noon1200 Member


  • You're not burning 450 calories in a half hour of cardio, probably more like 200
  • I'm not going to weigh and log salad ingredients each time I make a salad, I might do that once or twice just to get a general idea of how many calories are in the salads I tend to make. Then I'll just log a generic salad entry that has what I estimate to be the right number of calories for what I made. Dressings and…
  • Any reason why it has to be high protein? Probably easier just to focus on low fat and not worry about whether the rest are carbs or protein. Otherwise, it's gonna be chicken breasts, protein powder, and nonfat greek yogurt for you.
  • Diet Mountain Dew tastes pretty good, if you switch to diet you can cut out a lot of calories and still have your two bottles a day.
  • 2 lbs a week is pretty aggressive rate of weight loss, probably not possible if you only have 30 lbs to lose. My guess is you have been losing a pound a week or maybe a little more, and your most recent measurement fluctuated up a little bit. MFP is telling you to eat 1200 because that is the lowest it will suggest, not…
  • How much weight have you lost in the month? How often do you weigh yourself?
  • Yes. Keep doing what you're doing for a month and then get back to us.
  • *70ish days, and lost 8lbs (from 127lbs to 119). I'm 5'4", female. Its not much* Nope, losing a pound a week for someone close to their target weigh is a lot! Sounds like you are you doing everything right. If you ate 1300 cals a day and lost a pound per week, then we know your calories burned per day are around 1800. If…
  • Is one of the things you cut out caffeinated soda? The headaches could be from caffeine withdrawal -- switch to diet soda or black coffee.
  • last 2 days I have gained 4 & 6 lbs Unless you ate 21,000 calories over maintenance, you didn't gain 6 pounds, so don't worry about it. There are a million potential reasons why your husband might have lost more weight than you, but it doesn't affect your own weight loss, which as you said, has been going awesome, so don't…
  • I don't usually eat between meals, but when I do I like ice cream, candy bars, or herbal tea w/ sugar.
    in Snacking Comment by noon1200 March 2016
  • Don't treat your daily fluctuations as gains and losses. If your seven-day average is less than it was a week ago, that's a weight loss.
  • How much do you weigh currently? How much did you weigh two and four weeks ago? How tall are you? How long have you been "working out like mad, eating about 1,560 calories a day?" How accurate is your estimate of your daily calorie intake? Bottom line is exercise isn't necessary for weight loss but it has other benefits…
  • I eat at Taco Bell and Subway a lot. That must be key.
  • You can't compare the measurements on two scales that way. You don't have to weigh yourself; if it's going to cause you this much distress, just stop. Take a month off and just focus on accurately tracking your calories. When you do weigh yourself, don't pay any attention to a single measurement. Because of normal body…
  • In order to gain 3 lbs of body weight, you need to eat 10,500 calories over your daily maintenance. You've been eating the same foods every day, so we know that's not what happened. As others have said, when you increase your exercise level, your body holds on to more water to repair the muscles you are training. This is…
  • You can gain 3 pounds in ten minutes, just drink three pints of water. Of course, that's not three pounds of body weight, so if your goal is to lose body weight, it doesn't matter. To get a clear picture of your body weight, you have to weigh yourself every day for a week and take the average. This will cancel out the…
  • 3500 calories per pound has been quite accurate for me, maybe I'm just special.
  • Don't take a single measurement as your weight, weigh yourself at least three days in a row and take the average. With 15 pounds to lose, you should be shooting for losing one pound every two weeks. It's going to take at least seven months to lose the whole 15, so I wouldn't worry much over a couple weeks. If your actual…
  • Once a month I weigh myself five mornings in a row and enter the average value into MFP.
  • Once a month; saves me from potential aggravation.
    in Weigh In Comment by noon1200 August 2013
  • MFP calculated your daily caloric expendature based on your height and weight, then subtracted 500 for every pound per week you told it you wanted to lose. Lastly, if that number was under 1200, it bumped it up to 1200 because it doesn't want to advise anyone to eat less than that. With only fifteen pounds to lose, you…
  • This is correct. Yes. I told MFP my numbers and that I wanted to lose one pound per week. It told me how many calories to eat per day. I ate under that number of calories. Occasionally I went over for the day but never over when you average out the week. I didn't change anything else about how I ate. I don't exercise. I…
  • I decided to only weigh myself once a month, and it is working fine for me. The way I see it, I'm already tracking my progress by counting calories, so weighing would just be measuring the same thing twice.
  • I have noticed that I feel sated by far less food now that I've reduced my daily intake. It probably takes a couple weeks for that to kick in. It's normal to feel hungry immediately after finishing your plate. You were hungry when you started, and it takes a while for the message that you've eaten to reach your brain,…
  • In the long run, you'll lose nothing or gain weight, because you won't be able to maintain that as a lifestyle. When you go to the gym, do you start out by trying to lift the heaviest weights in the building? No, you start small and as you get stronger you add weight. A calorie deficit of 500/day will help you lose about a…
  • Chicken Salad / Tuna Salad 1 can tuna or 1/2 cup of chopped or pulled chicken 1T mayo 1/2T mustard pinch of ground ginger (for tuna) or curry powder (for chicken) chopped celery and/or peppers mix it up, salt and pepper to taste, and bam, sandwich filling.
  • Every ten pounds MFP will automatically adjust your calorie goal and notify you of the new number.
  • You can definitely lose weight by tracking your calories eaten every day and keeping the average calories eaten under a certain amount. You don't need to "follow a diet," just eat what you enjoy eating in portions small enough hit your calorie target. It's easier if you like eating vegetables because they're very low in…
  • Cutting off your foot will probably drop you about ten pounds but it's not a good long term strategy. I used to do a similar rule; I found the benefit was that it encouraged me to plan better for dinner and not to snack. However, I don't see any need for such a guideline now that I'm doing what actually works ie counting…