The answer rests with Greek Mythology. Humans had to make an offering to the gods. They chose to trick the gods and make a very sweet smelling treat that was of no nutritional value. This of course backfired on us and made us desire the food of the gods:)
the most important thing is for you to be on the road to a healthier lifestyle...and to be firmly established before you get to college becasue the Freshman 15 hits almost everyone. Te scale can be your friend if you take it for what it object measurement tool that doesn't lie, cheat, or tell you what you want to…
Amstel Light tastes better then the most
a couple of things to keep in mind when you get past the "easy" weight. 1st, your calories should be net including exercise. so if you eat 1200 and then exercise for 400 and your net is 800, you body does go into starvation mode...sounds funny but you have to eat to lose. 2nd and maybe more important is to shake things up…
I am days away from 48 and after losing 27 pounds I spent nearly 45 days up and down the same two pounds...then finally I broke through it. I did change up the mix of foods...I actually started eating a bit more...but I was getting those extra calories about 150 with vegitables and berries...then I did a heavy exersice…
just reply..."Bump"
THe portions really are much too big in the US. The driving factor as you might imagine is $$$. THe cost of food realtive to the price of a meal is very low. They way the resturants raise prices or at least justify the raise in price is by giving you MORE MORE...All you can eat in fact in some places. Becasue the more you…
Wow. You are doing great and you look happy and proud of yourself! Great great job you look great
We all go off the plan here or there. The key is not to turn that inwards but to get back on the horse tomorrow. You are a good person with the right goals. No need to beat yourself up
I just went through this and it is important to eat many if not all of the Carioca calories to which you refer. My goal was 1375 per day and by the time I did exercise it was roughly 1800-2000. So when I ate 1300 and then deducted 500 for cardio I was at 800 or starving my body. I lost weight initially but then got stuck.…
The goal per se is to lose weight in a healthy way. I don't want to starve myself, but if I am eating enough and don't feel the need to eat more...then why eat all 500...that was all
ok I will try and ask this more carefully by way of example if MFP , based on my goals, suggests 1500 calories, and I eat 5, 300 calorie meals I would be fine. Now lets say that I exercise and I burn 500 calories on a run. My question is do I need to eat an additional 200 calories minimum? therefore eating 1700 calories…
is you comment of the least anyone should ever eat based on "Net Calories"? or "Food Calories"?
Men are very very simple creatures. Why do women want to complicate it. We are genetically wired to hunt and protect ( read modern day as we like to be needed and I don't mean emotionally I mean we like when you need us to do something ) we like to eat and we like to have sex. Then you have a couple of subtypes one that…
every time you want to treach for something...drink 12oz of water. then wait 5 minutes. you will either make it through or drown:) seriously though...try to set very clear limits before you are in front of everything...but zero is not a practical limit. Like when my friends get huge things of fries and chicken wings...i…
neither...try to even out your calories over 5 meals...three plus two snacks...not good to spike your insulin which is what a big meal does..then you crash!
Hard to help when we don't know much. DOn't know how fast you are trying to lose so I don't have any indication of how many calories you are eating. Not sure if you are exercising, not sure hwere you are getting your calories...balanced diet or sugars...and on it goes. It can help alot to eat 4-5 almonds becasue they…
If you have an iPhone you can download the myfitnesspal app. It's a bit less convenient than the Internet but still pretty good
well shopping for bigger pants in one approach:) Spot reduction is largely a myth. Losing unwanted inches from your midsection is a funcation of loing fat and building lean muscle. If you stick with the program here and set goals you will get where you want to go. I set conservative goals and have tried to beat them more…
Start by stopping. Stop beating yourself up. It's easy to say what the heck once in a while but if you beat yourself up and fell guilty and bad about it, you demotivate yourself to no say what the heck the next day. Stop saying I can't. You made great strides to get to where you are and hit your celebrate the…
You house your rules. Share them, enforce them, demand the respect you deserve or you will get the crap that comes you way
Wow, what a change. You look terrific and your kids are lucky to have a mom that understands that modeling behavior is the best way to teach. I wish you long term continued success.
Like minds:)
Two methods. 1st try interval training for 25% of your run. Sprint for 30 seconds jog 60 sprint 30 jog 60. Repeat. The 2nd method is to try steady state work. If you normal run 30 minutes at a pace that leaves you wiped out in a respiratory sense at the end..try walking at a very brisk pace...just below a run...for an…
Just forgive yourself for being human and making a really bad choice. It doesn't make you a bad person. You have accomplished so much you should be proud of yourself. I bet, today aside you were feeling better, so I think you should just go back to your normal eating. By the way what have you been averaging in terms of net…
Wonderful. Great job
Try balsamic vinegar olive oil and grey upon in a blender...use that as a marinade and then grill all the vegetables. Awesome!
Stay above 1200 or so or your metabolis, slows and you justbwork against yourself. Add a little exercise to reduce you net if you want
I think the most important thing is you are back. No point in beating yourself up. Take it a day at a time and make caring about what you eat and how you feel the goal...not losing weight. You care about what you eat and you care about how you feel so you are already winning the battle
With the exception of welbutrin, all of these drugs make weightless more difficult but not impossible