Ice cold water burns calories!



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How do you drink your water? We don't mean on the rocks, or with whiskey. We mean cold. And often. A study at the University of Utah found that people who are better hydrated have higher metabolic rates. Eight to twelve 8-oz. glasses of water every day will do the trick [source: University of Utah].

    if there is anyone who doesnt agree with this can you please point me in the right direction (website) where I can read more accurate information, just like I have attached the address for where I found this information. :noway:

    This is a link to the page that discussed exercise. Which page were you referring to?

    ETA: I found a referrence to the study noted above - These results were in line with previous University of Utah findings that calorie burning can decline by about 2 percent per day when people are dehydrated."

    BUT, that has nothing to do with the temperature levels at which the fluids are administered.
  • Jexebel
    Jexebel Posts: 67
    How do you drink your water? We don't mean on the rocks, or with whiskey. We mean cold. And often. A study at the University of Utah found that people who are better hydrated have higher metabolic rates. Eight to twelve 8-oz. glasses of water every day will do the trick [source: University of Utah].

    if there is anyone who doesnt agree with this can you please point me in the right direction (website) where I can read more accurate information, just like I have attached the address for where I found this information. :noway:

    The study was about the amount of water the subjects drank and how it affected their metabolism? Nothing about cold water? Also, not a published study. Also procedure of experiment not well outlined. Not saying their results weren't legitimate..just not really addressing the cold water thing.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    How do you drink your water? We don't mean on the rocks, or with whiskey. We mean cold. And often. A study at the University of Utah found that people who are better hydrated have higher metabolic rates. Eight to twelve 8-oz. glasses of water every day will do the trick [source: University of Utah].

    if there is anyone who doesnt agree with this can you please point me in the right direction (website) where I can read more accurate information, just like I have attached the address for where I found this information. :noway:

    The most important part of that article... #1

    1: Calories Trump Metabolism for Weight Loss
    Most dieters are used to keeping track of what and how much they're eating -- this is good, but with a few tweaks it could be better. What you eat won't likely directly impact the speed of your metabolism -- it's the total number of calories and your level of physical activity that will speed your weight loss.

    To help boost your weight loss potential, choose foods that are high in protein (lean meats, fish, soy), fiber (pick whole grains over refined carbs) and low-fat dairy. Watch your portions and number of calories you eat in one day -- to lose one pound, you need to reduce your calorie intake by 3,500 calories, the amount of calories in one pound of fat. (Losing 500 calories from your diet a day for 7 days will translate into losing one pound in one week).

    To figure out what's right for you try calculating your BMR and the Harris Benedict formula to get a good idea of your personal caloric needs. The more you know about how your body works, the better you can work with it.

    Drinking cold water probably can't hurt, but the main thing is to watch what you eat and exercise, exercise, exercise! :)
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Geez people get all worked up around here.

    I think the OP makes a good point. Think about it this way -

    If you normally drink 64 oz of lukewarm water, you could get a small benefit from drinking 64 ounces of ice cold water. She even says it's small but it adds up. Whether you feel that 70 kcal a day is significant or not, that's up to you. Of course unless you're drinking your water at body temperature, you are still getting some amount of benefit from warming up the water.

    If you normally don't drink water, the benefit would be even greater because simply drinking water helps, and bonus if it's ice cold water.

    If you don't like to drink ice cold water but you'll drink it warmer, then it's better to get the benefit of drinking water at any temperature than not to drink it at all.
  • ChinkyButt
    ChinkyButt Posts: 22 Member
    Drinking ice cold water also helps to solidify the oils in your body, creating these nice lil' fatty balls that stick to and build up in your colon...eventually being cancerous.

    I think I'll just keep my lukewarm water and take a walk.

    Holy crap, this old fable is still around?

    Being native Taiwanese, I was never allowed to drink cold water during meals or during my womanly cycles (that's a whole other passed-down health thingy). The Chinese have lots of these habits and health tidbits passed down from generations. Westerners have spent centuries laughing at us, but now they’re starting to realize there’s something to our weirdness.

    I didn’t get my info from the internet.

    I got it from my Mommy, who got it from her Mommy, who got it from her Mommy…

    The internet has only translated things into English for me to repeat what I’ve always been taught…ALWAYS.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Drinking ice cold water also helps to solidify the oils in your body, creating these nice lil' fatty balls that stick to and build up in your colon...eventually being cancerous.

    I think I'll just keep my lukewarm water and take a walk.

    Holy crap, this old fable is still around?

    Being native Taiwanese, I was never allowed to drink cold water during meals or during my womanly cycles (that's a whole other passed-down health thingy). The Chinese have lots of these habits and health tidbits passed down from generations. Westerners have spent centuries laughing at us, but now they’re starting to realize there’s something to our weirdness.

    I didn’t get my info from the internet.

    I got it from my Mommy, who got it from her Mommy, who got it from her Mommy…

    The internet has only translated things into English for me to repeat what I’ve always been taught…ALWAYS.

    Personally, I prefer to rely on medical science and peer reviewed studies.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    this is just one small way to help get your metabolism started, I didn't mean to insinuate that anyone should depend on this alone to lose weight. The simple fact is that not any one thing will work but adding this with eating right and exercising is beneficial.

    When did my metabolism stop?

    I dont know if yours has stoped or not. . . .

    Maybe I'm a bad person, but this made me laugh hysterically. Sorry if this is mean, but sometimes people need to use their brains...
  • Karena_Juarez
    Geez people get all worked up around here.

    I think the OP makes a good point. Think about it this way -

    If you normally drink 64 oz of lukewarm water, you could get a small benefit from drinking 64 ounces of ice cold water. She even says it's small but it adds up. Whether you feel that 70 kcal a day is significant or not, that's up to you. Of course unless you're drinking your water at body temperature, you are still getting some amount of benefit from warming up the water.

    If you normally don't drink water, the benefit would be even greater because simply drinking water helps, and bonus if it's ice cold water.

    If you don't like to drink ice cold water but you'll drink it warmer, then it's better to get the benefit of drinking water at any temperature than not to drink it at all.

    Thank u! :happy:
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Drinking ice cold water also helps to solidify the oils in your body, creating these nice lil' fatty balls that stick to and build up in your colon...eventually being cancerous.

    I think I'll just keep my lukewarm water and take a walk.

    first I was like :laugh:

    then I was like :noway: ]

    now I'm like :huh:
  • shepherdjkay
    shepherdjkay Posts: 1 Member
    thanks for the laugh.....i wonder how many calories that just burned......while siping ice cold water.....tapping my feet erratically.....and chewing gum.....
  • IloveMybody20142014
    Thank you for this, I started drinking cold water today and reading your post makes me realize that I should probably keep it up :)