Newbie W/out Friends on This

Hiya! I'm new to this and I'm finding it hard to keep motivated! I don't have any friend who uses the app so Im lacking in the encouragement dept. which makes it really hard for me to stay focused. Since I became unemployed, due to the company closing down in light of the recession, I have been searching for work but to no avail! So lately, the last 6-8 months or so I find myself having a drink in the evenings and having a detremental munchie buzz the next day. This is primarily to do with boredome and loneliness during the day as all my friends are working at present! I find myself going to the fridge constantly and if there's nothing there, I'll go to the shop and usually buy something salty/carby/greasy to satiate my seemingly ever growing appetite! I'm getting really down because of this and have gained over a stone in just a few months. I can feel it in my clothes and see it in my face. So basically, I am just wondering if anyone out there is in the same situation and if so, can ye add me and maybe we can help to keep each other motivated! That goes out to anyone seeking new friends for support :0) Cheers :0)
