

  • Congratulations! I have not been able to give up smoking yet. That's next on the list....so you have my admiration!
  • Was 198 - now 197.5. So only 0.5 this week. I am on vacation next week and wont be able to check in. But hopefully I wont put too much on! I checked with the hotel and they have a gym and I am going to try and make good choices in my food.....try! ;-) Congrats on the losses one and all!
  • 5"3 and the goal is 150.
  • :) Agreed, the bad days can be so overwhelming, but coming here and reading stories like this are the thing that keeps me going. We are all in it together. Thank you for writing about what happens to us all. Good luck on your journey :)
  • congratulations! Not only on the weight loss, but on making incredible steps on improving your health. Your an inspiration to us all :)
  • Congratulations! 23lbs is a massive success! Try carrying the equivalent in a ruck sack on your back. OWWW!
  • starting tomorrow! Thank you for the inspiration :)
  • Another 1.5lbs lost. Week 1: 201 Week 2: 199.5 Current: 198 Well done exeryone!!!! We can totally do this :)
  • Every time I want to go nuts and eat Steak n Shake I come to this board and remind myself why I am doing this. Because one day, I WILL be posting a picture of me in my bikini....and I will NOT be embarrassed by the way my body looks :)
  • I have to stretch 3 times throughout my work out to prevent crippling aches and pains! When I first started working out, I would only stretch (Briefly) at the end of my workout. I now do a 5 min warm up on a machine. Then do a full body stretch. After 45 mins of cardio, I do lower body stretches. I then do my circuit of…
  • I am the manager of a small family run chain of shoe stores here in Florida. I have a couple of recommendations. Brooks Asics Saucony. These guys have won technical awards for their shoes. They are currently outdoing New Balance and Nike in the technical performance studies and have been all over specialist running…
  • You look lovely :) BTW, LOVE the red pumps!! (Sorry, I am a shoe girl :))
  • I eat mine back, or I start feeling unwell. I work long shifts, so I need to make sure I can stay the course. This is the first diet where I dont feel exhausted. I have had two tired days in 6 weeks....and those days were after hard workouts at the gym, and not eating back all my cals. Everyone is so different on this. I…
  • I use a HRM for the gym. I dont use the calorie guidelines for exercise on MFP because everybody is so different when it comes to what they burn. I eat my calories from exercise, because I am on my feet all day (and for 13 hour shifts ) and I get grumpy and fatigued if I dont eat. I think when I lose more, I wont be eating…
  • My start weight and goal weight are similar to yours. It's very inspiring! Thank you :)
  • Your legs are GORGEOUS! Hugest congratulations to you on your ongoing recovery :)
  • Byeeee X! Congratulations! I cant wait to banish that pesky X from my wardrobe.....and after that....THE L GETS IT! :)
    in No "X" Comment by ElleC September 2011
  • That is amazing! 30DS kicks my butt because I usually go to the gym and workout every other day. Your results inspire me to at least try and do 30DS on my days away from the gym :)
  • Got dressed and ready for the gym at work, looked at myself in the mirror and realised that my body no longer looks sausage meat stuffed into a too tight skin. It fits!
  • Hi, Sorry for being a little late weighing in. I always weigh Weds morning. 1.5 LBS GONE FOREVER!
  • I lost about 60lbs a few years ago. It was a full-time job.....and that was the only way I could succeed. Where I failed is when I got to where I wanted to be and stopped thinking about it. I ENVY those people who can eat what they want and not gain. But I am realistic. I am NOT THAT GIRL! My body likes to store fat in…
  • I took one when I started 4 weeks ago and 1 today. When hubby gets out of the shower, I am going to test him and see if he knows which is which ;-) I am going to be taking one a month. I have always been an inches loss over weight loss kinda girl, so it's important for me to be able to see the difference in pics and in…
  • I dont have the whole weekend off anymore. I pick a day, and THAT is the day I can be a little naughtier than usual. Working your tooshie off Monday-Friday will hurt less if you choose saturday OR sunday as your day off. I also start my naughty day off with a workout. It makes me think twice about how much I put in my…
  • I think when you make a change it inspires two types of reactions. The first is support. The second is jealousy. There are a whole bunch of people out there who know they should make changes to their own lifestyle. Watching someone else do it and be successful is hard when you know you have to make a change yourself, but…
  • I can not WAIT until the day my thighs dont touch! I live in florida and the humidity here combined with chubby thighs = OUCH!
  • Agreed. I LOVE the way you logged this in pictures. You look like half the woman you were!
  • Hmmm, this is interesting. Multi-tasking now. Reading this thread and looking at HRM's.
  • Friday's are always my naughty day, because I work late on Saturday's and know I am not going to go over. We usually go out to dinner and have a few drinks and I can live with that. Or this whole dieting and exercising thing will never be sustainable for me if I cant enjoy myself occasionally! That said, I try not to go…
  • Count me in too! CW:201 So...I WILL be at 176 by then! How exciting! Now if I could just get motivated to clean my house..........:-)