saggy triceps? I'm talking about the armpit fat.
Thank you all!
I haven't lost much weight this past week either, BUT my clothes fit differently so I do notice progress. How are your clothes fitting? In the end, isn't that what matters more?
LOL! I was also thinking tattoos.
Girl, you already have a beach body!
Smaller breasts. Not joking. Sad truth.
I'm 4'11" and I don't even think 105 looks good on me. My goal weight is 120, but 115 would be the lowest I'd go.
Being native Taiwanese, I was never allowed to drink cold water during meals or during my womanly cycles (that's a whole other passed-down health thingy). The Chinese have lots of these habits and health tidbits passed down from generations. Westerners have spent centuries laughing at us, but now they’re starting to…
Drinking ice cold water also helps to solidify the oils in your body, creating these nice lil' fatty balls that stick to and build up in your colon...eventually being cancerous. I think I'll just keep my lukewarm water and take a walk.
Sweet success!
My already small boobies get even smaller! I was in the military at the time and came out of Basic Training looking boyish, but it suited me. I have my boob fat back, but I'm willing to trade it in.
I have one. It just keeps getting bigger.
I'm hoping to build up to that. Nice!
Motivation...I need that too! A bit of instruction and advice...that's why we're here. Excited to start this journey with you giggly!