sahm 11/16---11/22

staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hi all! Here is this week's thread!

We are a group of stay at home moms who are here to support and encourage each other on the way to healthy living.
We are informal and open. Drop in anytime with conversation about health, fitness, weight loss, motherhood, etc.
We do not have any official weigh-in's or challenges--but we sometimes throw something out there to keep things interesting. :wink:

So, come chat with us! The more the merrier! :flowerforyou:


  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    I'm a SAHM, I live in SC, husband is active duty military. We have 6 kids between us. 3 are mine and 3 all from previous marriages. Only 3 live with us fulltime. I am a fulltime college student as well. I am working on my BS in Sports and Fitness Management. Although I have the days to myself for the most part, I find it hard to make time for myself. Always trying to keep up with housework and school work. Recently found out I have chronic endonmetriosis. I have a lot of pain but nothing I can't manage. I'd feel a lot better if I could get some of this weight off me. Just looking for some motivation. I'm not really finding what I'm looking for in my area of the world. You'd think being an Army wife I'd have all the sopport I need, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I have access to gyms walking trailed and own numerous workout DVD, but still can't find the motivation to workout. I'm getting my diet under control, its just the workout part I'm taking issue with. :drinker:

    Anywho! Hope everyone had an awesome Monday!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning!

    I ate horribly last week. I stepped on the scale this morning at 154.4. :noway: :grumble: I know exactly what I did wrong, but I'm hoping some of it is also water weight. So far I'm doing better this morning. While my breakfast wasn't what you'd call healthy (1/2 of my 6 in. Italian sub from Harris Teeter & fun pack plain M&Ms), it was at least lower in cals than usual in the past month. I also already have one cup of water in for the day. Only 7 more to go! I really need to get back to exercising too!

    Here's to a great week for all of us! :drinker:
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    Good morning!

    I ate horribly last week. I stepped on the scale this morning at 154.4. :noway: :grumble: I know exactly what I did wrong, but I'm hoping some of it is also water weight. So far I'm doing better this morning. While my breakfast wasn't what you'd call healthy (1/2 of my 6 in. Italian sub from Harris Teeter & fun pack plain M&Ms), it was at least lower in cals than usual in the past month. I also already have one cup of water in for the day. Only 7 more to go! I really need to get back to exercising too!

    Here's to a great week for all of us! :drinker:

    I love that you ate M&M's for breakfast! LOL I thought I was the ponly one that did stuff like that hehe!! Have a good monday! :)
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Welcome Toni! :flowerforyou: I'm not too far from you. I'm just north of Charlotte, NC. Motivation is something we all seem to struggle with at times. Some of us (me) more than others. We're here for you. This is a group of wonderful, caring ladies who understand how difficult it can be to lose weight and take care of ourselves while handling everything else that the kids and life can throw at us.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    I love that you ate M&M's for breakfast! LOL I thought I was the ponly one that did stuff like that hehe!! Have a good monday! :)

    :laugh: No, you're not the only one! Glad to find out I'm not the only one either!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Breakfast for one of my best friends usually consists of a cherry coke & a snickers. A bag of M&Ms can often be found on the menu for lunch. Dinner is another cherry coke.

    I stepped on the scale this morning & it said I put a pound on. WHAAAAT? I had one cup of cocoa made from scratch last night (just milk, splenda, and baking cocoa powder), and I'm a pound heavier. Erm... Yeah. Counting the hours till Grace goes down for her nap & I get my workout in to rectify the situation.

