Accountability has helped me. 😄 Feel free to friend me.
Down 65lbs😄🤗
I recently heard someone recommend lean cuisine and a salad !
Love this!! Thank you! I like the setting a reminder on the phone part, I may do that!
Ha! That is priceless!
I am praying for you right now that you would have peace and the strength to continue . You sound like a very determined and hard working person. Your hard work will pay off. Grief is hard try to just take it one breath at a time.... sometimes thats all you can do.
I totally have this dress in the same color!!! Your waist looks so much slimmer!
I am hiding my scale too! If you like pizza try papa johns thin crust light cheese ham and pineapple I believe its only 190 calories a slice! Yummmm!
It would be wise to see the doctor and have him check for things like Anemia , hypothyroidism, and B vitamin levels. I have had similar feelings when I forgot to take my thyroid pill. It also messes with your metabolism...(hypothyroidism).
Thomas' mini bagel with laughing cow light queso fresco with chipotle only 145 calorie breakfast (have some fruit and coffe and YUM!)
I love to make tacos using ground turkey and taco seasoning, and light sour cream with some avocados, also there are some great brown rice recipies too. Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce is great and adding some low fat cream cheese into the sauce makes it creamier and enhances the flavor some. I usually cook broccoli…
Hey I am a florist in the Houston area...Pink&Chocolate Floral Design... and I was just thinking about advertising with the ... I am curious as to which website you prefer to use out of the bridal websites? I don't blame you for being so irritated with those ill mannered ladies. They need…