plateau HELP!

I've been bouncing between 180.5 and 181.5 lbs for the past week. I really, REALLY want to be in the 170s! Does anyone have any suggestions that would help me get to my goal?
I stick to the 1200 cal diet and I am exercising at least 20 min of circuit training every day (Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred). Drinking my water, etc. I believe my food journal is open for all to see. I am currently trying to lose a total of 40 lbs.


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    So you just started within the month and you've only lost 3lbs?

    1.5 fluctuation isn't a plateau, that's normal. It could be that time of the month....that really gets a lot of women with bloat and water weight.

    Your diary isn't open so I can't comment on your intake. But you really haven't been at this long enough to really make any judgement about what you've been doing anyways. That small of a weight fluctuation could just be a normal part of your cycle. Only time will tell.

    My recommendation is to up your working out to an hour a day at least 5 days a week, keep it up with your diet, and make some progress goals. 1lb a week is a good one, and so if you are 180 now, then it might be a good goal to set to get into the 170's by November.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I'm right there with you. I can't seem to get below 138 and have been stuck there for a few weeks. I'm adding in some more supplements and am adding high intensity interval training to my routine.

    I was able to break my last plateau by carefully measuring and logging all my food. Even a cup of tea or a dash of salt. It all goes in the food diary now. I had been guesstimating, and was probably eating way over my calories and fat for the day. I mostly weigh my foods, as weight is more accurate than measuring cups/ spoons.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    I have found that if I vary my calories for about a week and up my work outs...that usually does the trick!
    Sometimes giving yourself an extra 200 calories of protein every other day or so...tends to work!! Or that's been my experience!
    Good Luck!
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    For the past week?:huh: Yea, that's not a plateau. It's normal fluctuation. Stay off the scale and re-visit after a week (or more)
  • simonlcube
    simonlcube Posts: 73 Member
    My suggestion would be to stick to your calorie goal but work towards doing a longer cardio session mixed in with some strength training on some of the days, as well as rest days.

    Also, measure your food intake as accurately as possible for a few days to ensure that your calculating is accurate.

    Also, if you are eating back calories, review how many you think you are.burning, as you might be over- estimating.

    Bear in mind that estimating food intake and calories burned can very easily be 10% out.

    Also, it is not really a plateaux until it has been a few weeks, so hang in there!

    Good luck!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    For the past week?:huh: Yea, that's not a plateau. It's normal fluctuation. Stay off the scale and re-visit after a week (or more)

  • ChinkyButt
    ChinkyButt Posts: 22 Member
    I haven't lost much weight this past week either, BUT my clothes fit differently so I do notice progress. How are your clothes fitting? In the end, isn't that what matters more?
  • livinbb
    livinbb Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks to all for the advice. I guess I should have mentioned that I've been battling with my weight since my teens (I'm now in my 30s YIKES!) and I have always had a hard time getting out of the 180s I usually hit about 183/182 and can go no further. I understand that only 1 week isn't a plateau, but I am trying to head off the frustration of still being in the 180s. I also should have mentioned that although I've only been a member of MFP for a couple of weeks. I was logging in my exercise and calories on for the past year. I've never been able to get lower than 180 lbs.

    I'm just over it! I want the weight I've been struggling with GONE, and gone for good. I am determined to not lose it but to shred it!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    "Battling" for years isn't the same as committing to a plan and sticking with it. I am not meaning to be harsh, but complaining about a plateau after 1 week (have you logged the entire week?) just is a mental state you probably should to get out of. That's the point I think everyone is saying. If you want to stop the battle and actually succeed this time, you're going to have to stick with it. And that's means understanding that 1 week isn't going to tell you much of anything.

    Heading off the frustration might just be about changing your entire outlook on this and understanding that those frustrations come with the journey and aren't an excuse to give up. Just figure em out and move on.

