SAHM 10/12-10/18



  • hey stacey hrm is Hear rate monitor?? What is it and what do you do with it? lol
    I really don't have a clue. I hope you all don't think i'm a total nut, I've just never really been the kind to diet and exercise. I'm not hugely overweight, probably not even at all, but I really do want to shed the extra flub! So again thank you for welcoming my questions and curiosity with kindness.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hey stacey hrm is Hear rate monitor?? What is it and what do you do with it? lol
    I really don't have a clue. I hope you all don't think i'm a total nut, I've just never really been the kind to diet and exercise. I'm not hugely overweight, probably not even at all, but I really do want to shed the extra flub! So again thank you for welcoming my questions and curiosity with kindness.

    no worries--i didn't know what it was either! i have a reebok precision trainer xt heart rate monitor. i got it at for 29.99 and free shipping, i think.

    i has a chest strap which helps it to be more accurate. if you're really obese, hrm's aren't too effective, but if you're simply overwt it will work. i learned how to use it by reading the instructions. it really is that easy.
    it's very motivating for me to see what i need to do to get my heart rate into a certain zone and/or what workouts max my calorie burn.

    there are fancier, more expensive hrm's--the polar ones, for ex--but this one is simple and meets my needs.

    and don't be afraid to ask q's here. generally, we won't attack you for your curiosity. :happy:

  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! I did it! Yesterday I walked from work to the school, then home w/ the kiddos! In all, I walked 2.4 miles and my toe feels just fine! Btw, I went to my podiatrist last week. Picked up my dress shoe inserts & was "graduated". I don't have to see him for another year. He said I will eventually need surgery, could be anywhere from 1 year to 10 years. I see it happening in the 3-5 yr range. Plenty of time to get the extra weight off (which could add another year also :smile: ) before I need to be sedentary for a while.

    Billie - don't be afraid to ask questions. We all have. And not all of them have been weight or health related either. That's one of the things I love about this thread. We can talk about health issues AND child, home, life, etc. issues as well!
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Amy--way to go on the walking, glad your toe felt good too.

    Stacey and Bili--I have a Polar HRM that I use for any exercise, strength training and cardio. I love it. It helps me get a better idea of where I am when working out. Stacey---did I tell you that we all missed you last week? Cuz we did! Once again, I am glad you are back!

    Bili---please ask questions, we learn together.

    It has gotten really chilly and raining here (45) but I ran this evening anyway and glad I did, makes me feel much better mentally and physically and I need that when doing homework at night. Sometimes they all drive me crazy, hubby included, and I find if I just get away for a short while it really helps.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hey ladies! I have a question for you! I don't have access to a gym, so today I started doing things like wall sits, dips on a chair, etc. Do they burn calories? Does any strength training burn calories? I would think that ir does, but my overall calories for the day didn't change.:frown:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Sometimes they all drive me crazy, hubby included, and I find if I just get away for a short while it really helps.

    I can completely relate. I will go to the grocery store by myself Wednesday nights after choir practice. I find I take even longer then, but I'm enjoying the "alone time". :laugh: I found out a few weeks ago that I'm not alone. My sil likes to go to the grocery store by herself for the "alone time" too.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Hey ladies! I have a question for you! I don't have access to a gym, so today I started doing things like wall sits, dips on a chair, etc. Do they burn calories? Does any strength training burn calories? I would think that ir does, but my overall calories for the day didn't change.:frown:

    it does burn cals. i wear my hrm when i do the p90x dvd's like abripperx and shoulders/arms and i just enter it into my cardio section. my whole exercise log is customized. i click "enter an exercise not listed" and i write abripperx, 16min, xcals

    i do the same for "stroller walk with kids" and every other exercise.
    b/c i have the hrm, i know the cals and then my log is very much a reflection of me and my kinds of workouts.

    i hope i expl this clearly. post up if still confused. :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Stacey---did I tell you that we all missed you last week? Cuz we did! Once again, I am glad you are back!

    awwww....right back at ya! :heart:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    amy! stinkin' awesome!!!
    and i'm so glad your toe didn't hurt. how great that you can resume doing what you love w/o pain! :smokin:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    can't complain about my hubby--THIS week! :tongue:

    i was feeling awful yesterday so i went to the minute clinic at cvs. np said my lungs were clear (yay) and diagnosed me with sinus infection and started me on z-pack. i'm already feeling better this am and my voice is better (not 100% but better). (my little girl was whining/crying/tired last night and she said, mommy, i forgot what your voice sounds like--tear tear tear. how cute!)

