Anyone have a case of "the haters"



  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I work with a bunch of men and I told them I lost 2 INCHES FROM MY WAIST they said good job we will bring some glazed donuts in tomorrow WTF I dont want to eat that and My mom who is like 300 lbs said 10lbs is easy lose well why dont you try it and see how easy it is or has any one told you 5lbs thats just water weight Some people are just haters
  • lee155
    lee155 Posts: 120
    One of my skinny ex friend told me I was getting too skinny and I'm starting to look like crackhead. Every day she makes a snarky remark. "stop losing weight or else you will look like nicole richie and my size now is great". I stopped talking to her because my weight is always a conversation. Leave me alone! You've been skinny your whole entire life.
  • For the most part everyone has been really supportive of my progress (I've lost 6 pounds total so far). My friends and I all have been making healthier lifestyle changes lately, since one of my friends was diagnosed with diabetes. Even though she's the only one that has it out of my group of friends, we all decided to make her feel more comfortable and support her by going along with her and changing our lifestyles. It's all really improved our friendships and health for the better. I've even inspired a few of my other friends to be healthier and get in shape, they haven't committed yet but I'm helping them try and make it a part of their routines.

    As for "haters" I don't have any that I know of, but my parents have been buying Twizzlers and Sweedish Fish for me anyway. I'm not sure if the sabotage is intentional or not...
  • My sister in law had this issue with her in cave to the haters! They are jealous and should join you. Seperate yourself from them as much as possible just like you need to seperate yourself from the foods that put the weight on.

    Also, remember as much as it sounds like you are craving attention and recognition from everyone...YOU ARE DOING THIS FOR YOU!!! Keep going and prove them wrong so that you will be wearing the skinny jeans and not them. DON"T let them be right!

    You Got This!!!
  • ooops...DON'T cave to the haters!!!
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Sometimes it's not good to me a smarty pants like I am... but I did hit a coworker with a zinger a while back...

    We had an all day department "retreat" - lunch was brought in from a local, completely FABULOUS mexican restaurant - chicken and beef fajitas - meat cooked with bell peppers and onions... tortillas... chips and queso... sour craem, cheese, the whole she-bang.

    I was gonna give in, having a "what the heck" moment... but when I got up there to pile up, there were bigger paper plates and smaller ones. The coworker in front of me grabbed a bigger one and tried to hand me one as I was reaching for a smaller plate, and I said "no thanx, I have a plate" when she tried to hand me the huge one.

    She then said "you know, that is NOT going to make you eat less!"... At that moment, the filter between my brain and my mouth turned completely off, and I heard myself say in a snappy voice... "oh yeah? WATCH ME!"

    Well, not only did I eat LESS... but I'm on the 17 Day Diet, and at that time I was in Cycle 1 - no carbs. So I ate chicken, bell peppers, and onions. That was it! No tortillas, chips, cheese... It was one of those "I CAN TOTALLY DO THIS" moments, and although I felt a bit bad for snapping at the coworker, I felt TERRIFIC about my success at that meal!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Haters don't annoy me. They amuse me. It's just their kind of "motivation" that works for me...
  • shellie1206
    shellie1206 Posts: 80 Member
    There are sooo many negative people in this world, and you cant let those people get to you. I have learned that negativity is reasuring for me, cause I know that they are sad misserable people. Your sooo better than that, you will always be better than that. Keep up the good work :)
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Everyone I know is pretty nice to me. I don't talk about fitness with people unless I know they are interested in it, too.

    That being said, everyone is jealous of everyone.
  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
    I can't wait until people start to hate me. :drinker:

    AMEN!!! That will be great:love:
  • ElleC
    ElleC Posts: 37
    I think when you make a change it inspires two types of reactions.

    The first is support.

    The second is jealousy.

    There are a whole bunch of people out there who know they should make changes to their own lifestyle. Watching someone else do it and be successful is hard when you know you have to make a change yourself, but for whatever are finding it really hard to do.

    I'm not going to lie. I have been on both sides of the coin. I am currently making changes and succeeding...and am experiencing support and jealousy. On the other hand, I have seen other people take control of their lives and have felt insane envy over it. I admit to saying in my head.....oh, but 10lbs is easy, even I COULD do that (I didn't though!)

    It's a little like bullying....usually the bully is unhappy is pushing that on to someone else. I feel sorry for those people who cant support our lifestyle changes.I am trying to be patient and understand that they would probably like to make the change themselves.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Put some Blue Star Ointment on it. Should clear right up, if you quit picking at it.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    So lets see we are going to be skinny, healthy, happy, non drinking, hmm I could live with that because I know what party I'll be at....with all of you as my party people! I guarantee you if you put all of us in a room right now we would be the ones that people want to hang out with...why...thought you would never ask because of our attitude in what we want and what we support each other with! I'm with all of you and the hardest part to all of dieting or life style changes is starting! The rest comes easy!
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    My mother use to say that she always wondered why some children did the things they did. She went on to say after having the job of managing 100 adults, she then knew. The point is, some adults never mature and still have childish behavior. Sounds like some of the stories here.
  • tuacsmm
    tuacsmm Posts: 24 Member
  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
    While I do believe my husbands heart is in the right place, he sometimes says some really stupid things. Like I asked what he thought I weighed in at this morning and said, "well you drank last night so you're going to be dehydrated." Never mind that I have documented every morsal of food I have placed in my mouth. Or after I tell him my progress, he will say "Don't get cocky babe." I'm excited and just want him to be too. :grumble:
  • sonyapowell
    sonyapowell Posts: 38 Member
    over the years i have noticed some haters are jelous. some folks just do not know what to do for you if they can't feed you (like or mom or chubby aunt). some times my husband is proud of me and he askes me if i would like a treat out of kindness and then gets some bigger pleasure out of bragging on me when i turn it down. some of my relatives are afraid compliment me thinking it could cause "the other shoe to drop" and then i would back slide, like i have many times. The good news is that for today i can be my own cheerleader and i can tell i am losing and i FEEL good, i FEEL sexy and i love the way this FEELS!!!!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Your friends and work colleagues do not want to hear people babble on about working out, weightloss or calorie counting! They couldn't give two hoots. Afterall, do you really need their stamp of approval?

    . . .

    So what ,you've lost weight because you woke up to yourself and realised what's in YOUR BEST Interests? And now you want a pat on the back?
    You're missing the point. Many of these people aren't asking for compliments or approval. Sometimes you get negative comments when you haven't asked for any kind of feedback -- and/ or when you haven't even been talking about health/ weight loss/ etc. They don't necessarily want a pat on the back; they just want to do their stuff in peace without anyone saying discouraging things to them.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I'm finding that the people I really really like have more positive things to say than the people that try to get me to "crash" the diet. And the "diet" is working well around the house too. Once I found that I can do this, I'm really not listening to what the under-miners are doing...And I'm finding it quite easy to walk past breakfast burritos and delectable pristine glazed donuts that are all over the office every single day...

    I'm totally loving the fact that I've made more work for myself--take today---I have to go find the next size down clothes, try them on, repair if needed and get them ready for the work week!!!