Anyone have a case of "the haters"



  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I'm finding that the people I really really like have more positive things to say than the people that try to get me to "crash" the diet. And the "diet" is working well around the house too. Once I found that I can do this, I'm really not listening to what the under-miners are doing...And I'm finding it quite easy to walk past breakfast burritos and delectable pristine glazed donuts that are all over the office every single day...

    I'm totally loving the fact that I've made more work for myself--take today---I have to go find the next size down clothes, try them on, repair if needed and get them ready for the work week!!!
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    well how about MIL asked me if I was losing weight so that I could dump her son...WTH is that about??? I was and still am so insulted!
  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
    well how about MIL asked me if I was losing weight so that I could dump her son...WTH is that about??? I was and still am so insulted!

    WOW! You should have said "I might have to so I can get the hell away from you!!" Some people.....
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    well, she said this to me 4 weeks ago and I haven't called her since...I get to see her tomorrow at a family party. I plan to kill her with kindness.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I have one of those hater systems going on at work too.

    This past year a personal friend of many years (or so I thought) went on an all out professional attack of me at work. At first I tried to clear things up with her about what she did, then I later found out she was really jealous and certainly not a friend. In her attempt to defame my character to one of the guys, she told him a lot of personal information about me including her thoughts about "my tight little body", personal problems, blablabla. Well, little to her knowledge, he and I later became really good friends after he had revealed what she was doing behind my back. I realized the only proper response to this was to give her a real reason to be jealous! So I joined the boards here and embarked on my own personal improvement journey. Weight loss, new clothes, kick *kitten* hair cut, herb garden, fraxel laser, etc. Up hers...
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I don't have deliberate saboteurs so much, but I do have "normal-sized" co-workers who don't have to watch every single thing they eat like I do. They now have a "Breakfast Club" where every Thursday one of them brings breakfast for the rest of the club. I turned down the offer to join the club. But what I didn't realize was that every single week I would have to fight off temptation because they are bringing things like sausage and egg breakfast taquitos, Chick Fil-A Minis, and breakfast tacos, and they put them on a desk right in our work area, so I smell them for hours. Forget chocolate: I crave sausage and bacon and things like that, so it's getting to me.

    You could bring your own yummy breakfast sandwich on those days. I love Subway for breakfast!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    The person I get that from the most is probably my workout buddy. If I'm working out and she's not, she'll come into the fitness center and try to pull me off of the Elliptical and say "it's a beautiful day! you shouldn't be here working out!"

    and, my fiance does love his junk food, but he's been avoiding it a lot for me. When we do go somewhere like Arby's or a chinese food place, I just eat smaller portions of what I would usually get.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    well how about MIL asked me if I was losing weight so that I could dump her son...WTH is that about??? I was and still am so insulted!

    that sounds like something my MIL would say...
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    My coworkers are all men at least 10 years older than me. I get skeevy comments all of the time, like "you better not lose any more weight because I don't want you to lose your curves". So gross.

    They also try to make me eat candy and junk food. Someone brought in a 5lb bag of peanut M&Ms and I said that I didn't want any, and one of the guys kept coming up to me with handfuls of them all day, trying to get me to eat them. A) I said no. B) I don't want food your nasty hands are touching.
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    So after weeks and weeks of love and support, my boyfriend broke down this week and admitted that "Your Fitness Pal is your new boyfriend!" He was joking about how he was jealous of how much time I spent on here.

    I was heartbroken. I am trying to change my life, after all I'm 50lbs heavier than I was when I met him! But I took a day and didn't run, didn't log, and ate crap. Then at the end of the day I felt so terrible I broke down in tears and logged it all.

    He was so horrified that he's been counting the calories on everything I eat ever since, and chanting, "That's my girl! Go log that snack! Good for you!" ever since.

    I think he was only half-joking about the jealousy thing, because he's kind of grumbled before about how much time it takes me to log my food and stuff. But when he saw how I felt when I was unsupported in my efforts he woke up. I keep hoping to get him to join me on here. Then he'll really understand what a great tool this is!
  • Your friends and work colleagues do not want to hear people babble on about working out, weightloss or calorie counting! They couldn't give two hoots. Afterall, do you really need their stamp of approval?

    . . .

    So what ,you've lost weight because you woke up to yourself and realised what's in YOUR BEST Interests? And now you want a pat on the back?
    You're missing the point. Many of these people aren't asking for compliments or approval. Sometimes you get negative comments when you haven't asked for any kind of feedback -- and/ or when you haven't even been talking about health/ weight loss/ etc. They don't necessarily want a pat on the back; they just want to do their stuff in peace without anyone saying discouraging things to them.


