AthenaArcher Member


  • What does your diet look like? I am also Hyper and have a hard time eating enough calories to keep up with what I burn off during the day!
  • Go outside and yell out your top choices a few times. If one of them makes you feel like a dork while yelling it pick a different name. :) Also microchip your dog as soon as you get it so if it does get out you will have a much better chance of getting him home again. :)
  • If you don't have a garden or a place for one at least make your own salad bowl if you have a dollar store around this will cost you about $3.20 to buy new.Get a plastic strainer and a bowl that it fits in snugly.Grab some potting soil and a package of lettuce seeds while you are there. when you get home pore the potting…
  • If you look at a bottle of 100% lemon juice 1 teaspoon has 0 calories and a whole lemon has 17 calories so if you're really worried about that 17 calories when you finish the whole lemon add it. Otherwise don't worry about it at all :)
  • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); is the number of calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day. Determining how many calories you need can be done by using a TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculator. The TDEE calculator calculates your BMR and your Lifestyle and puts those numbers together. This number is what you…
  • Hi Brittany! Great job on losing 72 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a great accomplishment! fell free to add me as a friend. :)
  • Ok so it has been two weeks sense the water challenge what's the next challenge? :happy:
  • First off great job on the weight loss! :) 50 pounds in three months is awesome! 50 pounds in a year is a challenge. Second check out YouTube for some great workouts that don't cost anything I like Tiffany loves zumba and some of the befit videos especially the 5 minute ones because I have days that I just don't have an…
  • Where I live the classes are from $3-$5 dollars a class if you want to check out zumba at home for free look on YouTube and just type in zumba. Good luck! and have fun! :happy:
  • I'm in on the water! :happy:
  • Welcome back to mfp the fact that you are here and posting means that you really want to be here.Every time you need motivation look at your kids.Now imagination them 20 pounds heavier, now think of how they are going to be with out you in there life because you are to sick to get out of bed. Because you "just don't want…
  • First off you are doing great!!!!!!! If you are doing insanity workouts and only burning 500 calories I would question that number I work out with a group of people and we do the p-90-x version and we burn about 900 calories an hour.The way we track it is we have watch like monitors to tell us our hart rate and how many…
  • Sugar-Free Strawberry Daiquiri Recipe Add 6 fresh hulled strawberries, 1 shot of light rum, ¾ shot of freshly squeezed lime juice and a scoop of crushed ice to your blender. Blend and serve in a chilled cocktail glass. If you want a bit more sweetness dip the rim of your glass in sugar. light rum 69 cal. strawberries 49…
  • I am a mom of teenage girls too! welcome to MFP!
  • It is possible to lose weight by just changing what you eat,It will be harder and take longer but you can do it.Have you tried going to a chiropractor to ease some of your pain?
  • carb cravings before your period -is totally normal. When you are about to have your period your estrogen levels drop and with that your serotonin (a neurotransmitter in your brain that regulates your mood and keeps you happy). Serotonin is made in the gut and the more carbs you eat, the more readily it is made. Basically,…
  • Great job! Being health does take time and effort, but so does being un-healthy and just think of the time that you will save by not spending it in a hospital and nursing home because you weren't taking care of yourself . Keep up the great work! :happy:
  • A great place to start are the books called cooking for your freezer and once a month cooking you can find them at most library's and a lot of the recipes are online just Google freezer cooking. :)
  • I am a mail carrier too Pb&js or any nut butter(jiff in cups works well) goodness knows bars, cliff bars, smoothies freeze half ,veggies cut up,trail mix,freeze water bottles and put them in a cooler to keep his food cold. Good luck! :happy:
  • welcome I sent you a friend request :happy:
  • Just wondering you said "warrior lifestyle"did you mean the warrior lifestyle that you live in an R.V. that says warrior on the side or the warrior lifestyle of speak the truth,and treat people better,take good care of yourself etc. either way feel free to add me as a friend welcome to mfp. :happy:
  • I just sent you a friend request welcome to MFP :happy:
  • Baked oatmeal tastes like an oatmeal cookie not like mush in a bowl there are lots of recipes online for this google it and pick one that sounds good to you,Waffles are great to make a bunch and freeze and just pop them in the toaster ( make your own ) Also there are some great granola recipes on the web you could try.And…
  • I really like the goodness knows bars from mars 150 cal. And I can read all of the ingredients :happy:
  • I would seek professional help immediately.There is a great documentary about this it is called dying to be thin It explains in detail what you are doing to your body like when you throw up every day that eats all of the enamel off your teeth so they rot away,and if you do not get enough nutrition your bones will have huge…
  • You should start by getting a monthly subscription to a magazine like oxygen,or men's health (you could get woman's health but they have more stuff like how to fix your hair and less on how to get your but in shape) if you get it sent to your house every month it is a monthly reminder of where you want to be and how to get…
  • I would say yes up your calories. As it is you are not getting all of your calories you should from what you have listed in your your diary. :happy:
  • Click on exercise, then database,there will be a drop down bar that says or choose an exercise below lots of good ideas for you there. :happy:
  • what great motivation! You are on the right track, Keep it up! :happy: