Ladies! Weight lifting DVD's

I'm wanting to get ChaLEAN Extreme but currently can't afford it. So I've been looking up other weight lifting DVD's. There are a few by Cathe Friedrich and Jari Love that look good...I was also looking at some Amy Dixon DVD's but they look like more cardio than anything.
I'm about a week away from being done my 5th month of Turbo Fire and I'm looking to add in more weight training. Any suggestions for good DVD's?


  • BalletBadass
    I like the Jari Love ones. She's a little kooky, but the exercises are great. I used them as an intro to lifting before feeling comfortable doing it in a gym.
  • Ann1964x
    Les Mills Pump DVD's are great when you can afford.
    Jari is OK.
    Cathe is very popoular too.