    My point is some people just need to harden up! The world is full of criticism (both intended and unintended) and the way that you handle it, shapes who you are as a person. Some will continue to whinge and whine about it or play the 'victim' card, others use it as motivation to fuel further success. I love 'haters' and I thank them for their inspiration to make me a better person! Continue down your path to a healthy lifesyle, become the 'better' person through actions not words.
  • pammypk1
    pammypk1 Posts: 83 Member
    OMG I can't stand the ones that try to sabotage your diet!!! My coworkers do this all the time. They'll throw a candy bar from the candy dish on my desk that they know is my favorite. I know to a lot of people that sounds like the nice thing to do, but when you're diabetic AND need to lose weight it's the WORST form of torture - especially when they know that you're trying to lose weight. I just will never understand the people who try to undermine your efforts. UGH. I hope you don't have to deal with that often. It's awful! Hang in there, you're doing the right things for your health and self esteem and you should be proud of yourself! Try not to let others knock you off track with their insensitivity and stupidity!
    totally coworkers order ice cream from the soda shoppe from across the street and the guy delivers it to them! And tell me how good it is, and then complain later in the week they need to lose weight! Really?
  • Some haters are motivated by envy of your success. They see you doing well, and they feel like they are failing because they aren't doing something about themselves. They know they should be doing. Its a form of envy. Instead of letting your success motivate and encourage them, they just wish you would fail along with them, and then they feel fine about themselves again.

    The same flawed thinking can be seen with success in almost any en-devour.

    AGREE 100%---NUFF SAID!!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I have a friend who will compliment my husband every time on his weight loss. Never acknowledges mine. EVER. I've lost 60 lbs and she can't/won't say a word.
  • looking4au
    looking4au Posts: 85 Member
    I find my friends and people I don't know very well are way more supportive than my own family. I have lost 55lbs and my sister and mother have not said a word. As a matter of fact, when I am at their house they offer me pies, candy, cookies or whatever they have and when I say no they ask why. When I tell them I am changing the way I eat their response is " how long is this going to last" or " just how many diets have you been on. Why don't you just give it up you were made to be heavy". I just roll my eyes and think to myself whatever and go on.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Maybe the people closest to you notice less because they see you every day? I don't know, just trying to give people the benefit of the doubt. Luckily my husband and I decided to get healthy together so it was a really good opportunity for us to support each other and make good decisions together.

    I think also sometimes people who are dieting reward themselves with unhealthy food, hence the "I lost 10 lbs" "Great! Have a cupcake!" response. :P
  • If you see the loss, in your face, FEEL the loss, your pants are loose. You do not need anyone to validate you ! Remain strong on how you've succeeded and don't worry about anyone telling you different ! It is all about you !!! And for the people trying to sabotage you...they are just "used to you being an eating buddy" some people have a hard time breaking that thought process.
    YOU CAN DO IT !!!! <3
  • megan6709
    megan6709 Posts: 60 Member
    I find my friends and people I don't know very well are way more supportive than my own family. I have lost 55lbs and my sister and mother have not said a word. As a matter of fact, when I am at their house they offer me pies, candy, cookies or whatever they have and when I say no they ask why. When I tell them I am changing the way I eat their response is " how long is this going to last" or " just how many diets have you been on. Why don't you just give it up you were made to be heavy". I just roll my eyes and think to myself whatever and go on.

    'give it up you were made to be heavy'??!? I know it's your mom and sister, but really?!? The sad thing is, I can totally see this happening to me -- my Mom is always upset about her weight (she's gaining due to menopause), but then she makes "better-than-sex" cake and cuts huge slices and wonders why she doesn't lose weight!
  • If you see the loss, in your face, FEEL the loss, your pants are loose. You do not need anyone to validate you ! Remain strong on how you've succeeded and don't worry about anyone telling you different ! It is all about you !!! And for the people trying to sabotage you...they are just "used to you being an eating buddy" some people have a hard time breaking that thought process.
    YOU CAN DO IT !!!! <3

    Thanks :) this made me very happy.
  • I can relate to this with a group of people that I see periodically. I've always lost weight through diet/exercise (though, it has often found me again) ;) .. however, one observation was that the same group who always gravitates towards quick fixes ('fat' doctor for B12 type shots, Atkins, severely restricting calories, soup diets, etc.), they all rave about one another's weight loss. When I'd obviously drop 15 pounds, no one would utter a word of congrats or even acknowledgement.

    Sometimes, we have to simply be our own cheerleaders. And, recognize who we we're going to receive support from.. and who we won't get it from.

    Those same people.. I will never again mention my weight loss. Ever.

    FYI - they all yoyo on their quick fixes.