    There really is nothing that is going to help you other than keep going, and don't stop. I keep seeing a saying around Pinterest lately that I really like "If you're tired of starting over, then stop quitting".
  • 16tonlor
    One thing I have learned from my trainer is to eat a 1/2 to 1 hour from getting up in the morning. If you don't your body is already in starvation mode and anything you do all day is basically a waste. If you aren't doing that you might want to try that.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    The problem = 1200 calories
    The fix = Set less aggressive weight loss goals

    In all seriousness, you need to eat more. 1200 calories a day is not enough to even feed your metabolism (unless you have a metabolic disorder). The only thing that you are doing by eating 1200 calories over an extended period of time is creating an environment for your body to slow down your metabolism, catabolize lean body mass and maintain body fat. You don' t have that much weight to lose, you should be aiming for about 1 lb per week and eating back some of your exercise calories. Or since you are doing JM, you can set your account to lightly active and don't eat back exercise calories. You have to understand, that calories are fuel and if you don't fuel your body, your body will conserve which makes it harder to lose weight.

    Now if you want to improve fat loss, then start doing heavy weight training. WT is much more effective at reducing fat than cardio or even HIIT. In terms of fat loss it's WT>HIIT> Cardio. And this is important because maintain lbm is crucial to how you will look in a bathing suit and to obtaining your goals. Weight is arbitrary and won't determine how you look (below are two links to what I mean). Muscle is the key to a faster metabolism and having a leaner and tighter body. So why under eat and lose that. If you wait until you get low eat in weight, it just makes it harder, especially if you have to try to gain muscle.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    One thing I have learned from my trainer is to eat a 1/2 to 1 hour from getting up in the morning. If you don't your body is already in starvation mode and anything you do all day is basically a waste. If you aren't doing that you might want to try that.

    Your trainer should go back to school. That is a myth. Your metabolism works constantly and does not require food after a giving time in order to start working. You can eat as often or as little as you want throughout a day and see the same result. The NIH has already proven that. What matters is proving your body with enough nutrition so it doesn't conserve body fat and release cortisol.
  • simonlcube
    simonlcube Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks to all for the advice. I guess I should have mentioned that I've been battling with my weight since my teens (I'm now in my 30s YIKES!) and I have always had a hard time getting out of the 180s I usually hit about 183/182 and can go no further. I understand that only 1 week isn't a plateau, but I am trying to head off the frustration of still being in the 180s. I also should have mentioned that although I've only been a member of MFP for a couple of weeks. I was logging in my exercise and calories on for the past year. I've never been able to get lower than 180 lbs.

    I'm just over it! I want the weight I've been struggling with GONE, and gone for good. I am determined to not lose it but to shred it!

    Would you mind making your diary public, so that I can see what you are eating??
  • livinbb
    livinbb Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks to all for the advice. I guess I should have mentioned that I've been battling with my weight since my teens (I'm now in my 30s YIKES!) and I have always had a hard time getting out of the 180s I usually hit about 183/182 and can go no further. I understand that only 1 week isn't a plateau, but I am trying to head off the frustration of still being in the 180s. I also should have mentioned that although I've only been a member of MFP for a couple of weeks. I was logging in my exercise and calories on for the past year. I've never been able to get lower than 180 lbs.

    I'm just over it! I want the weight I've been struggling with GONE, and gone for good. I am determined to not lose it but to shred it!

    Would you mind making your diary public, so that I can see what you are eating??
  • livinbb
    livinbb Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks to all for the advice. I guess I should have mentioned that I've been battling with my weight since my teens (I'm now in my 30s YIKES!) and I have always had a hard time getting out of the 180s I usually hit about 183/182 and can go no further. I understand that only 1 week isn't a plateau, but I am trying to head off the frustration of still being in the 180s. I also should have mentioned that although I've only been a member of MFP for a couple of weeks. I was logging in my exercise and calories on for the past year. I've never been able to get lower than 180 lbs.

    I'm just over it! I want the weight I've been struggling with GONE, and gone for good. I am determined to not lose it but to shred it!

    Would you mind making your diary public, so that I can see what you are eating??

    I think I changed it after posting this. Let me know if you can't see it
  • simonlcube
    simonlcube Posts: 73 Member
    One thing I have learned from my trainer is to eat a 1/2 to 1 hour from getting up in the morning. If you don't your body is already in starvation mode and anything you do all day is basically a waste. If you aren't doing that you might want to try that.

    This is in my opinion wrong on several levels, the most relevant being that unless your body fat % is very very low at 180lbs you won't be going into starvation mode, especially overnight!
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    I've been bouncing between 180.5 and 181.5 lbs for the past week. I really, REALLY want to be in the 170s! Does anyone have any suggestions that would help me get to my goal?
    I stick to the 1200 cal diet and I am exercising at least 20 min of circuit training every day (Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred). Drinking my water, etc. I believe my food journal is open for all to see. I am currently trying to lose a total of 40 lbs.

