depo provera



  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I'm not on it but have considered it as an option. My doctor says its no different than taking oral contraceptives and that weight gained is due to women getting more relaxed on it and often they start taking it at the start of a new relationship when a whole host of other temptations such as meals out and lazy evenings on the sofa seem more attractive than the things you used to do when you were single. I'm not sure whether she's right but could be an explanation for some.
  • Quibeful
    Quibeful Posts: 29 Member
    The shot itself does not casue weight gain, but it does increase the appetite. So you eat more and with a busy life you don't realize it because it is a gradual increase in appetite. So evaluate what you eat and try to fill up of "free foods" like tons of veggies and water and fruit. I know when I realized I ate a lot more than I thought, I began to overload my plate with good veggies and a simple serving of meat and/ or carbs. It is the premise of weight watchers, so it is sucessful.
  • jazzkat68
    jazzkat68 Posts: 101 Member
    Everyone is different. My daughter was told by her Dr that weight gain was a side effect. She chose Depo anyways (and gained 20 pounds) because she did not like remembering to take the pill everyday. daughter got pregnant on Depo, so be careful! I'm gonna be a Oma to Lucas Edward on May 2nd! :)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The shot itself does not casue weight gain, but it does increase the appetite.

    It slows down the metabolism and causes fluid retention. That directly contributes to weight gain in many women.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i gained weight for a while, and i am ravenous all the time, but i am losing weight now. i take depo, and four other medications that either promote weight gain or do not promote weight loss. as long as i stick to my diet and exercise, i'm losing, slowly, but i'm losing.

    depo was great for me because i had terrible hormonal imbalance and it helped that. i also had terrible cramps, and it helped that. i havent had a period in over two years. its great. it does have some adverse side effects, but so does every drug out there. you have to weigh the risks with the reward.

    of the other four meds i take, one of them causes me to have high sugar and cholesterol, but i still take it because the reward is greater than the risk. you have to do whats right for you.
  • mercymarque
    My experience was weight gain and my hair shredded like crazy with it. It took a while to get out of system too. The good thing about it was no period, outside of that nothing. I used an iud after that, had it for over ten years, no trouble what so ever with that. I took it out and got prego right away. I currently have a mirena.
  • cmpollard01
    I was on the shot for a short time when I first came home from college. Yes, my eating habits played a part in it-I will acknowledge that I am a very finicky eater. But my personal habits were not the only reason-I was actually more active at that point than I ever had been. I put on 50-60 pounds in 6 months, and I stopped the shot promptly.

    The nurse practitioner at my drs office told me I'd have no issues-no one ever did. My actual DOCTOR looked at me like I was crazy when I told him she said that. He's the one that got me off of it. His opinion? Just like every single medication, it works well and is the best option for some, and for others, it's not the best option. I used to have such painful cramps-as in, doubled over in pain, can't walk kind (they suspect endometriosis is to blame). Depo didn't take away the cramps, just the need to purchase monthly "supplies." I have been trying for 11 years to get that weight off and keep it off. Now that I've changed some of my habits, I'm more successful than I ever was before.

    Honestly, I'd speak with your doctor-explain your concerns and see if they feel there is an acceptable alternative. And the 1st response you received after posting is a fabulous idea. Make sure the shot is definitely the reason. For some of us it is, and for others, it's the greatest thing they've ever had. Good luck to you!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    The shot does NOT cause weight gain. My daughter has been on the shot over a year now and so are many of her friends. None have gained weight. In fact, they have all lost weight easily while on the shot. Our daughter lost that pesky 10 pounds in a matter of weeks. Her other friends are for the most part stick skinny and one other is a big over weight but I certainly wouldn't say she needs to lose much.
    Please don't say this. It is a listed side effect. Just because your daughter and her friends (who are likely very young, so their metabolism could play a part here as well) have not had this happen does not mean it is not a very real issue for many of us.

    There are many other factors, but depo provera is known to cause weight gain in some, not all. For some of us, that weight gain is significant, or it keeps us from losing the weight we already have to lose.

  • steph1014
    I have been on the Depo Provera injection birth control shot since I was 17 years old. (Huh..I'm 26 now) I only gained the weight when I didn't have a healthy diet or even exercise. I have been on my journey for 5 years now (just realized that one) and have lost 130 lbs while still on it. One thing I have learned with this is that you can't out exercise a bad diet. A day of "cheat" as some call it isn't really going to hurt you unless you eat like 10,000 calories (which is CRAZY to think some people acutally do). I keep my protein intake up and drink plenty of water. Plus, try to change up your workouts. Get the kids outside and everyone play a game outside (if it isn't too cold). Our bodies tend to get bored and become comfortable with routines. My intake varies between 500 calories a day (I choose to EatStopEat) and 2000 calories a day. Everyone is different. You have to find what works for you and your body. If you need anything whether to chat more or even just someone to keep you motivated feel free to add me.
  • Gotspunk1
    Gotspunk1 Posts: 33 Member
    I used it for a long time (at least a few years), then I went off of it, hoping that it would help me drop some more weight. I was off all birth control for several months, and it didn't seem to make any difference. I got back on it, and that also didn't seem to make any significant difference. So in my experience it didn't make me gain or lose weight, I'm more worried about long term use contributing to osteoporosis.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Here is a good place for people to understand the following: JUST BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN TO YOU DOESN'T MEAN IT DOESN'T HAPPEN.
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    I took the depo for a year. I actually lost weight while I was on it, bcus of all the horror weight stories I had heard about it. I started watching what I ate and took so " natural" diet pills. LOL
    So I think it might be your eating habits latley. I dont think the depo weight would just start creeping up all of a sudden...
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    I agree....But yes everyone is different! I also got off of the depo bcus I was having nerve pain in my back..which is not a typicall or otherwirse stated side soon as I got off it , all my nerve pain went away within a few weeks...