    anyway, hubby came home at lunch and i slept slept slept. he took the kids to hebrew school too and made dinner. it was such a huge help to have him around! :heart:
    (i'd "reward" him, but still not well enuf for that :laugh: )

    later chicas!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks Stacey! I thought that by putting it in the strength training section it would add the cals...I guess not! I do have a HRM...somewhere! LOL:laugh: I actually still use the watch part for my exercise, but since we have moved recently, I am not quites sure where the strap is!
  • Okay thought everyone would like this. So this whole past summer I grew a garden in our back yard and it rocked! I tried flowers in some pots that did not rock. And the only plants in the house I can keep alive are ones that are only green. Don't ask me why. But today on my watering round in the house I happened to notice that I killed my cactus! Seriously! who does that! My mother in law is going to have a rolling gut later when I tell her-she's the queen of flower gardens and anything that grows.

    I hope everyone is having a fantastic day! :smile:

    Oh yeah I just wanted to share also that I found my long lost favorite food - hard boiled eggs! They are yummy and full of protein! Just excited about that. Its just a good day all around over at my house!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :laugh: :laugh:
    thanks for the laughs billie! i don't have any living plants inside the house--the rule is i take care of people and animals, no plants. :tongue:
    our front and back yards are ROCK with evergreens (evergreen for vegas, not conifers). the swingset is situated in rocks. plant maintenance NOT on my to do list.

    btw, i've killed a cactus too! the "flower" had gone dead/brown, so i tried to pull it off---and the plant died. whoops!

    hope everyone's doing well today--it's quiet up here. :flowerforyou:
  • angiered
    angiered Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Everyone!! I'm FINALLY back. :) I weigh in tomorrow, so we'll see how much I gained on my two week, nothing-but-fast-food, omg can we have some REAL food please, adventure. lol

    More than I would like, I'm sure.:grumble:

    We're settled into a short term rental while they rebuild our house. The contractor says 3 months...which is like 9 months in constructions years. I'm hoping for 4-6 months. I'm an optomist. :laugh:

    It looks like everyone here is doing really well! Did I miss anything big?
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Okay thought everyone would like this. So this whole past summer I grew a garden in our back yard and it rocked! I tried flowers in some pots that did not rock. And the only plants in the house I can keep alive are ones that are only green. Don't ask me why. But today on my watering round in the house I happened to notice that I killed my cactus! Seriously! who does that! My mother in law is going to have a rolling gut later when I tell her-she's the queen of flower gardens and anything that grows.

    Billie, it sounds like we've got the same MIL! Mine has really gotten into orchids the past few years. Now that it's gotten cooler, she's moved them all inside. There seems to be more orchids than furniture! :laugh: I on the other hand kill all green things. I tried a little inside herb garden. Killed them all. I had an African Violet that was majorly dying. DH took it over and now it's flourishing. Although, I'm not much better with the outside plants either, but they at least get some help from Mother Nature!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Angie, I'm glad you're back! You've been missed!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome back Angiered! I hope everyone is having a great friday! I seem to be stuck with my weight! I have only lost 4 lbs and cant seen to shed anymore! I need some encouragement ladies! Any suggestions?
  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    Well i am back i haven't been on all week - also to say my exercises has been no existent all week too - having sick children doesn't help. Oh well jumping back in and continuing from where i left off. I am going to the Y Tues to start our membership that way i have a warm place to work out during the winter since it is already 40 out. How is everyone else doing?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :grumble: as my ticker will show--the crappy eating of the week and no exercise has an impact.
    i'm saying it's water...

    but today i officially start logging food again. and i might even feel up to exercising. if not, i will add that back in tomorrow.
    and no more frosted flakes (those who have been around for awhile know sugar cereal is my nemesis).

    i'm working on my photos from chgo. i will put some up in my profile soon. i'm creating my kodak albums first. with 150 pics, it's gonna take some time. :laugh:

    angie--welcome back!! you were missed! i'm glad you can get re-settled, but so sorry for all that you have to go thru. our prayers are with you. :heart:

    later girls!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I LIED. stillhaven't logged any food, ate a bunch of cookies and no exercise yet. and hardly any water either.
    way to get back on track! :noway:
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