my skinny husband just doesnt get it

So i have only started on here about a week ago.. and i was very proud of myself. Untill my oh so skinny husband desided to discuss my trying to lose weight with a health nut at work (no offence to any health nuts on MFP). Anyways an explosion of info about how all the measurements from this site are wrong, how i am eating all wrong. That i shouldnt be using a TDEE at all cause then i wont lose weight. His friend is a clean eater which is nothing wrong with that but i know myself and i can just jump off the deepend and eat completly clean right off. i have to build up to it. But he doesnt understand. He eats a whole bag of chips sometimes 2 every night and doesnt put on weight. Just frustrating to hear your doing it all wrong in my first week. I tried explaining that different things work for different people. That not everyone has to eat clean and they still lose weight.. and my husbands friend said then they are all liars. Well i dont think you are all liars. And i am not giving up. Ok so that is the end of my rant.


  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    People will always throw advice at you. Learn to filter through it and just continue what you doing. I use TDEE method and it works for me. I like to keep things as simple as possible. Eat at a cal deficit to lose weight and exercise to stay healthy ( great stress relief for me). This works for most ppl who are generally healthy.

    Ignore and do what you need to do.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    Your husband doesn't understand because it's probably something he's never had to worry about, like mine. As far as the clean eater, not all of them are this way, but many think it's their way or it doesn't work. You don't have to "clean eat" to lose weight OR to be healthy. All things in moderation. The fact that he's saying TDEE doesn't work is a bit ridiculous though. IF going by the online calculator, yes you might have to adjust it a LITTLE bit as it's a general calculation, but you can find out your own TDEE very easily, and there's no way that THAT is incorrect because it's based on YOU personally. I have lost 30 pounds, and haven't ate clean for probably even a day of it. Feel free to FR me or look at my diary.

    Just take advice in, figure out if it helps you or not, and then either use or discard it :wink:
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Do as you are doing. If it is working, continue. If it stops working, do something different.
  • chandra2802
    chandra2802 Posts: 29 Member
    I tried to explain that his friend is extremely healthly and i obese.. so for me just starting a program is a big step. Counting and weighing everything is step and an eye opener to what i put into my body. So i am proud of myself. I am my own work in progress.
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    good for you staying positive. i lost 50lb over the year in 2011 following mfp calorie guidelines and had white bread and chocolate and all the rest of it. my boss loses a stone or so over the first two months of every year just by cutting out biscuits and beer, nothing else. clean eating may be right for some people but i definitely don't want to do it!

    also know skinny people who are very dismissive of anyone overweight, and they've had the worst diets - doesn't mean they're healthy just because they're skinny. stay happy with who you are :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i would just not discuss weight loss with him... he doesnt understand if he has never had issues with his weight, so you just do you and dont enter into conversations about what anyone else says you 'should' be doing!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    "He eats a whole bag of chips sometimes 2 every night and doesnt put on weight."

    This is the biggest lie you can tell yourself. Metabolism never varies to the extent that people scoff mountains of calories and dont put on weight, while the person in the corner has a cup of rice and piles on the pounds.
  • Kita328
    Kita328 Posts: 370 Member
    I can relate to this problem. My boyfriend and his family are alwasy offering me food- saying "its healthy I made it at home". The intention is to be helpful, but they just dont understand my journey. Honestly they dont have to- I have learned to have thick skin and believe in my cause. Everyone even if they are trying to be supportive or if they are just uninformed, everyone has an opinion. From the sound of it it seems like you are looking for your husband to be supportive in a diffrent way than he knows how. He is obviously interested in what you are doing and most likely was trying to be helpful. In his mind he prob. thinks he is giving you information you need to be successful.

    After a while on the boards here on MFP you will notice many people have differing opinions on what works. I can not tell you what will work for you neither can they. They can give you suggestions and help guide you through your path.

    As for you and your husband. Try and tell him things you actually need from him to feel supported. Lilke tell him that you need him not to bring salty/sweet snacks into the house in order for you to be successful. Tell him you need to do active things on the weekends instead of dinner and a movie. Tell him you need him to watch the kids while you go to the gym 4 days a week. You get the point. Outline what will help you to be successful.

