

  • Good monday to everybody!! So I had a pretty busy weekend and didnt' get to logging in any of my food until this morning and guess what!!! I did pretty good. I only went over on Saturday's calories. But I blame it on those few cocktails :) So nevertheless I was pretty impressed with my healthy choices and portion control.…
  • Hey girls Happy Thursday!! So the scale didn't lie this morning I officially lost 5 pounds!!! I'm so excited I could shout it to the world. And the best part about it all is I really do feel pretty good everyday. I used to hate crawling out of bed. I was always so tired. And now I feel great. Question? When you girls were…
  • Hey everybody! so last night we had mc donalds I know terrible me. So I got a grilled chix with tom lettuce and who would've thought that that was worse than a beef cheeseburger!!!! Oh my goodness I put on over 800 calories. It didnt' help that I pigged out on candy either :( so last night I spent my evening on the…
  • Hello ladies sorry I was totally absent last week. It was that time of month and my hubby left out of state and busy with the kids and the like. Just a totally off week (especially in my eating :cry: ) but anywho I got some news! The scale has not showed me any number that was good, but!!! My tight pants fit around my…
  • Oh my lettuce I'm so sorry he's still sick. That sickness is going around I know alot of people that have been struck with it. I hope he gets better. I hate it when kids are sick. They are just so miserable and there's hardly anything you can do to fix it. Terrible feeling :( Anywho I'm having one of those frumpy days…
  • good morning everyone! I just wanted to say yum yum I made pumpkin seeds!! Its been a long time since I've done that and carving pumpkins is kinda hard work. We sat and carved on Friday night and it took us almost 3 hours! We have a dog face, a funny face, and tigger. My 3 year old patiently stayed up until we were done…
  • lettuce-- So sorry your son is sick. A cold is running through our house as well. not fun :( Anywho I weighed myself at a dr apt this morning and sad news I didn't lose anything. But I'm keeping my chin up and the doctor was sweet saying muscle weighs more than fat. Which I know is true, but I still would've wanted the…
  • I hope everyone is having a terrific weekend. I went to dinner last night with my in laws and some out of town friends and I must say I did really really well at the resteraunt. I didnt over-do my budget too bad! Go ME! lol I thought it was going to be terrible, but after logging it this morning it really wasn't so I made…
  • Okay thought everyone would like this. So this whole past summer I grew a garden in our back yard and it rocked! I tried flowers in some pots that did not rock. And the only plants in the house I can keep alive are ones that are only green. Don't ask me why. But today on my watering round in the house I happened to notice…
  • hey stacey hrm is Hear rate monitor?? What is it and what do you do with it? lol I really don't have a clue. I hope you all don't think i'm a total nut, I've just never really been the kind to diet and exercise. I'm not hugely overweight, probably not even at all, but I really do want to shed the extra flub! So again thank…
  • Oh my goodness that is one heck of an adventure! Thankfully you got out! I hate being in the woods at dark time :( I have a question. I'm on a guided calorie intake to lose one pound a week and so far I've only gone into negative numbers twice in the past 2.5 weeks, and only by less than 20 calories. Anyway, When I have…
  • Oh my goodness thank you so much for the warm welcome. I'm always scared to join in new places :( I just wanted to say thanks again and I do have a question! About every day since I've buckled down with this I have been doing at least 1 mile/day on my eliptical machine. Is this a good thing? Should I be taking a day to…
  • Hi everyone I am too a stay at home mom. I have a son, 3, and a daughter, 1, and I joined this program almost 2 weeks ago. I am looking on here for a group of people that are similar to me and have the same goals. I'm noticing that everyone else in my life is not on the same diet and exercise goal as me so its going to be…
  • I just couldn't believe that 1/4 cup of raisins would equal 130 calories! Totally blew my mind. Thanks for the input though!
  • Hey Happy Birthday! I don't know if this will help but make sure you're getting enough water. I know it sounds lame and over rated but its true. If you don't like water theres always different things you can add in like lemon or lime and so on.. Also protein is a huge element in staying fuller longer. There's even protein…
    in ugh! Comment by bilimina September 2009