Any Teachers (any level & especially online) in the House?



  • cbusiness2010
    Hi there!
    Another teacher watching her weight...
    Art and kindergarten in Texas, y'all
  • cbusiness2010
    @ shortsbysummer
    I hear you, been there -doing most of that (the staying up late, getting up early, not exercising enough, not balancing things well, raising kids in addition to all of the above)
    I tell you what, I got my "leaving school no later than 4:30" goal sorted out. I was invited to teach art after school on regular basis this year, which will force me to leave, no matter what, by 4:00 (except the day we have staff meeting, which I left available). I love teaching art, but is not my subject in school, so working at the academy will fix more than one thing...
    Now that will not do it for you, as you need to be available for your kids at this stage. Hang in there, it looks like your plate is full... it may be a good idea to decide ahead of time, if anything had to go, what would that be. Just saying, from my experience, things do come up, usually in connection with the children, and we have to adjust. It is very healthy stress wise to be prepared to let go of something, or to know in which direction you would turn if you had to change course a bit.
  • caffeinated_frog
    caffeinated_frog Posts: 86 Member
    Graduate student in biochemistry, but teaching undergrad chemistry (to mostly nurses) at the same time. Yes, during the school year it is much harder to find time to work out, especially between lesson plans, grading, and doing my own homework.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member

    In 2011 I went to school to be a school counselor and last year was my first year as a school counselor. I work in a middle school:

    Middle School Counselor - THAT'S what I call "job security"!!! <g>

    My bride retired recently after 40 yrs in the classroom - primary 1-5 did them all and a couple 1+2, 2+3, and 3+4 combo's along the way, 5x Who's Who in Ed, 1043 little minds turned in "smart cookies", untold numbers of parent notes ending with "...YOU are the reason for my child's success and the one teacher s/he still talks about to this day", and her proudest accomplishment of all - 6X voted (by HS seniors) to be a "marshall" at their graduation ceremonies (and coming from the smallest El. school in the district).

    I might not be the most unbiased evaluator on the block but she earned the accolades, I'm just the reporter.

    I spent the last 15 years driving the big yellow buses, driver trainer and 19A examiner. As much respect as I have for ALL teachers I do have to note how easy y'all have it......facing the kids (no mirrors over the black/white board), 24 or 25 kids (not 60-70), and your rooms stay still all day and no irate cars EVER cut in front of you (VBG).

    Kidding aside, it breaks my heart to see the teacher bashing and mad rush to slash budgets. And, while I "git" the intent of the "it's all about the kids..." mantra - the next hypocrite that mouths those words to me is guaranteed to get an earful (now that my freedom of speech "right" has been restored by no longer being a District employee.

    40 years ago I listened to the whackadoodles crowing about teachers only working 9 to 3, vacations every other week, getting paid for working 12 months when they have 3 month summer vacations, and (my personal favorite), being "overpaid".

    Witnessing, up close and personal, my sweetie's "normal" 12 hour day, the hours at night, on the weekends, before and after school parent conferences, the incessant obsession with "meetings", and our never being able to schedule more than a week or two week "vacation" because "I have to get back and get my room set up" - left me wondering exactly who the hell they were talking about.

    40 years later with what must be clones of the ignoranti - the drumbeat remains the unchanged.

    One of my wife's favorite activities throughout her career was the time she spent mentoring student teachers. Judging simply by the notes of appreciation received from a number of them for "the time I was privileged to spend with you....." and the never ending flow of aspiring teachers their college placement counselors purposely directed to her, the joy and appreciation was a two way street.

    One of the saddest comments I've heard pass her lips during our recollections was, "you know how much I loved working with the ST's, and how much I encouraged them to enter the profession, dare to be different, and set the world aflame in the minds of sponges that would always be "your kids"?"
    "How there is no more rewarding profession, no better calling, no more respected position most of us could ever attain?"

    I knew exactly what she was asking and where this was headed.

    What choked me up was when she continued...
    "I just can't tell those kids all those things anymore, in total honesty, and it breaks my heart to not be able to do so."

    As a nation, we ought be ashamed of allowing ourselves to get to the point where the very most dedicated and devoted reach the point of's up to you "young-in's" to fix what's broke and I don't envy you with the task you face.

    Each of us carries with us countless memories and little "slices of life" from our years of interaction with "our kids" (hers mostly of diminutive stature but limitless potential, mine covering the gambit from preschool to retired execs).

    Now in retirement, and basking in the glow of actually having "time" to reflect (prior to the onset of oldheimers), the "stories" we are able to recall seem all that much funnier, more emotion evoking, and at times humbling, in the encore version.

    Many moons ago I implored my first wife (first and only) to keep a "diary", Art Linkletter style (race to the googlemachine newbies), of all those little vignettes that happen "because we'll never be able to remember them all and it will make a GREAT book when you retire".

    But, of course, either the up is down, black is white, dominant Y chromosome (must be because our son inherited it too), kicked in, or, the "there are only so many hours in a day" mantra that all new, young, teachers must learn in Teaching 101 (or from their mentors??), prevailed - but it was always "tomorrow" and just never got done.