    My mom called me this morning. She's coming to visit for New Years. YAY!
    My mom called me this morning. She's coming to visit for New Years. *screams like Home Alone*

    I love my mom, but I get incredibly stressed when she comes. I am not the best house keeper in the world. I have clutter, but the floor is picked up and vacuumed at the end of the day, dinner is cooked and ready when the husband comes home. What more could you want? My mom thinks I live in a pig stye, no matter how hard I try to please her. Can you see my dilemma now? She nitpicks at every little thing. Heaven forbid there's a cheerio on the floor! I will try to remain positive so the pounds keep coming off, because I hear stress can keep them stuck to you. Now to begin the month-long floor to ceiling cleaning process that still won't be sufficient for the "White Glove Inspector"
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Breakfast for one of my best friends usually consists of a cherry coke & a snickers. A bag of M&Ms can often be found on the menu for lunch. Dinner is another cherry coke.

    I stepped on the scale this morning & it said I put a pound on. WHAAAAT? I had one cup of cocoa made from scratch last night (just milk, splenda, and baking cocoa powder), and I'm a pound heavier. Erm... Yeah. Counting the hours till Grace goes down for her nap & I get my workout in to rectify the situation.

    My mom called me this morning. She's coming to visit for New Years. YAY!
    My mom called me this morning. She's coming to visit for New Years. *screams like Home Alone*

    I love my mom, but I get incredibly stressed when she comes. I am not the best house keeper in the world. I have clutter, but the floor is picked up and vacuumed at the end of the day, dinner is cooked and ready when the husband comes home. What more could you want? My mom thinks I live in a pig stye, no matter how hard I try to please her. Can you see my dilemma now? She nitpicks at every little thing. Heaven forbid there's a cheerio on the floor! I will try to remain positive so the pounds keep coming off, because I hear stress can keep them stuck to you. Now to begin the month-long floor to ceiling cleaning process that still won't be sufficient for the "White Glove Inspector"

    Trish, I feel your pain. My mom was a sahm who cleaned house every day up until she started back part-time when both my brother & I were in school. I love my mom, but the least little thing out and she starts criticizing. It doesn't help much that she is also a minimalist. My personal "favorite": Telling me that I'm a better mom than she was, then 5 minutes later telling me what all I'm doing wrong. :noway: At least she's a wonderful grandma to the kids and is there for them as often as she possibly can be.

    Feel free to come here to vent whenever necessary! :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    cardio x done.

    hoping to do legs/back and ab ripper at nap time. never got around to it yesterday.

    will drink LOTS of h2o this am.

    what are you pushing yourself on today?? a really nutritious dinner? eating 1 new vege? getting in 10min of mvmt??
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Toni!

    Trish and Amy- I hear ya on the mom thing! Just remember, it's only a short time that she will be there...and then you can go back to your normalcy!

    Stacey, thanks for the websites about the ideas for Christmas! I will have to check them out!

    Me...I didn't check in at all this weekend because I did a cleanse that was extremely necessary, and it looks like I will have to do one again soon!:noway:

    I hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Good Afternoon, ladies.

    I was glad to see a thread for this. I haven't been on the thread much.

    I"m doing ok. I haven't been so hot with the eating, but I'm trying.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I just feel super bad for my husband. He is a really sweet, soft spoken guy. He never hears the end of it from my mom when she visits. He's the sole bread winner for the family, so naturally he just wants to relax when he gets home. This means logging on to his computer, checking facebook, playing a few online games... it drives my mom bonkers. She can't understand how he can go from a computer job to relaxing on a computer at home. As bad as she picks on me, Andy gets it 10x worse. Last Christmas when my mom visited, Andy went outside to shovel snow. I asked him "While you're out there, would you mind breaking up the ice behind the car? It's really scary when I have to walk across it with the baby." He said sure and went outside. Well one of my friends came up behind him when he was really smashing through the ice and he nearly wielded the shovel at her. She caught him and he was so upset and tense "One more night... she goes home in the morning... I have to drive her through traffic..."
    LOL, the poor man!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Trish- Did you ever talk with your mom about it? I know it sounds scary...but I had to with my mom because she got sooooooo overbearing! Iif it doesn't do anything, at least it may make you feel better and think, "hey! I did all that I could on my now it's all on her....and if she doesn't like how we live...then don't come visit, we will visit you!" I guess you could lightly say to her, this is our house and this is how we your house that is how you live....please respect us and our home....

