
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Just attempted the Irish dance videos. Not easy! But it was something new and added to my activity time. Also I could do it with my shoulder and neck issues because it's all legs!
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Hey! Opened a letter in the mail today and it was from the organization that runs a weight loss support group I attend. Turns out I am one of the Provincial Division Winners for 2015! First Place, Division lll. They want me to write my "Success Story" and send in a before picture. At the end of April I need to attend the annual Provincial Recognition Days in a city about 3 hours away, for 2 days. I will share my story and be recognized on stage. This is quite the surprise because I thought a person had to reach their goal weight to win. They do say I have to be within 5 lbs of the recognition weight to attend. So that is definitely more motivation to buckle down.
    Now to start looking for a before picture. Didn't exactly jump in front of the camera when I was at my heaviest.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    leannev68 wrote: »
    Hey! Opened a letter in the mail today and it was from the organization that runs a weight loss support group I attend. Turns out I am one of the Provincial Division Winners for 2015! First Place, Division lll. They want me to write my "Success Story" and send in a before picture. At the end of April I need to attend the annual Provincial Recognition Days in a city about 3 hours away, for 2 days. I will share my story and be recognized on stage. This is quite the surprise because I thought a person had to reach their goal weight to win. They do say I have to be within 5 lbs of the recognition weight to attend. So that is definitely more motivation to buckle down.
    Now to start looking for a before picture. Didn't exactly jump in front of the camera when I was at my heaviest.

    That is so awesome Leanne! So happy for you. With your dedication, I am sure you will be able to get to the weight you need/want by the end of April. It is so amazing having such motivational moments by our fellow teammates. I totally understand about not having many pics from your heaviest moments. Congratulations!!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    leannev68 wrote: »
    Just attempted the Irish dance videos. Not easy! But it was something new and added to my activity time. Also I could do it with my shoulder and neck issues because it's all legs!

    Curiosity question, do you know about how long all the dance videos are? I still need to figure out how/when to fit them in tomorrow or Sunday.
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    I played each once and it took a total of around 20 minutes. To get better at the dance I would have to run through them a few times, which I might try at another time.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    leannev68 wrote: »
    Hey! Opened a letter in the mail today and it was from the organization that runs a weight loss support group I attend. Turns out I am one of the Provincial Division Winners for 2015! First Place, Division lll. They want me to write my "Success Story" and send in a before picture. At the end of April I need to attend the annual Provincial Recognition Days in a city about 3 hours away, for 2 days. I will share my story and be recognized on stage. This is quite the surprise because I thought a person had to reach their goal weight to win. They do say I have to be within 5 lbs of the recognition weight to attend. So that is definitely more motivation to buckle down.
    Now to start looking for a before picture. Didn't exactly jump in front of the camera when I was at my heaviest.

    Wow, congratulations! Well earned, and well deserved. Kudos to you my friend :smiley:
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    leannev68 wrote: »
    I played each once and it took a total of around 20 minutes. To get better at the dance I would have to run through them a few times, which I might try at another time.

    Thanks. I am just looking to get through them for the points. Lol.
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Gawworthingtonance is fun - and really quick, agree with Leannv68 on time, I replayed the final 5 or six times, or more...was sweaty at 45 minutes and wished I had her sash to mop my brow with - LOL, a hop skip n kicking fool for a few minutes, definitely fun certainly not graceful :)
    Congratulations Leanne on your accomplishments and recognition for it, very nice - good work!
    Gawworthington - wow that is dropping some inches, no wonder your skirt slipped off! Enjoy yourself Sunday, in your new dress with your renewed self and positive attitude.
    Beryl just try to keep your eye on the prize, look forward to reaching your goal, and pick a non-food treat (I like the massage and/or manicuremanicure suggestions). I have a pair of pink shorts that I love, that fit me before I ruptured my Achilles, I am bound and determined to fit in to them again by May 10th and wear them in Hawaii! I too must fight the weekend splurge and keep myself on track by looking at those shorts.
    I forget who asked about Mason jars - there are recipies and pictures on Pinterest. I kind of freelance with what I like and keeping calories and fiber in mind when building them. Really like the ease, put the dry ingredients in, toss in fruit, nuts, etc while the liquid is heating up ; pour the liquid in, shake, and let it "cook" in the jar while I finish getting ready for work.

