ewhsweets Member


  • Congrats to you! I just met my post-pregnancy goal last month. Feel free to add me.
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You can add me if you like...I worked out everyday until the day I went into labor with my son, he was born 26 Jun 14. I just reached my goal of losing my weight in 6 months the day after Xmas, so I know how hard it is to get back into it. I EBF so MFP has been really great at making sure I eat…
  • T25 Focus is also a good workout designed for folks of all fitness levels, incorporates weights/cardio & plyo. By the time you're finished you should be able to get into any other program.
  • I've done insanity 3x and am in the first week of Gamma for T25 I love both but they do not compare...one thing that I found with t25 is that doing it barefoot or in socks on my carpet kept my knees from twisting. I've got another 5 weeks left of T25 and debating on doing it again but mixing the phases or going straight to…
  • I actually like to listen to opera & classical it helps me keep the pace instead of having to adjust to a different rhythm of various songs...
  • mine minus 5lb :)
  • I will gladly be a mentor for a couple of folks!
  • There is also nothing more satisfying than cleaning out your closet of larger clothes!!!! I just packed away all my bigger/maternity clothes! IT WAS GLORIOUS!
  • Hey folks! I've completed the INSANITY series 3x am currently in the Gamma month of T25...then Insanity Max 30....if you need motivation etc friend me :) I'm a Shaun T Junky ha ha ha! Good Luck and DIG DEEPER!
  • HEY Everybody! So I went to ALL of the Friendsgivings! And I just moderated what I ate and tried to keep full munching on Fiber prior to the meals! It was an absolute BLAST!!! They were all on Saturdays so I did a double workout each day to allow myself more calories. One was a meal of 'Bolivian' food so that was a real…
  • Great tips everybody! I'm not opposed to Friendsgivings in fact I'm going to all of them, I think they're a good idea...I am just trying to lose baby-weight from over the summer so I'm not too strict on what I eat. I don't want to allow my diet to dictate who I socialize with but it seems like eventually this could turn…
  • I'm really sorry Amberrenne but this entire thread, your comments the fact that you haven't said ANYTHING about yourself and your cover photo are VERY PERVY...just sayin' I wouldn't post any pics here...
  • NONE! and I'm pretty sure that's why most workout bottoms have liners in them....
  • I drink my protein shake/have a protein cookie right before bed. I adjust according to what my workout looks like the next morning and how many calories I have left that day.... fills me up, helps me wake-up too :)
  • Working out = more energy & getting it done and over with are my motivation. I wake up at 0400 and workout before my 4 1/2 month old son needs to be up. With B-Feeding a little one and a full workday working out gives me that extra boost I need to make it through to 21-2200hrs. What I tell myself when my alarm goes off and…
  • BUMP
  • Peanut butter xtra crunchy on just about anything - and OMG I'm sooooooo glad jelly bean season is ALMOST OVER...I could eat a whole bag of Starburst jellybeans.....
  • Don't let all these *kitten* get you down - unfortunately this site that is geared towards positivity and motivation keeps getting worse with these "Mean Girl" like jack-tards.... Do some jumping jacks, pushups, take a shower and get out of the house and away from your mirror for a while. Go out and do something FUN!
  • SSSOOOO glad somebody posted this! I've done Insanity 3x and can't wait to start T-25 in a few months...Did Combat 1x through but it just doesn't even come close to Insanity. I figure if it doesn't kid my *kitten* it's not worth my time!
    in t-25 Comment by ewhsweets March 2014
  • agree! this isn't elementary school...
  • Ran D1 Track and Field in college and we were told to do the below on days where we were in hotels on travel, busy with finals etc. The key too it is to NOT stop, or take a long rest inbetween exercises. If you're going to workout 20min go the entire 20 min. Sprint (not trot/or jog, or bounce) in place pushups wall sits…
  • Insanity - which wont work if you dont fight through it - you can get a used copy on ebay, might be able to get videos on youtube - schedule is online just google "Insanity Calendar" thedailyhiit.com (free workouts)
  • Seriously? If you're going to be NASTY at least have the nuts to have a photo of YOUR perfect body. MPF is for motivation not for people to take their frustrations out on perfect strangers. On that note; I often do a cheat day, but I plan it in advance so that I can look forward too it. I also dont go bananas with it and…
  • I would pay attention to your salt intake a few days prior to your weigh-in to keep the water retention at bay, make sure you drink plenty of water but note that any sports drink or Mio or Crystal light might have 0 calories but tons of sodium. I would stay away from bananas and beans as well as the complex carbs a couple…
  • BUMP.... I am pregnant and everybody is different ESP when pregnant. Talk to your doc dont take advise on here.
  • Hey all! I'm 20 weeks! I work out 6 days a week now, during the first trimester I could only manage 3-4 days a week due to exhaustion and nausea. I still run (when it's warm enough), I'm obsessed with Yoga! You dont need a prenatal class! I made up my own - my yoga instructor loved it :) I also cut back my high intensity…
  • I dont usually comment on posts but Brian this is the most incredible story I've read in a long time. By the look on this post everybody on MFP is truly inspired by you and should be! There's nothing in this world like friends and I'm glad that you've found one for life with Jackie! Keep pushing (it only gets better) -Erin
  • I'm 16 weeks. I have a small athletic build and was very very fit prior to being pregnant 120lb prior to being prego. I use MFP to make sure I'm getting 'enough'. I would just make sure what you put into your body is healthy, regular and that you're eating when you're hungry. I'm anywhere between 1700-2000 calories…
  • Thanks so much! I've kept up my running routine, but I find that I tire so quickly in my insanity/like workouts. I've actually incorporated yoga too b/c for some reason I feel like I am always in need of a good stretch... Happy Holidays :) -E