

  • I get good laugh every time I see the blue balls myself.
  • There will always be diet saboteurs in your life. You did the right thing by holding your ground and it may come to the point of cutting off the friend/relative for a while. Just tell them, "I love you and want to spend time with you, but not at the expense of my health journey. I don't expect you to join me, just respect…
  • Great job. Keep up the good work.
  • My nutritionist tells me it's because of estrogen. Women need fat to make food for babies, and for some insane reason, G*d saw fit to make us hold onto fat even when we don't have a baby to feed. That's just one of the side effects of estrogen.
  • A brain and the sense to use it. But seriously, eyes are my downfall.
  • Awesome job! Looking Great! Bet friends and family have to take a second look to make sure it's you.
  • Oh, I hadn't thought maybe you were referring to a food scale. Hum, well it's not necessary, but it does help to realize just what a portion is. I was surprised, for example, at just how small a portion of pasta is. So, yeah it's important in the beginning, but as you become used to what a portion of something truly looks…
  • I think the morbid thoughts about your eating stems mostly from the types of foods you choose. All unhealthy. If you had steak and eggs for breakfast. Chicken salad, tomatoes and spinach for lunch, pizza for dinner and fruit and yogurt for snacks (all together would make a high calorie day) you wouldn't have beat yourself…
  • It's a matter of perspective. I can look at my body and think I'm one weight get on the scale and be completely shocked. Strangely enough I can look at someone else and think they weigh less than they actually do, because I of how I feel about that person (something my husband appreciates sometimes.) So I use the scale to…
  • I use to be the slowest eater in my family, now I'm one of the fastest. When I ate slowly I was thin, now I'm fat so I'm trying to go back to the old ways. What changed? Adulthood or parenthood, you pick. If I didn't eat fast my food would get too cold before I could eat it or I'd have to woof down my food before getting…
  • I have PCOS, a wacky sense of humor that doesn't always get appreciated, two beautiful sons (10 years apart, because of PCOS issues), and (though I'm no social butterfly) my eldest son has forced me out of my shell so to speak. So, if that qualifies me as a cyster-friend, I'm here for you.
  • Eating too few calories can stall weight loss. It seems your doing everything right. Try measuring your waistline, hips legs and arms and using that to monitor your weight loss. You may see yourself decreasing in size even though the scale isn't moving.
  • Congrats, and it's not really bragging it's motivating.
  • Since no one has emailed me or replied to my last post I will continue to post my weigh-in here. :huh: Anyways, I weighed-in at 175 this morning. That means I'm up 0.2 lbs.:sad:
  • I took it easy this weekend. Did strength training today though and ran errands for my husband who is currently mountain biking in the snow. It's good to see him back on his bike after so many months.
  • There are many meds out there that cause people to gain weight and/or retain water. Unfortunately, most doctors don't think this is an issue to even discuss with their patients. This is why I always read the side effects of all meds I am placed on and discuss concerns with my physician. It is so important to discuss…
  • True on the calories. Starvation mode is not a myth. I plateaued by eating too few calories. The general rule; women need to eat at least 1200 cals. & men 1500 per day. Tall glass of water before each meal is a good start, but also remember to slow down when you eat. Take a bite and chew slowly, maybe even put down the…
  • I lost 1.2 lbs since yesterday so my morning is off to a great start.
  • Is this where w would weigh-in? If so, I was 176.6 at the time of joining the group (1/10) and I am now 174.8. Down 1.8 pounds. :smile:
  • Lizzy, if you can work in a bakery and not eat what is made there; you've got will power of titanium. :laugh: I would have to quit that job. Just smelling delicious breads, muffins, cakes, pastries, oh my :noway: I think I just gained a pound thinking about them; never mind if I could smell them.
  • Okay, I'll join in too. I'm Karen and water has been a struggle for me too. I think I've solved that problem by drinking 1/4 of my daily water before each meal and then at bedtime. Sometimes I will put lemon or lime slices in the water (it doesn't add calories but gives it a little flavor). Some people have told me that…
  • Hi. My name is Karen and I'm new to groups. Kind of don't know what to do. Do you take groupie virgins?
  • You are the god of inspiration today.
  • Yes, but you still need to be mindful of what is going into your mouth and it's proportion. I have done it, but I need to weigh myself daily to keep me from thinking "Oh, what's one more cookie, I can burn that off later."
  • I weigh in everyday now only because it keeps me honest and less likely to cheat. I was weighing in only on Sundays, but then it was cheat, cheat , cheat, till around Thursday morning. Then hungry and miserable till weigh in again. It made for a very miserable weekend. Now, at least if I forget to put something I ate in or…
  • I remember when I was young saying I would kill myself if I ever got so fat that I had to wear a 13 (I was a chubby 9 then). Well, I didn't kill myself and I'm well past a 13 now. I was a 6 when I got married and it would be nice to see that again.
  • Don't Know how old your husband is, but I had the same problem with my husband. guess what? He hit 40 and put on weight now we're trying to lose together.
  • I fit the parameters. Need to lose 25-50lbs and supporting on-line friends would be nice.
  • Nothing is anon online. In other words the green eyed monster is out of the closet, let's slay it. The psychoanalysis done here was pretty good and in your heart you already knew what had to be done, so do it.
  • Oh, but you are a role model. Children are watching. And your my hero. Thanks.