    Fabulous job team 1 rrocking us to the top!! Yeah team!! Good luck everyone and have a blessed weekend! ~jazzypdx
  • cjborkowski
    cjborkowski Posts: 181 Member
    berylw49 wrote: »
    Happy St. Patrick's Day, team 1! I hope everyone enjoyed. I just took a look at the grid and we are nearly to Ireland!

    Are there any other Fitbit members here? It would be fun to have a Team 1 step challenge. Anyone can feel free to friend me, I think this link will do it:

    I agree it would be a fun Team 1 challenge for any of us with a Fitbit! I'm not sure how to friend request you using that link but you can friend request me using my email:
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Great idea about the Fitbit. I hold work week challenges all the time. What I should be doing are more weekend challenges! Ooh those weekends! Friend me on Fitbit :
    I'd love to have an exclusive team 1 Fitbit challenge!
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Connie and Cheryl I have you already on Fitbit right? Anyone else? Sometimes the different usernames makes it difficult to know who everyone is!
  • berylw49
    berylw49 Posts: 68 Member
    leannev68 wrote: »
    Connie and Cheryl I have you already on Fitbit right? Anyone else? Sometimes the different usernames makes it difficult to know who everyone is!

    Yep, we're friends on Fitbit, Leanne. And I just friended you, Connie (It's Cheryl W. on Fitbit). Bring on the challenges! :smiley:
  • berylw49
    berylw49 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for everyone's advice about staying motivated through the weekend! I took a long walk home from work yesterday and bought some low-cal dinner options and was successful last night! Woke up this morning feeling really motivated. I realized that I'm finding the shift back into weight loss much harder than I expected. I've lost nearly 100 lbs so it's not like I don't know how to do this, but I've been in maintenance for the last several months and getting back on track to lose means being much more rigid than I've gotten used to. But that is why I joined this challenge--for that extra push that I very clearly need!

    Off to the gym. Happy Saturday, everyone!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    @berylw49, well done!! You certainly must know what to do. Congrats on your loss! Sometimes we just need extra support, so it's great that you've joined here :smiley:
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Finally figured out how to access the spreadsheet with my phone. Broke down and got the google "Drive" app on my phone and computer. After that, I could access the spreadsheet. All was free but I hate downloading extra apps that clutter up my devices. It worked though. Not sure why I didn't have to do that with my previous phone. I went from an iPhone 5 to an iPhone 6.
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    @beryl. Use getting to 100 lbs loss as the extra push. I know it has been working for me. mini goals

    I am very happy to report. I hit mine today. 101 lbs lost in 10 months. Happy dance on my end. Oh I usually weigh on Sunday. Sneak peak today. 30 lbs to go.
  • berylw49
    berylw49 Posts: 68 Member
    Gayle that is wonderful! Congratulations!!

    I'm hoping to hit 100 by my birthday in early June. It's totally possible if I keep at it. I've been 5-10 lbs from it for the past 9 months but feeling really motivated now.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Just getting a minute to check in, I'm so happy for all of you losers! berylw49, gawworthingt, and Leanne. so exciting. I'm afraid I'm having a bad weekend, trying to keep logging, but I'm feeling stretched a bit. Making a huge dinner tonight and have dessert and bread in the oven. I was not able to get to the gym this am, hoping to make up for it tomorrow. Hope you're all enjoying the weekend.
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Happy day for me ! Last time I could afford membership to the gym near my house was because my boyfriend had a "month for 10$" card that a friend could use, so I did. The normal price is ridiculously high but today I went to check and there was a promotion for the month 10$ again, so I took it. The temperature here in Quebec is still pretty low: -4 today, so I find it easier to go to the gym for running right now AND I can do much more strength than with my set of dumbbells I have at home! I super happy about that!

    Have nice weekend team !

    Leanne it's great you've found a way to acces the spreadsheet from your phone !
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    A small walk today and thats about it. Its cold and Im cramping. I am 56 and still have periods. My daughter says it means I have a young uterus :)