devo182 Member


  • Would take it later, it's not very filling imo. I usually measure it out for 100 calories, a nice little "snack".
  • Well this discussion was productive haha :) Back to things I have control over like a healthy meal and exercise. Get back to work y'all! hahaha
  • Lol no one is giving them a birthday gift or bonus. People are saying they are DESPERATE to survive, so they will accept money from others to do so. If your neighbor comes over and says he needs $100 of your money to get by for the month, then he goes and spends $20 of it on beer and snacks, how would that make you feel? A…
  • This can't be right.$PP.htm Their own statistics show the average person receives more than $100/month this year. By household it is $250-$350 on average.
  • I agree there are a lot of things we can point out, but other wrongs don't make wasting in this instance a right. We can complain about all waste, we don't have to pick and choose.
  • Right, but it's the taxpayers' money. Limiting their food choices to reasonable ones (like no candy, cookies, dessert, etc) seems perfectly reasonable. When you get a handout, how can you complain you can't waste it on non-nutritious items? That then adds to health care costs in the country, it just doesn't seem like…
  • Wow, ran into a streak of bad luck with being sick and the passing of my grandmother. Luckily I have been good the past few days and have also worked out. Headed to the gym right now, it is day one indeed lol.
  • I've been baad this week! I've averaged ~3,000 calories over the last 4 days! There are 6 days left in my 2nd 10-day period, so I've really got to shape up and get accountable again if I'm going to get even close to my goal. Work has really been stressing me out lately and I've fallen back into some old traps. I'm going to…
  • Great job on passing mcdonald's. That same thing has been something I've had to work on this past go around. After a long day of work it is so easy to load up on bad food on the way home and "make a night of it". One of the best things I've ever heard is "replace bad habits with good ones" so I've been trying to replace…
  • Proteins with low calories definitely sounds like seafood! Tuna is cheap and easy on-the-go if you like it. I love the packets of tuna with a little pepper or red pepper. Sometimes I'll even mix in a Laughing Cow triangle of spreadable swiss cheese (~30 cals). The packets of tuna are only 80 cals. If that's not your taste,…
  • I may be misremembering, but I believe if you are eating a bit less than you should, you should eat higher fat foods, so your body will burn it for energy, rather than your muscle mass or go into starvation mode. Hopefully your appetite goes back to normal though!
  • Sweet! Nice progress!
  • 10 days in report Starting - 196 lbs Now - 193 lbs Waist starting - 38.3" Waist now - 37.5" Pretty happy with my first 10 days results check-in. ~3/4 inch drop in waistline is roughly 4 lbs of fat loss for me, which means I regained some muscle as well. My waistline progress is ahead of schedule, I need -.58 inch per 10…
  • Been through an absurdly busy week and weekend. Worked all weekend, had family and everyone in town, so lots of eating out and no time for exercise. Still did pretty well given the circumstances and I'm happy to get back to routine. Sat - 2,300 cals Goal - 1,700 cals No exercise Sun - 1,700 cals Goal - 1,700 cals No…
  • Extremely busy weekend! Working all weekend, family and girlfriend all in town. Thurs - 2,500 cals Worked out Fri - 2,300 cals No exercise 1 week average - 1,770 calories Goal - 1,700 calories Pretty happy for the first week. I'll post weight/measurement updates on Mon/Tues which will be 10 days.
  • Good to hear Star! I'm just curious if you're looking to do daily/bi-daily logs or just frequent updates? Either one is fine, I just need to know, so we can all tell if you're sticking with it or not and hold you accountable.
  • Wed 8-29-12 Calories: 1,800 Goal: 1,700 Ate the remaining pizza my sister left in the fridge. Overall, not the best choice of foods, but I'm happy with the calories. Have to go out to eat with her again today, so I am going to have to be on my best behavior. Eating out is never easy! Exercise: Insanity cardio and p90x ab…
  • If you are feeling hungry, try starting your day off with lots of protein and try to eat some every meal, it will keep you satiated longer.
  • For me it was all about just getting back into the gym that first time to get things started. I don't know if you normally work out at night or morning, but you may try the opposite of what you normally would do.
  • Calories: 2,000 Goal: 1,700 Ate pretty well considering I had to go out to eat again (family in town). Had a steak and rice when we went out. My sister got pizza and I had to have a piece last nite, which put me just over my goal. Overall, not so bad considering I under ate starting this out. Exercise: Did arms, back, and…
  • Great to have you friend. Please read the "group info" thread if you have not already. Good luck and happy losing!
  • Sure, 20 is still a good challenge! We're more about group accountability here. Please read the "group info" thread if you have not yet. Good luck losing!
  • Mon 8-27-2012 Calories: 1600 Goal: 1700 Ate well today, though I had to go out to eat at Cheddar's. Had a tilapia with shrimp and mango salsa w/ sides of rice, green beans, and broccoli. Very proud of myself eating well while out. It was really good too! Exercise: Did insanity cardio dvd (~25 min) and p90x ab ripper x.
  • Try my group challenge that includes a high amount of accountability:
  • :bump: Any one?
  • Sun 8-26-2012 Calories: 1500 Goal: 1700 Had a good eating day, getting in more protein. Had another wrap and some bread, so I need to cook the ground beef I have and eat some of my salmon so I can lessen carbs. Exercise: Did arms and back at the gym, also shot basketball while jogging in between shots, a few minutes on a…
  • Welcome Star! Glad you're aboard. Read the info post if you haven't already and good luck losing!
  • I would agree with others about the supplements. Supplements have shown to do nothing and can have harmful byproducts. If you want the "good stuff" out of weight loss supplements, take some b12 and caffeine and voila you've saved yourself $30. Protein powder is fine as long as you include it in your calories (obviously).…
  • Sat 8-25-12 Calories: 700 Goal: 1700 Didn't find much time to eat yesterday. Ate fairly well except using a wheat wrap and had a serving of white cheddar cheez-its. Exercise: Had an early workout with Insanity Cardio. Had a light night workout of shooting a little basketball, a few leg exercises, and 5 minutes of HiiT on a…
  • I have a challenge group if you are interested: