Didn't log it, but maybe about 3500 extra kcal over the stretch of 3-4 days? Totally worth it!
Yep, got a skinny partner. He can eat crappy food but doesn't eat a lot of it, and skips meals a lot, so his daily calorie intake isn't that high even if he never needs to restrict himself in the slightest. I'm jealous. But I also think I enjoy eating more than he does. I look forward to every meal and love love love…
Do you have any scientific sources for this? I love raw food cause it's tasty and exciting, but I'm sad that it's attached to a lot of pseudo-scientific marketing as well. It's not necessary to detox with food.
Food detox is bul!#l&it.
I'm still very sceptical to whether this really works. If you look at pictures of female body builders, the breasts aren't perkier, there's just more muscle above it. Example: For butt exercise, I've noticed that Cassey Ho's pilates videos gives me most muscle soreness the day after. Some really good stuff.…
It's weird that the MFP-calculation for 22 minutes for a walk in brisk pace is 117 kcal.. :( It's odd that the numbers are so far apart, but then again I guess my calculation is done after my weight and height..
If you aren't feeling great, why not eat less raw? Personally I only use raw food to mix it up a bit. The sweets I make are usually raw, but I still cook a lot of the food that I make. I feel great. And what do you mean with detox? Also, maybe you expect too much from it? Sadly I don't think any change of diet will give…
Oh cool, gonna check those out! I really like Cassey Ho, but it would be fun to try something new! And belly dance is so fun :)
I try to make achievable, reasonable goals so I don't have to shame myself for not succeeding. And peptalk myself for the small things, like having a healthy breakfast or doing 15 min of home pilates. My depression tends to make me overly self critical, so that's personally my main focus. But I agree, it's tricky,…
So am I. Ok there are way better ones of him, but I think they might be a bit too racey for MFP...
Well said!
As someone who's had problems with eating disorders, I like your attitude as well. What we eat is our own business. For me it doesn't work to eat completely "clean" or raw or whatever, it just starts going towards eating disorery thoughts. Health is more than physical health. I feel happier and stronger when I allow myself…
I think avocado works really really well with shrimps or salmon, so just make a salad with either of them, cherry tomatoes, rocket salad, maybe some bulgur or quinoa. And lots of lime juice. Nom nom. Also really good to eat with a spoon with some sourcream, red onion and black caviar (and some dill, why not). Aw, I love…
I haven't really experienced that junk food stops to taste good, I do feel like I've learned an automatic moderation, and I feel full quicker. Before I would chug a whole packet of chocolate really quickly without thinking. Now I eat slower, and therefore have smaller portions. Unhealthy sweets still bring me a lot of…
Tali was a nice buddy, but I thought that Jack and Miranda were stronger somehow, I like that in women. But I was also disappointed by the lack of a cool face for Tali. You've seen the lazily shopped image, right? From this stock photo: I prefer fan art of her actually..
Not a gentleman but I like girls, so here's one I like, Jeanette Voerman, from Vampire Bloodlines: A lot of sexy outfits in that game. Maybe a bit silly, but I also like the slutty goth look. Oh, and Miranda Lawson, of course. I was so pissed off the female character couldn't get it on with her :(
I think Garrus from Mass Effect is superhot. It's both his voice and his character. Rebellious and strong yet charmingly socially awkward. I'm sad there was no explicit sexy time with him (or any of the other male characters) as you get with the women :( Sadly the voice actor for him isn't very hot either.. I was sad the…
I don't think you need to "cleanse" your body or detox or something like that. I don't think there are any scientific grounds for it at all. However, raw food is tasty and nutritious and fun! I make a lot of cakes from dates and almonds. For example: (one serving) 6 dates 2 tbsp almond flour or chopped almonds 1-2 tsp…
Yuuuuum, made one tonight and it was tasty!! Gonna try with other flavours as well. So amazing.
Bump! I love tahini but rarely know what to do with it. Definitely gonna try this out!
Bump! Gonna try that tonight :D
I really hate these kind of stereotypes. I also notice them in myself. I don't agree with them intellectually, but they do pop up whenever I see a person who's obese and I'm having a ****ty day. It makes me feel better to look down on someone else who's worse off than me. And I do understand how harmful these stereotypes…
I´m a bit poor but love perfumes, so I try to find budget ones who smell nice. I really like LUSH's perfumes, now using "Lust". It smells wonderful, like a flower garden. Unfortunately it's not a very strong scent.. I also like Body shop's perfumes.
Oooh, gonna make these! :D
Cool! I might try to bake these. I tried to make a chocolate cake with beans before but it didn't go so well. A carrot cake with white beans worked perfect though, maybe because carrot cake is a bit lighter in itself normally as well? Anyway, I love brownies so I have to give it another shot! :)
I haven't really gone over my kcal goal that much since I joined. One day I made the mistake to log AFTER I'd eaten it though, and it turned out to be at least 500 kcal over my goal. I had a healthy LCHF pizza that I only should have eaten half of (I was full and all, it was just so tasty!!), and raw food brownie with…
As a swede, I must say I disagree that food is that expensive in Sweden. Maybe if you live in Stockholm.. But really, the key is to find the neighbourhood where immigrants live. There are usually markets or stores with cheaper vegetables and fruits than in the other supermarkets. When I lived in Sweden used to survive on…
I spend between 100-200 euros on groceries a month. Not sure what that would be in dollars, a bit more I think. Then the cost of living is quite cheap in Germany. I also eat a lot of lentils, canned tomatoes (soups, soups, soups), and only buy vegetables on discount.
I want sandwiches and snacks too.