Quibeful Member


  • ****This is what I have noticed about my journey***** I cannot eat less than 1600 cals and workout and expect to lose weight. I usually burn about 400-500 cals a workout and that is 40 mins. max. I got a HRM to track a more accurate cal burn. MFP has estimates and is usually wrong. DVD's work awesome, but I had to learn…
  • The automated calculators can be very inaccurate. You should get a HRM for the best estimates.
  • Hit up the library and try different dvds. That is what i do and it works really well. I also still walk and run @ least 2x a wk.
  • The shot itself does not casue weight gain, but it does increase the appetite. So you eat more and with a busy life you don't realize it because it is a gradual increase in appetite. So evaluate what you eat and try to fill up of "free foods" like tons of veggies and water and fruit. I know when I realized I ate a lot more…
  • You kinda have to start over again. it is estimated that for every week you are not running it takes two weels to gain that ground back. Make sure that you warm up properly and strech your calves and hamstrings out really good. You will notice a great difference. I wear compression during my runs sometimes, the compression…
  • Hunger to a degree is good, but it is also your body's way of saying that it is in need of food. I have noticed that after a few days of eating appropriately, I want to feast like a beast. I say eat back a predetermined amount of calories and see if that helps. It won't hurt you in the long run and you will feel good…
  • When I first started I was discourage by the slow progression as well. It is necessary to take an off day so that your body rest and can get rid of the store water from the muscle repair. As well watch your sodium and fat levels. Sodium makes you swell as it throws off your patassium/sodium balance and causes water weight.…
  • Just ran across your thread...I log it under Tai Bo. They are similar in heart rate averages for me.
  • That is the power of trusting yourself and your body. WTG!
  • I will be glad to be friend's with you!
  • If you are a beginner or have been out of the activity for a while, then shin splits come at the beginning. Oddly enough the pain is caused by understretched lower leg musscles. So if you spend a little more time concentrating on stretching the calves and hamstrings you will feel the difference. As well, I recommend…
  • I agree with everyone else hear. You must be doing something right, 1 in in 2 weeks! Try to find other things that are a positive about choosing to be healthy. ther are called NSV (Non scale VICTORIES) they are pretty satisfying. NOtice that you can walk farther than before, you don't sound like a Vacuum after you take the…
  • I am in! CW 223.8 lbs Sept. 30 GW: 218.8 lbs I weigh in on Saturday mornings. 9/7-223.8 lbs 9/14- 9/21- 9/28-
  • I am not a mother yet, but I feel you on the "I'm never gona get that big" tip! I started this thing at 240 and lost as much as 35lbs, I gradually crept back up to 227 over the last 2 years. I have just committed to doing this hard core, no excuses and finding a way to WIN at it! I think you can do it.
  • I have issues with my joints being painful with activity, plus my size. This is what I do physically to help: I wear compression gear when I am at rest and sometimes when I work out and I elevate whenever possible. I drink "cool" teas that target inflammation ( I had an asian herbalist recommend any flower tea vs. leaf…
  • That is amazing and encouraging. I just decided to go all in and stay focused with the help of MFP. Hopefully if within a year I will see ONE-DERLAND aswell!
  • OMG! I was just wondering the same thing. I juat come off my cycle and the scale tipped up a few pound than when i last weighed in. I was so discouraged that i wanted to just stop trying then and there. Eventually i talked myself out of quiting...because i knew i was over reacting, I'm such a drama queen. But in the end I…