

  • Ha! I came from work one day and actually had makeup on... Had a session with my swim coach, so didn't bother with removing my makeup. An hour later, my lipstick was still bright red, but the rest of the makeup was gone. He couldn't stop laughing every time he looked at me!
  • This all seems to assume that one works with a trainer for the purpose of weight loss, and for that purpose only. I don't. I have two trainers - one who I work with on sparring and martial arts insanity, and one who is teaching me how to swim competitively. I have a robust list of goals with each of them, and not one of…
  • Didn't feel it in VA, but friends in Hanover, NH are all abuzz about it! Hope there's no serious damage.
  • Get the Mexican style wraps, 180". Start at the wrist, keep wrapping. Lace the fingers, focus the wrapping on your pain areas. Plenty of you tube videos that demonstrate techniques. Honestly, though, proper form when punching will do more for you than any amount of padding.
  • Most likely, all of the above. Maybe not stripper, but I do know dancers that have done an open stage night, just for kicks. Stripping is harder than it looks.
  • Ugh. Treadmill dancing. A lot of ballet dancers I know do this. It helps with speed and footwork. They will do floorwork at running speeds, and it is crazy to watch, but effective if you need to work foot turnover and coordination. I tried it once and face planted. Good thing my professional career ended years ago!
  • Indeed - it's about bone hardening and conditioning. Very similar to prepping your feet to dance en pointe in ballet. I've been doing krav maga for 8 years, and it took some time to get my hands conditioned. You might alternate wrapping one day, no wraps the next two, just to help your hands stay usable while they…
  • I don't like arrogance, from any group. It seems like the groups you identified were separated out based on physical appearance, which doesn't typically set me off. I have strong physical dislike for anyone who acts with arrogance or lack of respect. Last week, two beautiful young girls were using the mats next to me for…
  • Pass... you look a bit naughty ;-)
  • I like the Jari Love ones. She's a little kooky, but the exercises are great. I used them as an intro to lifting before feeling comfortable doing it in a gym.
  • No kidding! I'd be happy at a C or D... with a much smaller booty as well!!!
  • Welcome! This site has been a HUGE help to me in my journey! I hope you have success!
  • The dancer in me loves those fishnets. Rock it baby!
  • They run around $100. I rather like it, just because I'm a compulsive tracker and data junkie. I love being able to analyse my activity levels across days. It's fun. I pull it into Excel and create all sorts of fun charts and graphs. It's how I satisfy the nerdy side of my brain ;-)
  • Born in Ireland, moved to the US (Southern California) at age 10, lived there for 14 years, then to New Hampshire for school, then the DC area. Lots of work and pleasure travel in there as well! Languages: English, Irish (mostly I can understand when my grandmother is yelling at me), German, French, some Italian, some…
  • If your regular diet is healthy, and you get sufficient exercise, then the odd binge won't make you gain weight. Unless it's a weekly binge. Is it? Honestly, if you want your body/health/mind to be different, you have to actually DO something different. Exercise more or eat less. You've clearly found the equilibrium for…
  • I got my husband a bacon scented candle for his birthday a few years ago, and he told me it's actually meant for attracting bears where you're hunting. oops. Still smelled good!
  • I'm an Army wife... my husband is currently serving in Afghanistan. Please add me - I need all the support I can get! I gained 45lbs when he left (it only took 6 months - can we say stress eating?). Taking it off is a heckuva lot harder than putting it on!
  • YAY!!! You look great, and congrats on feeling great about yourself. That is, by far, the biggest battle in weight loss! Well done!
  • Just a quick hi, I need to get to the gym. Wanted send you a big hug - my husband deployed the week after Thanksgiving last year, and I put on 45lbs in 6 months! CRAZY! Now, I'm working like mad to take it off before he gets home and think "Who the hell is this lardass?" Hang in there... You are strong and totally capable…
  • Well done! Your hard work and dedication is clear in your results. What an inspiration!!
  • When I stopped dancing and gained 15lbs, I finally got boobs! Then I had twins and my cups runneth waaaaay over. Probably my current favorite part of my body. On other women, I notice legs. I've always been a leg girl... desperately trying to get mine back in shape! For now, my collection of 6-inch platform heels is…
  • Hi Jeff, welcome! I went to grad school in New Hampshire, so have a very soft spot for New England. Good luck with C25K. It's a great program! Forgot to mention - I have 4 kiddos as well, so certainly have empathy for that. I aspire to be able to run with both twins in the jogging stroller. I can only manage one now, and…
  • I have twins too! And I am an identical twin (freaky, huh?) Congrats on the 24lbs you've already lost!!!
  • We might fight over the first two. Taylor's all yours. If I were looking for something other than eye candy, I want Teddy Roosevelt. "...the man who really counts in the world is the doer, not the mere critic-the man who actually does the work, even if roughly and imperfectly, not the man who only talks or writes about how…
  • Channing Tatum. And he will dance for me. Shirtless.
  • Welcome, fellow Virginian! Good to see you here!
  • Sadly, I am very allergic to tree nuts. Peanuts are okay, though... Perhaps a slice of bread with peanut butter would be good. Thanks ;)
  • Too funny... I just started a thread asking for help in meeting my 1220 daily goal! I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. Protein shakes fill me up pretty well, too. One favorite is a salad of cucumber and tomato - toss in a tiny bit of garlic salt, and it is divine. Hardly anything in the calorie metric, but is very…