my skinny husband just doesnt get it



  • Joanne_happygramma
    Joanne_happygramma Posts: 207 Member
    Unfortunately he never will, what he needs to wrap his brain around is that you just need support. If MFP is working for you then this is what you need to do. Take it from an old lady whose first husband (naturally skinny) nagged me constantly about my weight and his solution, was "don't eat" -- ya that works. My current husband is not skinny but he only has about 10 extra pounds to lose, his support and my friends here have helped me wrap my brain around MFP and so far after four months I am successful. Each and every week when I weigh in is a loss. This is a commitment and not magic but it works (have I stressed that enough?? :happy: )
    We need to focus on what we can do for the rest of our lives and it can't be unmanageable -- if you look at my profile you will see my 30+ years of battling my weight, I have done fads, good diets, bad diets, nothing worked except the pure physics of eating less than what my body is burning. Clean eating may be a wonderful way to go but sometimes we don't have time or energy and reaching for a small piece of cheese with crackers (total 250 calories) just hits the spot and keeps me going between meals.
    This is about you and it's too bad your husband had to discuss your weight loss with anyone else. I am too old to care about what other people think, and currently outside of a handful of close friends and family no one knows what I am doing and it's none of their business. If someone asks what I am doing I will tell them, but otherwise nada.

    Cheers and I hope to read your success story here one day.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Ignore. Smile and nod and say "that's interesting". Then stick to your own plan.
  • RobbinRL
    People will always throw advice at you. Learn to filter through it and just continue what you doing. I use TDEE method and it works for me. I like to keep things as simple as possible. Eat at a cal deficit to lose weight and exercise to stay healthy ( great stress relief for me). This works for most ppl who are generally healthy.

    Ignore and do what you need to do.

    Exactly what ^^ she said. Do whats right for you and fart out the crap you don't want to inhale! LOL In one ear and out the other is how I do it! YOU find the right vibe for YOU.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I never discussed losing weight with anyone save my partner and my BFF because I did not need nor want advice from anyone.

    But, when it did come up I used to laugh my butt off when people who have never EVER had to deal with being overweight in their lives would tell me how to lose weight. Schmucks, I might be flying blind somewhat, but I clearly have more experience than you and it's none of your freaking business if I eat a potato instead of a handful of almonds.

    Keep doing what you're doing. Someone will always have something to say even after you hit goal. :)
  • bamf82
    bamf82 Posts: 14
    I hear you. I have someone like that at work that tries to tell me what to do, what to eat, how to eat it. I stopped listening to her and just did my own thing. They think they are helping.. But if you didn't ask for advice, then I would politely tell them that you've been successful thus far and you'd like to give this a try before starting something new.