berylw49 Member


  • Day 1: Red: Grape tomatoes Orange: Cantaloupe Green: Kale, avocado Only fruit/veg counts, correct?
  • I'm in! Please sign me up.
  • Lesley yes, I'm in NYC. You'll have a great time here for sure! I would love to do another challenge with this team. Do we know when the next one will be? I have some major work projects/deadlines this June, July, and August, in addition to a couple summer vacations, so staying on track is going to be really difficult.…
  • So sorry I've been MIA for the last few has been insane and really taking a lot out of me. I haven't lost any weight during this challenge, but I haven't gained any either, and I've maintained my exercise routine too, so I'm thankful for all of that! I have learned that while I've enjoyed this challenge and…
  • My goal is 10,000 steps a day. This isn't a challenge for me on workdays but can be on weekends/days off.
  • Pam and Lesley, enjoy NYC! It is very easy to rack up miles here. According to my fitbit I'm already at 29 for the week. I average 40-50 per week and I'm not a runner--most of that is just from walking around, sometimes deliberately for exercise, often just to get from here to there. I hit an awesome NSV today: I'm part of…
  • And here are some side-by-side before and after photos from me. The after photos are from last June, but I really haven't lost much since then. I've been focusing on maintenance and just now am trying to focus on losing another 10-15 if possible. Here's my heaviest. I don't have a full body picture from this time frame.…
  • Isabelle, those photos are so inspiring! I am 5'6 also and would kill for your flat stomach. Sadly I am not built that way but I'll continue to wish for it and keep plugging away... Lesley, I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. Leanne, thanks for the breakdown! My numbers are caught up…
  • My absolute favorite is mac and cheese. I love the gooey, smooth, melty cheese texture. Add a baked breadcrumb topping and it's even better. I don't believe in eliminating any foods in order to be healthy, because deprivation isn't sustainable; anything is OK in moderation. So I have a few go-to brands of…
  • Leanne, what a transformation! Thanks for sharing! It's so encouraging to see everyone's progress. It's been a crazy week for me so sorry for being mia. Eating has been pretty good and my easter splurge has disappeared from the scale. It's nice to know that one day's splurge can be easily reversed by a couple days of being…
  • Congratulations, Gayle! Feel better, Leanne and Rose! After a great week last week things totally fell apart over the weekend--I overate; yesterday was one of those days where it didn't matter what I ate, I was "hungry" and wanted more, calories schmalories. This resulted in a 2.5 lb gain this morning that I know is mostly…
  • I don't like to cook and am always looking for easy recipes, and one of my favorites is a "healthy" egg mcmuffin using frozen egg white patties: Toast an English muffin. Microwave 1 egg white patty for 90 seconds. Add a slice of American cheese to the top and put back into the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Place onto muffin…
  • Go team! We are truly awesome. :smile: Isabelle, glad you will stick with us and that you are feeling better!
  • Is there any way to know a food's omega 3 count by the nutrition label? I'm vegetarian and don't eat fish, which really limits my options here. It looks like some dairy products are omega 3 "fortified" but I don't think I've seen this information on nutrition labels.
  • Congratulations, this is so exciting!
  • Amazing, Gayle! Thanks for sharing!
  • Thanks all for your kind words! And thanks for the weekly summary, Leanne! Makes it so much easier to follow. I'm also having a hard time fitting in the extras but I think I'll be able to tackle the omegas and water this week. I've gotten lax with water so this will be a good reminder.
  • Major NSV for me this weekend: I got rid of all my too-big clothes! They had been in basement storage and now are gone!! Here's one of the biggest: No turning back now!
  • Gayle that is wonderful! Congratulations!! I'm hoping to hit 100 by my birthday in early June. It's totally possible if I keep at it. I've been 5-10 lbs from it for the past 9 months but feeling really motivated now.
  • Thanks for everyone's advice about staying motivated through the weekend! I took a long walk home from work yesterday and bought some low-cal dinner options and was successful last night! Woke up this morning feeling really motivated. I realized that I'm finding the shift back into weight loss much harder than I expected.…
  • Yep, we're friends on Fitbit, Leanne. And I just friended you, Connie (It's Cheryl W. on Fitbit). Bring on the challenges! :smiley:
  • OK, I'm turning to the team for Friday/weekend motivation. It has been such a rough, stressful week and I can see myself wanting to celebrate making it through with food. I've done so well this week with food and exercise and am not going to keep losing if I overdo it all weekend. Any motivational tips?? My brain is…
  • Also, it looks like we won week 1...go team 1! We truly are team awesome! :smiley:
  • Happy St. Patrick's Day, team 1! I hope everyone enjoyed. I just took a look at the grid and we are nearly to Ireland! Are there any other Fitbit members here? It would be fun to have a Team 1 step challenge. Anyone can feel free to friend me, I think this link will do it:
  • I feel dense but can someone explain the fruit/veg challenge for the week? Do we have to eat all the colors every day? Or just one per day? I had lettuce, tomato, mushroom, pineapple, blueberry, and avocado between my meals today. Am I done? :smile: (No, I'm not done eating my fruit/veg, but if this fulfills the challenge…
  • Thanks!
  • Stay safe, Rose! You're in BC, right? Are you near Vancouver? That's where my family lives.
  • Good morning, all. I'm catching up on my logging, and can someone remind me which roadblock is the Greek food? I have a vegan Greek yogurt every morning so I think that counts...! Sorry to those of you with bad weather in your areas. It's been gorgeous in NYC the last couple days--low 70s and sunny. I took advantage last…
  • For exercise minutes, what are we counting? Actual deliberate exercise, or active minutes? I wear a Fitbit and do a lot of extra walking, so my active minutes are higher than actual time spent working out. I can pull my weight for the team either way, just let me know!
  • Hey Team 1! My name is Cheryl and I'm in New York City. I'm 36 and live with my boyfriend and our two cats. I've been on my current weight loss journey for about a year and a half and have stalled; I'm hoping this challenge gives me the extra push I need to keep going and lose that last 10-15 lbs.