idmalone Member


  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes I am proud of myself for keeping a positive attitude, on days like today the goal can seem very far away, and the changes quite minimal. But I am feeling really fit and happy…
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes - went for an hours swim Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes - and today it was a bit easier thankfully! Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes I just love Sundays - such a chilled out day of the week.
  • Yes x 3. I have been swimming every day for 60mins. Its an outdoor pool so I am getting some sun too which is great for my mood. I love swimming because you really have time to think and reflect without distractions, and it's low impact so no concerns about injury when you are still building fitness up.
  • Friday almost over here in the tropics, Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • Yes for all three, a great day!
  • Had an internet issue so I think I missed the cut off - I guess it needs to be a pass?
  • Tracked yes, swam for an hour, yes, ate at my target, yes
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? yes Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes I had a friend over for dinner! I carefully managed breakfast and lunch, and was able to enjoy a glass of wine and some crusty french bread. Very proud of myself and I was not…
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes I agree about food being a fuel and making it the highest quality fuel we can. I tell myself something similar about exercise - we would never leave our expensive car in the…
  • You look fantastic, happy anniversary. Thanks for the inspiration, :)
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes I 'eat back' my exercise calories. I still try to go under but I know I do better when I am able to have a small treat like a couple of squares of dark chocolate, or an extra…
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes I live in Singapore with a small dog and a cat.
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes And... did I speak to a personal trainer and get prepared for a three month course of action? You betcha!
  • Hiya, I am doing well and want to keep it up. I am returning to work Aug 20 and that is historically where things get a bit messy for me - finding excuses not to exercise/ not logging every meal/ not weighing in etc and of course old habits just resurface. I am really determined to focus on my long term health and fitness…
  • I'm not keen on plain tap water either - it does depend on the location. I decided to get a water cooler and the water in that is amazing. It does cost money but I was spending $$ on juice and sodas anyway and the water is cheaper than that! The cooler is free to rent as long as you order water regularly. If that doesn't…
  • Agreed, I am a 50 year old woman in a lightly active job (teaching) and I am losing 1 - 2 pounds every ten days on 1800 calories per day. If you restrict your calories too much you run the very real risk of cannibalising lean muscle. You really need to be doing strength training and do not be afraid of feeding your body!
  • Don't quit! I would suggest trying to do two things for the next two weeks. Number one is check yourself everytime you speak/ think negatively about yourself. Just note it, and try to give yourself a break from hearing 'lazy' or 'fat' (in a negative sense - I am fat but that is OK, because I know it is a temporary thing!).…
  • All of the above - especially the locker rental. My work has a change room with lockers so I shower and change at work once I arrive, makes life easier. I struggled with bags a lot and here is what I built up through trial and error: - invest in a small swim/ sport towel. You can get them at camping stores, super absorbent…
  • I think buy the machine you will use. Machines have a catch in that they are not 'real condition' training BUT they are inside and can still build cardio fitness and definitely help lose weight. I use an elliptical because of a bad knee and heel spurs. What I have learned is get the level up high, never have it on zero…
  • Please see a doctor. Reflux puts you at an increased risk for oesophageal cancer, and is already disturbing your sleep. There are so many things (food, underlying medical issues, stress, etc) which could be contributing, MFP (no offense to all the very helpful people here) is not the place for medical advice. Neither is…
  • I started at 271 pounds 4 weeks ago and am now 257. You can totally do it. I started by doing ten minutes on the elliptical every day. Put it up to 15mins after three days, then 20, now I can do 50 mins without wanting to cry or puke. Counting calories and eating very healthy BUT have had a cheeseburger and even a krispy…
  • Peanut butter! That's hot.
  • Try to think of percentages or at least share your height/ weight/ calorie goal because grams vary widely depending on who you are. To lose weight you only need a calorie deficit. However to stay healthy you need the full range of nutrients and a balanced diet. There is no problem getting enough protein in a vegetarian…
  • I live in the tropics so swim in pools a lot. It was totalling my colour and hair condition. My hairdresser told me to buy the cheapest white colour conditioner and smother my hair in it before a swim. Works like a charm. She also told me people should use shampoo way less, as in once or twice a week just to get any…
  • Also another favourite of mine is 2 poached eggs, 1 slice of wholegrain bread, a few cherry tomatoes and a quarter of an avocado. Very filling and adds up to 300 cals approx. Make sure you don't overdo the avo, :bigsmile:
  • I like this: 3/4 cup of instant wholegrain oats made with hot water, blueberries, 2 TBSP greek style yoghurt, some cinnamon, and a few sliced almonds. Adds up to 275 calories and keeps me full until snack time.
  • I teach Drama and Film in an International school in Singapore. I am using myfitnesspal to avoid doing my marking. It is working perfectly.
  • That is awesome, *pat on the back for you*
  • Not sure what Oats you use but try switching to wholemeal instant oats. They keep you fuller longer, and can be made with water. Perhaps ditch the coconut oil altogether and use a couple of tablespoons of greek yoghurt instead. Lose the raisins and honey - they are just sugar really and you will get used to the taste! Keep…