Krissy563 Member


  • I'm going to go out on a limb here and defend Kraft Singles... I know they are not real cheese and frankly are pretty terrifying to think about, but they are just so tasty in scrambled eggs and grilled cheese. Don't you worry, I appreciate the good stuff too, but to each their own guilty pleasure, eh?
  • THIS! You can do it! Signed, someone who could barely run a mile a year ago and just finished her first half marathon!
  • I didn't follow any particular plan, I just ran as far as I could each day, then tried to go a little farther the next. A lot of people on MFP are using Couch to 5k -- you may want to check that out. I'm not so sure I have a "runner's body" either (except the tight hamstrings) but I love being able to do something I never…
  • The only thing I wanted to add (other than that yes, you CAN do it -- and congrats on signing up for your first race!) is that when I first started, I got shin splints when I ran too fast. Still do, even as I've slowly gotten faster over time. So besides getting some good shoes, keep in mind that you can and should go as…
  • Does walking also hurt your foot? If not, I would show up, try running, and then if it starts to bother you, walk the rest. No sense causing greater harm to yourself. But if walking hurts your foot, I suspect you know it's best not to go at all. Sorry... I have not been injured (yet... knock on wood) but I can only imagine…
  • Here's a link to the real facts about the McDonald's case: She did in fact spill it on herself (it did not melt the cup as someone suggested), but she wasn't driving the car she was in, and McDonald's had already received literally hundreds of complaints about people getting burned…
  • Please learn the facts about the McDonald's hot coffee case before you cite it as an example of a frivolous lawsuit! The woman who was burned got 3rd degree burns. 3rd degree! She needed a skin graft! What if she had drank it instead of accidentally spilling it -- she'd have third degree burns in her mouth! And all she…
  • Just wanted to add: 1) Thank you for your openness to constructive criticism. A lot of people can't handle the truth. It's hard to change old habits, but that doesn't make it any less important to change. 2) Banish the word "diet." You are not on a diet. You are not dieting. You are striving to eat better today than you…
  • Hi! I have been training for my first half marathon (coming up in 4 days!! Eek!!) and i have had this same issue. When I go for my 2.5 hour Sunday run, I burn ~1400 calories, which is almost what I'm supposed to eat in an entire day -- and if you are training for a full marathon, I imagine you burn a whole lot more on your…
  • Don't worry about your stride. Just run however feels natural to you. Though in my experience, it's easier to run a "natural" stride when you are outside vs on a treadmill.
  • Just keep trying... you will get there! Who knows, maybe you just had a bad day and if you try it tonight you'll make it. Everyone has a bad run sometimes. Also, maybe try running slower?
  • Don't be embarrassed because you don't know how to do something you've never done before! :) Definitely ask for help on proper form before using the rower -- it's a great workout but for me it was not at all intuitive on how to do it, so I avoided it for years until someone showed me how to use it. And feel free to…
  • I had a similar issue with my Forerunner 110 the other day -- it seemed dead to the world but eventually I got it to work again. Some Googling revealed this is a problem others have had. Try -- hope that helps.