    Good luck on your journey!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    good rant..
    do what you want,,,, and only what you want.
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    My husband is also naturally thin, has been his whole life, but he does understand the science of weight loss being calories in vs. calories out. He has a harder time relating to the emotional aspects of being overweight and losing weight, but because of my struggles he has a much better understanding. I have been on MFP for about 16 months now and lost about 56.4 lbs. During that time he has learned a lot right along with me and, I have to say, has been my biggest cheerleader.

    All that being said, most men are "fixers". They see a problem we are dealing with and they are generally wired to help us work through it. It sounds like your hubby is really trying, in his way, to be helpful and supportive. My husband also "helped" by collecting advice and information which he passed on to me from time to time. Some was helpful and some was not. Maybe if you explain to him that you've got this and need to start slow, using methods you can incorporate into your life easily, he will back off a bit.

    BTW...I am not a "clean" eater as most people would define it. I generally eat what I want but stay within my calories and macros. I do not eat french fries and fried chicken daily, by any means, but if I have the calories left over for a piece of chocolate I will eat it without guilt. This has worked for me and made me feel comfortable and not deprived. This is the only way I will sustain this lifestyle. Good luck on your journey!!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    So i am proud of myself. I am my own work in progress.

    This^ is the most important thing. My husband was always skinnier than me until the past 10 years or so(sometime after 30). He had a high metabolism and worked out and ran. As he has aged his metabolism has slowed and his job has become more sedentary. He also stopped working out and running. He constantly argues with me that this that or the other thing I am doing is wrong because ABC said so. Then he proceeds to say that he should be a lot thinner and doesn't understand why. I just do what I know is right for me because it is working.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    I think you need to learn to tune stuff like that out. No matter what you are doing, you will always encounter people who have a 'different' or 'better' way of going about it. They may in fact have a better way that has been successful for THEM. And that's great. for THEM.

    The key to losing weight is simple. Eat at a deficit. If you would like to keep the weight off permanently, it needs to become a lifestyle. Meaning you must make healthy eating choices and get regular exercise. For life. I personally know that depriving myself of foods that I enjoy, is a recipe for failure for me. So, I enjoy some not so healthy things once in a while.

    The fact that you have made the choice to live a healthier life is all you need to focus on. You made a promise to yourself, now keep it. Let the naysayers have their fun. Smile, tell them "that's great", and go on about your business.

    Another word of advise . . . . don't share the details of what you are doing with everyone. Including your husband. Clearly he has a compelling urge to blab your business to others. What is up with that? Sorry, thin or not, 1-2 bags of chips a day is just not a good choice. There are plenty of naturally thin people with health issues related to their diets.

    Good luck to you!
  • ldarlener
    ldarlener Posts: 79 Member
    Well I don't know what "clean eating is", but I have been using MFP since Sept and I have lost 27 lbs.
    I eat what I want. I just have to decide 1. is it worth the calorie count? 2. If so, am I willing to work it off on the elliptical?
    For instance, yesterday I ate half of a Burger King Angry Whopper. The first burger in a long time.
    WELL worth the calories and the exercise. But only ever so occassionally.

    if I knew how to, I would post pics from April 2013, and New Years day.
    I am NOT pretty, cute or smart. But I am thinner. Not bad for and old 53 year old woman.

    Don't let him and is skinny friends get to you. Just move today. Move more than you did yesterday. And tomorrow a little more.
    Good luck.
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    You are not doing it wrong, your husband is! :flowerforyou:
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    Do your thing! Don't worry about your husband or your husband's coworker. Everyone will have opinions and suggestions for you. Stick to what you want to do, if that's MFP, then use MFP. And remember, there are lots of people here to support you.

    ETA: Also, just because your husband's coworker eats clean and such, doesn't mean he's healthy either. Who knows what his insides look like. :)
  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    I know the feeling.. I've been into health and exercise for a year or so now and my slim boyfriend doesn't seem to understand it, he doesn't take much interest in it and doesn't eat awful at all but doesn't exercise either. It can be frustrating when he can eat so much food when mine is limited but in the long run he will get it when I start looking damn sexier!
  • KarenBoehlke
    Don't Know how old your husband is, but I had the same problem with my husband. guess what? He hit 40 and put on weight now we're trying to lose together.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    Say, "Thanks for the tips!" then go on doing what you are doing. Losing weight is just like everything else- everyone thinks their way is the best way. You have to figure out what works for you and do that.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Just smile and nod and then go and do what's best for you.