    Silver- glad to see you back!
  • Good monday to everybody!! So I had a pretty busy weekend and didnt' get to logging in any of my food until this morning and guess what!!! I did pretty good. I only went over on Saturday's calories. But I blame it on those few cocktails :) So nevertheless I was pretty impressed with my healthy choices and portion control. Yay!!
    As for the mother issues.. good luck. My mom doesn't do anything really bad in the first place, but she's kind of a negative person. So we always just guage our time with her. Too much and then we're kind of down in the dumps. Its so sad because I love her more than anything. But I tend to be a positive person and its hard to be that with negativity flowing around. So if you know how to figure that one out I'd appreciate the help! lol
    gotta run!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I've told her that I don't tell her how to keep her house when I visit her, please don't tell me how to keep mine. I've told her how stressed out I get her visiting makes me. I've asked her not to pick on my husband. None of it seems to register. She's a smother mother and wants everything done her way, three weeks ago.

    I always hear from her "I raised you better" "Doesn't it make you disgusted to live like this?" "How can you live like this?" "If you put it away when you're done with it, you would never have to clean." "You have a baby in the house, you HAVE to vacuum EVERY day" (every day to her is like two or three times a day. It drove me up the wall when she would haul the vacuum out just because Grace dropped a cheerio)
    Over, and over, and over... *insert me banging head on wall repeatedly*

    Honestly, my house is NOT that messy. It's just not Martha Stewart clean. If you ever came into my house, you would know that a toddler lives here right off the bat. That's about the extent of it.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Man....I feel for you Trish! I am soooo glad that I now live 3000 miles away from my mom! I love her...but I can't stand to be around her all of the time.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :heart: (((hugs))) girls.

    now i have to change into workout clothes or i'll never do it!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Workout clothes? Meh... throw on an old t-shirt and pajama pants and you're ready to go :laugh:

    Personally, until I turn into a svelte goddess, I have absolutely no intention to look good while exercising. LOL!

    Good luck with your workout, everyone, you can do it! I just finished mine (30 mins of Aerobics with Bob & 1/2 hr Yoga cool down on WF+)
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Workout clothes? Meh... throw on an old t-shirt and pajama pants and you're ready to go :laugh:

    Personally, until I turn into a svelte goddess, I have absolutely no intention to look good while exercising. LOL!

    OH YEAH! I have 2 ratty old t-shirts I wear sometimes and I hate it. but Darn it I'm not trying to impress anyone, the 2 shirts I did buy that were adidas I cant stand wearing to spin class because they fall foward and my boobs just about hang out the v-neck :huh: there isn't lot there to hang out but sheesh the girls don't need to say hi to everyone :laugh:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :laugh: thanks trish and shera for the chuckles!

    i did get new shorts for $8 apiece from target. my others were years old and not comfy for workout. and i did get new bras--the girls needed some serious support.

    i otherwise wear worn out maternity tanks. yeah real attractive.

    NOTE to SELF: Stop Overeating!!!
    it's unhealthy for a variety of reasons and makes you feel like ** when you work out. seriously girl. get with the pgm.

    but yay for me--did legs and back and abripperx--or as tony says, i did my best and forget the rest!
    good for you trish gettin your exercise in!!

    h2o anyone?? later :flowerforyou:

    ps--welcome toni!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Wtg, Stacey, on gettin 'er done! Just think how much stronger those muscles will be!

    I am working out my meal plan for the week. After I exercise on Wednesday, I'll have 1,000 calories to eat. No, I'm not going to burn that much (only 400 cals, actually), but I don't have anything logged for lunch. I am thinking of splurging on my old favorite foods, but can't decide which one. What would you eat if you had an extra 1,000 calories? It has to hold me over for 6 hours.
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