Gym etiquette, "saving" benches

So I go to the gym with my daughter yesterday and all 4 benches are taken. Keep an eye out and one is empty so we go to grab it and notice a cup under the bench. Look around, nobody to be seen. Wait a few minutes, and still nobody so I start racking the weights that were left on and load my weights. No sooner do I lay down a guy walks up behind the rack and just stares at me. I sit up and look at him and he says he had his weights racked there. I was cool, he was cool and we rotated, but this really got to me. Is leaving your drink under the rack for an indeterminate amount of time gym talk for don't take my bench? I remember seeing the guy while I was doing my previous sets and he was walking around talking and taking pictures with a group of women, not looking like he was resting between sets.


  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Sadly I don't think everyone has the same idea of what is right and wrong in saving a bench. I would think you did more than enough. I always give a few minutes in case someone is getting a drink or had to use the bathroom, but if it is not in use longer than that, I think it is fair game. I know there is one guy who constantly thinks it is his right to use three different benches/machines in a rotation without letting anyone else work in while taking REALLY long breaks between sets. I am sure he thinks there is nothing wrong with it and I have learned to just work around it.

    So while I think you were right, in cases where someone left something behind in an effort to save a bench, be prepared that they might come back 10 minutes later to claim it. After that, it all depends on how confrontational you want to get.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    It's tough to say, really. Sometimes, you need to rest for longer periods of time than others - especially if you're lifting near your 1RM. As such, you may walk around and say hi to friends/acquaintances. Other times, you're just a bro.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I always tell people if I have to hit the head- otherwise- the furthest I'm going is for water- and most people won't poach in that amount of time.

    I think you did okay- leaving a cup/bottle there for minutes is a little vague. I think you were okay. I set my whole bag down if I need to hold something for a minute.
  • Hbarry7
    Hbarry7 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm a bench snatcher. I figure it's like being in a line. If you aren't physically there then you aren't in line. Sure take a rest, but why not sit or walk around within defending vicinity of the bench while resting?

    People who leave to chat with friends should be prepared to lose their bench since they are not actually using it. If the bench-user needs to step away then a draped towel on it and telling a nearby stranger you'll be right back seems to work at most gyms. I bet the stranger would speak up if someone started to look like they wanted to use that bench.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Gym culture varies widely by location. At my husband's gym "Weight on the bar!" is a respected convention. At my gym, nothing of the sort. You moves your feet, you lose your seat. One time I needed to run down to my locker to grab a knee sleeve and when I came back some dude was unloading my bar. I told him what had happened and that pain had forced me to abandon my bar mid-set and he was kind enough to let me get my cage back. I wouldn't have been angry if he'd have said "well, since you left, I think it was up for grabs" and I'd have been cool about it.

    What annoys the hell out of me is when I go to do my physical therapy on the one and only shoulder pulley machine on my lunch break from work and 20 dude-bro students are gaggled around it doing crossover flys. Just go bench or something and let the poor faculty and staff have priority! (but my jimmies remain unrustled) :laugh:
  • Hbarry7
    Hbarry7 Posts: 24 Member
    You could also ask the gym management what their policy or unwritten policy is. Find out what they consider to be eitiquette. I've found people are fairly guarded when you first approach them in the weight area, but most of them turn out to be very pleasant once you ask if they are using the bench, or if they'll let you use it while they are resting,
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Gym culture varies widely by location. At my husband's gym "Weight on the bar!" is a respected convention. At my gym, nothing of the sort. You moves your feet, you lose your seat. One time I needed to run down to my locker to grab a knee sleeve and when I came back some dude was unloading my bar. I told him what had happened and that pain had forced me to abandon my bar mid-set and he was kind enough to let me get my cage back. I wouldn't have been angry if he'd have said "well, since you left, I think it was up for grabs" and I'd have been cool about it.

    What annoys the hell out of me is when I go to do my physical therapy on the one and only shoulder pulley machine on my lunch break from work and 20 dude-bro students are gaggled around it doing crossover flys. Just go bench or something and let the poor faculty and staff have priority! (but my jimmies remain unrustled) :laugh:
    Ha, if weight on the bar were respected at my gym, no one would get to lift simply because no one racks their weights. Seriously, I walked in at 5am this morning when they opened, no one at the squat racks, but every single one had weights on from the night before.

    I agree that it's going to depend on the gym, but my gym is super busy, and I will jump on if I don't see anyone around or at a nearby water fountain. I also try to eye it for a minute or two before trying to lay claim, but it's hard since I do a cardio warm up upstairs, and free weights are downstairs, so I can't tell who is doing what.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    it is gym talk for saving the bench but its kind of bs.

    i think you said the weights were not on there, in this case, i'd just have hopped on the bench immediately rather then let the one bench at PF be taken up buy the next guy

    If taking a bench that someone 'reserved' is poor gym ettiqute, then reserving a bench, and walking a way and doing nothing for an extended period of time is far worse in my opinion.

    if I see a guy going around and circuit training than i'll leave it alone. Otherwise, they would be better off just staying by thier equipment (unless your going for water or bathroom).