    It's 40 years later, and FINALLY I get to mouth those famous words "....told you so" (if I could make the type whisper font 0.5 pt. I would, to more accurately reflect the event as it actually occurred....see, one's never too old to learn).

    But, in all seriousness, if there were one piece of advice I could offer to the new teachers it would be this - start and keep that diary!

    You, too, are likely to dismiss it (the advice) and that's perfectly ok - call me in 40 years (loudly), and I get to say it again.
  • prdavies1949
    prdavies1949 Posts: 326 Member
    Ex IT teacher here, I retired a couple of years ago, now losing all that weight I put on through stress eating/drinking and cheap/subsidised school lunches.
  • jubosaint
    jubosaint Posts: 3 Member
    I teach first graders. I agree about the stress making it harder to keep weight under control. I even lose weight over the Christmas break, only to gain it back when I go back to school. I think it's related to not sleeping enough, not having time to exercise, a briefcase full of work to SIT and do at home, and that stress hormone I hear so much about.
    I started getting serious about getting healthier the last week of school. I found this sight at the beginning of July. We go back August 1st. I am hopeful I can stick to some of my new habits.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    Retired from academia. Formerly taught undergraduate economics, finance, and political science. Taught online and classroom, but I found cheating was rampant in the online classes.

    Not just online classes. I teach English, and I see plenty of "live" examples. Resources on the Internet make it so much easier to plagiarize now. I'm having a good semester if I find only one or two cases.
  • nadamandar
    nadamandar Posts: 82
    Hey! I'm an elementary teacher (primary/junior) with special education. To make a living? I'm serving in a restaurant. I can't seem to get in with the board here in Toronto. I've stopped trying for the last two years. It's a shame. Need to start thinking outside of the box! Anyway ideas? Any advise? Networking help? Hahah Any magical job fairies out there? : )
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member

    In 2011 I went to school to be a school counselor and last year was my first year as a school counselor. I work in a middle school:

    Middle School Counselor - THAT'S what I call "job security"!!! <g>

    My bride retired recently after 40 yrs in the classroom - primary 1-5 did them all and a couple 1+2, 2+3, and 3+4 combo's along the way, 5x Who's Who in Ed, 1043 little minds turned in "smart cookies", untold numbers of parent notes ending with "...YOU are the reason for my child's success and the one teacher s/he still talks about to this day", and her proudest accomplishment of all - 6X voted (by HS seniors) to be a "marshall" at their graduation ceremonies (and coming from the smallest El. school in the district).

    I might not be the most unbiased evaluator on the block but she earned the accolades, I'm just the reporter.

    I spent the last 15 years driving the big yellow buses, driver trainer and 19A examiner. As much respect as I have for ALL teachers I do have to note how easy y'all have it......facing the kids (no mirrors over the black/white board), 24 or 25 kids (not 60-70), and your rooms stay still all day and no irate cars EVER cut in front of you (VBG).

    Kidding aside, it breaks my heart to see the teacher bashing and mad rush to slash budgets. And, while I "git" the intent of the "it's all about the kids..." mantra - the next hypocrite that mouths those words to me is guaranteed to get an earful (now that my freedom of speech "right" has been restored by no longer being a District employee.

    40 years ago I listened to the whackadoodles crowing about teachers only working 9 to 3, vacations every other week, getting paid for working 12 months when they have 3 month summer vacations, and (my personal favorite), being "overpaid".

    Witnessing, up close and personal, my sweetie's "normal" 12 hour day, the hours at night, on the weekends, before and after school parent conferences, the incessant obsession with "meetings", and our never being able to schedule more than a week or two week "vacation" because "I have to get back and get my room set up" - left me wondering exactly who the hell they were talking about.

    40 years later with what must be clones of the ignoranti - the drumbeat remains the unchanged.

    One of my wife's favorite activities throughout her career was the time she spent mentoring student teachers. Judging simply by the notes of appreciation received from a number of them for "the time I was privileged to spend with you....." and the never ending flow of aspiring teachers their college placement counselors purposely directed to her, the joy and appreciation was a two way street.

    One of the saddest comments I've heard pass her lips during our recollections was, "you know how much I loved working with the ST's, and how much I encouraged them to enter the profession, dare to be different, and set the world aflame in the minds of sponges that would always be "your kids"?"
    "How there is no more rewarding profession, no better calling, no more respected position most of us could ever attain?"

    I knew exactly what she was asking and where this was headed.

    What choked me up was when she continued...
    "I just can't tell those kids all those things anymore, in total honesty, and it breaks my heart to not be able to do so."

    As a nation, we ought be ashamed of allowing ourselves to get to the point where the very most dedicated and devoted reach the point of's up to you "young-in's" to fix what's broke and I don't envy you with the task you face.

    Each of us carries with us countless memories and little "slices of life" from our years of interaction with "our kids" (hers mostly of diminutive stature but limitless potential, mine covering the gambit from preschool to retired execs).

    Now in retirement, and basking in the glow of actually having "time" to reflect (prior to the onset of oldheimers), the "stories" we are able to recall seem all that much funnier, more emotion evoking, and at times humbling, in the encore version.