    I started at 1200 and lost3 lbs the first week then stayed there until I studied the info on TDEE last week. I raised my calories up a little and viola 2 lbs this week. Search on the forums for it. Good luck you will figure it out:-)
  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    I wouldn't call a week a plateau. just normal fluctuations. I have been hovering around 180....for NINE MONTHS. Yes, 9. I've tried eating more, eating less, lowering carbs/sugar, exercising more/less, everything... nothing will make the scale budge.
  • livinbb
    livinbb Posts: 84 Member
    The problem = 1200 calories
    The fix = Set less aggressive weight loss goals

    In all seriousness, you need to eat more. 1200 calories a day is not enough to even feed your metabolism (unless you have a metabolic disorder). The only thing that you are doing by eating 1200 calories over an extended period of time is creating an environment for your body to slow down your metabolism, catabolize lean body mass and maintain body fat. You don' t have that much weight to lose, you should be aiming for about 1 lb per week and eating back some of your exercise calories. Or since you are doing JM, you can set your account to lightly active and don't eat back exercise calories. You have to understand, that calories are fuel and if you don't fuel your body, your body will conserve which makes it harder to lose weight.

    Now if you want to improve fat loss, then start doing heavy weight training. WT is much more effective at reducing fat than cardio or even HIIT. In terms of fat loss it's WT>HIIT> Cardio. And this is important because maintain lbm is crucial to how you will look in a bathing suit and to obtaining your goals. Weight is arbitrary and won't determine how you look (below are two links to what I mean). Muscle is the key to a faster metabolism and having a leaner and tighter body. So why under eat and lose that. If you wait until you get low eat in weight, it just makes it harder, especially if you have to try to gain muscle.

    Thanks for the links. I will check them out. My overall goal is of course to be healthy and yes look good in a bathing suit. I thought 1200 was okay because that is what MFP set it at for me. Right now my goals are set to 1.5 lbs loss per week. However, I don't eat back (or try not to) my exercise calories.....
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    The problem = 1200 calories
    The fix = Set less aggressive weight loss goals

    In all seriousness, you need to eat more. 1200 calories a day is not enough to even feed your metabolism (unless you have a metabolic disorder). The only thing that you are doing by eating 1200 calories over an extended period of time is creating an environment for your body to slow down your metabolism, catabolize lean body mass and maintain body fat. You don' t have that much weight to lose, you should be aiming for about 1 lb per week and eating back some of your exercise calories. Or since you are doing JM, you can set your account to lightly active and don't eat back exercise calories. You have to understand, that calories are fuel and if you don't fuel your body, your body will conserve which makes it harder to lose weight.

    Now if you want to improve fat loss, then start doing heavy weight training. WT is much more effective at reducing fat than cardio or even HIIT. In terms of fat loss it's WT>HIIT> Cardio. And this is important because maintain lbm is crucial to how you will look in a bathing suit and to obtaining your goals. Weight is arbitrary and won't determine how you look (below are two links to what I mean). Muscle is the key to a faster metabolism and having a leaner and tighter body. So why under eat and lose that. If you wait until you get low eat in weight, it just makes it harder, especially if you have to try to gain muscle.

    Thanks for the links. I will check them out. My overall goal is of course to be healthy and yes look good in a bathing suit. I thought 1200 was okay because that is what MFP set it at for me. Right now my goals are set to 1.5 lbs loss per week. However, I don't eat back (or try not to) my exercise calories.....

    MFP is what is called a dumb too. It estimates your BMR and TDEE based on your inputs. So if you put sedentary and 1.5, it will take your height, weight and age and project your TDEE and then minus 750 calories and capped you at 1200 calories due to national recommendations. It also assumes you are going to eat back your exercise calories (which you should as your body needs fuel).

    Now, I know people will say, I lost 50+ lbs by not eating their exercise calories and weight loss is great, but ask how many of them tracked their body fat with weight loss. See how much lean body mass they lost and they might reconsider that a success. Every single plateau I have broken or helped break was caused by properly fueling their body and eating more. In fact, my last plateau, I increased my calories by 800 calories.