    Plus, IMO, it makes a huge difference how many people are in the gym. if its new years, packed, and theres only one bench, F you i'm taking it when it seems available.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the only thing that pisses me off worse are guys that will grab like 5 sets of dumbbells, build a fort around themselves, and sit there talking to thier firends. Then they refuse to let you use a weight even just for a set. retarded
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Unacceptable. If your butt is not on the bench, you're not using it and it's fair game. I don't have time to wait for someone to take their time getting back to where they were.

    Move your meat, lose your seat!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    the only thing that pisses me off worse are guys that will grab like 5 sets of dumbbells, build a fort around themselves, and sit there talking to thier firends. Then they refuse to let you use a weight even just for a set. retarded

    that gets annoying indeed.

    But I haven't had to much of an issue with that - either avoiding the 5 PM crowd- or just asking to work in.

    Unacceptable. If your butt is not on the bench, you're not using it and it's fair game. I don't have time to wait for someone to take their time getting back to where they were.

    Move your meat, lose your seat!

    what if he almost *kitten* himself squatting? you'd rather him poo himself!!!????!!!
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    Unacceptable. If your butt is not on the bench, you're not using it and it's fair game. I don't have time to wait for someone to take their time getting back to where they were.

    Move your meat, lose your seat!

    agree! this isn't elementary school...
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    You moves your feet, you lose your seat.

  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Unacceptable. If your butt is not on the bench, you're not using it and it's fair game. I don't have time to wait for someone to take their time getting back to where they were.

    Move your meat, lose your seat!

    what if he almost *kitten* himself squatting? you'd rather him poo himself!!!????!!!

    that would be HYSTERICAL. I wouldn't be able to use the bench either, I'd be on the floor laughing...AWAY from the poo pile :sick:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Saving benches? Uh, no. If you're gone for more than three minutes, the bench is mine. Your drink doesn't hold that bench, sorry.

    That's what I really think, but I'm actually pretty paranoid about using a bench that someone else might be using. It hasn't happened yet, but I think it would be pretty awkward. If I had any cajones at all, I'd take the bench and tell them that they can wait until I'm done if they want to walk away for a few minutes.

    What I hate is when people sit on a bench in a crowded gym between sets. If you're not using it, get your *kitten* off of it. This is a huge problem at our gym, which is why I'm looking into a bench and barbell and weight set so I can do everything I need to at home. I actually sort of hate the gym and wish I'd never joined. I don't like people...
  • ncrugbyprop
    ncrugbyprop Posts: 96 Member
    Wait times for equipment is directly proportional to the amount of weight left on the claimed piece of equipment. 95lbs load at a bench, no claim is acceptable. 405 lbs load on the bar, best to say "sorry, I'll just catch it whenever you're finished" and let the dude press. If its a woman claiming the 405 load on a bench, I beg her humble forgiveness, ask if she needs water, car washed, wants my first born...
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    lol if there was that much on the bench i'd also leave it be.

    but i've only seen that once in my life
  • hbwright74
    hbwright74 Posts: 36 Member
    Lol y'all. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I don't really feel bad at all. He had 180 on the bar, but I was watching closely from the squat rack because I had already missed out on one being open. While I was watching this bench for a good 10 minutes I saw the drink, the plates, and this guy walking around before I even had my eye on the bench. He was taking selfies and pictures of 3 ladies (who'd I hope to never get angry at me), but not once did I see this particular guy near the bench until I plopped my head under the bar. I know some people need more rest time but if you need more than 10 minutes I don't see anything wrong with having somebody (or 2) rotate in while you're resting. I even helped him rack and reload his weights during rotation, and spotted when he was getting exhausted. While we were rotating he never took more than 3 minutes rest between sets. I'm glad it worked out, but just because I'm a newbie and may lift with the tiny weights, I'm not going to be intimidated, especially by a man. Now, one of his lady friends, yea, I'd probably back off quick. ;)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I always tell people if I have to hit the head- otherwise- the furthest I'm going is for water- and most people won't poach in that amount of time.

    I think you did okay- leaving a cup/bottle there for minutes is a little vague. I think you were okay. I set my whole bag down if I need to hold something for a minute.

    I agree with this..I usually stay in my station unless I have to piss or get a drink ….

    If you leave something sitting there for more then a few minutes, you are not coming back …in my opinion...