    Many moons ago I implored my first wife (first and only) to keep a "diary", Art Linkletter style (race to the googlemachine newbies), of all those little vignettes that happen "because we'll never be able to remember them all and it will make a GREAT book when you retire".

    But, of course, either the up is down, black is white, dominant Y chromosome (must be because our son inherited it too), kicked in, or, the "there are only so many hours in a day" mantra that all new, young, teachers must learn in Teaching 101 (or from their mentors??), prevailed - but it was always "tomorrow" and just never got done.

    It's 40 years later, and FINALLY I get to mouth those famous words "....told you so" (if I could make the type whisper font 0.5 pt. I would, to more accurately reflect the event as it actually occurred....see, one's never too old to learn).

    But, in all seriousness, if there were one piece of advice I could offer to the new teachers it would be this - start and keep that diary!

    You, too, are likely to dismiss it (the advice) and that's perfectly ok - call me in 40 years (loudly), and I get to say it again.

  • meghan_lovely
    meghan_lovely Posts: 48 Member
    Hello! HS special education and history teacher. Great to see so many teachers on MFP!
  • TheFrugalFatass
    TheFrugalFatass Posts: 58 Member
    High school English and Communications here. :)
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,323 Member
    High school English here - I am convinced that teaching makes me! I am trying (again) to lose my school year weight this summer and then NEVER gain it back again. I will try to shun the faculty treats and the binging when I get home from school next year.
    If any teachers in this thread are in search of MFP friends, please feel free to friend me. I need all the encouragement I can get!!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    English teacher here with a Master's degree in Adult Online Education. Going back for my Doctorate so that I can teach Medieval Studies at the college level.
  • anewstart1011
    anewstart1011 Posts: 72 Member
    I teach a high school autism class.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi, I'm an adjunct of College Writing and ESL at a New England university. I also teach a non-traditional program in New Hampshire for human services professionals that consists of 1 week-end of 9-5 classes a month, with everything else online. Currently, I'm teaching 3 courses at the university for the summer semester and 2 courses in the hybrid program. Typically, I teach 4 courses at the university in the fall. Still, I'm not considered a "full professor" because I have only a master's, and am paid a base rate paid on each course taught, no benefits, what a colleague of mine calls "the Wal-Mart employee of academia."
    Fortunately, the university has a recreational center with a full gym that I can use.

    Yep, I've been a "Wal-Mart employee of academia" for some year now. All the tech school and many community colleges mostly use adjuncts now. Because of the guidelines of Obama care they only give us two classes now, afraid that they will have to pay for insurance if they give us more. One of my community college friends went to the state legislature to make a plea for benefits and enough classes to make a living. A state legislator said: "Get a real job".
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Retired from academia. Formerly taught undergraduate economics, finance, and political science. Taught online and classroom, but I found cheating was rampant in the online classes.

    I found cheating was pretty common in the classroom as well. At least with online the plagiarism software is built in.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    What an amazing diversity of teachers here! I especially love seeing others who are doing it online. Teachers in the classroom have such busy schedules, so I'm very lucky that I can get away from my computer and to the health club for lunch time classes. It's taken away my "but I have no time to exercise" excuse.

    I teach 8th-12th English, Senior and Junior AP English, and I facilitate an online Spanish class. I have six different preps - I teach at a very small school.

    I get up at 4:30am every day to walk for at least 45 minutes. No excuses. I NEED to exercise - It makes me a better teacher, and a better person. :smile:
  • AllieBear88
    AllieBear88 Posts: 170 Member
    Currently a Social Sciences Education major. I should graduate next May with a certificate to teach grades 7 through 12. :)
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,452 Member
    I am a community college Sociology professor. I teach both face to face and online classes and love both. I was reluctant to teach online because I really did not believe people could learn to think in depth sociologically without an instructor and peers (our culture is hyper-individualistic so getting students to think in terms of group memberships is a challenge! :noway: ) and I also worried about cheating. Both proved to be false. :happy: A well constructed online course with lots of interaction does teach students to think sociologically and as a secondary benefit, makes cheating much more difficult. :wink:

    I suspect the weight gain associated with teaching has to do with the stress we are constantly under making MFP a good way to fight back. Watching the calories and working out is a daily stress reducer. I know K-12 is worse, but the whole idea that teachers are parasites on the taxpayer and state budgets is beginning to effect the college level as well. If a Politician or CEO had to do our jobs for one month, most of them would quit because the job CAN NOT BE DONE M-F from 9-5! ! :smile: And, as to summers off: who are these teachers who are not revamping classes, preparing classrooms, attending meetings and in many cases, teaching all summer????? Teaching is definitely a labor of love for a discipline, students and an unwavering belief in an educated population. Here's to all teachers who teach longer and harder in the face of political & economic adversity and gain a few pounds as a result! :drinker:
  • idmalone
    idmalone Posts: 66 Member
    I teach Drama and Film in an International school in Singapore. I am using myfitnesspal to avoid doing my marking. It is working perfectly.