sunlover89 Member


  • Sam Briggs!!!! <3
  • Thanks everyone for your input, I'll definitely look into those sources. I'm not looking to do input as I'm 100% happy being paleo/primal, I was just interested in how it works. I said that the people I know who are having success with it ate at TDEE or above, I meant they ate that much but didn't add their -value from…
  • Slice up and sautee with butter, garlic, basil, bacon and tomatoes
  • YES YES YES YES YES!!! When I look in the mirror I look normal, good even, although I'm 190lbs! But when i see photos, that's when i see what i actually look like. It's so incredibly confusing. I also didn't notice I had gained weight until I found out I had actually gained 60lbs. Stretchy clothes :-/
  • Read the conclusion.
  • Who say's I gorge on fruit, or eat it at all? Last time I checked, a mars bar and a bowl of fruit were two very different things.
  • You have obviously never heard of Overeaters Anonymous. Yes it's real and yes I do go. Processed sugar to me is like crack. I can hardly bear to be around it.
  • I think it depends on who you're talking to whether it's rude or not. If I told my parents that I didn't want a slice of cake that they had bought for me, they' be ok because they understand how important my health is to me, and they know I don't eat processed sugar and fat anymore. However it was my OH family, who don't…
  • I don't have kids but child nutrition is something that really concerns me. I am terrified of being judged for not letting my kids have "treats" like chocolate after dinner and crisps/chips for snacks and the occasional fast food meal. I intend to NEVER feed my children these foods unless they want to buy it with their own…
  • Sorry but some of the replays to this thread are nothing more than an extra large meal - not a binge. Binge eating with or without vomitting is an eating disorder. An overwhelming urge to eat everything you can get your hands on is a binge. Thing "oh what the heck" is overeating. Example of my bulimia bingeing days (not…
  • You talk about the scale and the numbers but what about your body? Have your measurments changed? Do your clothes feel different? Why do you want to be at that number specifically? Or is it that you actually want to shave off some fat from a certain place on your body or fit into the next size down clothing? The number on…
  • Very true. I've had a sugar addiction for a very long time. The last 3 weeks I've gone paleo and also cut out fruits. Never felt better. I had sugar cravings for 3 days then they were gone. Eat lots of protein and fat, it really does help.
  • 60g - 120g day depending on activity levels. All my carbs come from green veggies, salads and 100g sweet potato a day. Fat comesfrom olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts, eggs, bacon. I have never left so hhigh energy and clear minded in my life! I love fat.
  • My 2 go to snacks if I'm at home - Mashed avocado on hot crispy bacon. Chicken dipped in coconut oil. If I'm out, always nuts.
  • The flavoured ones will. Buy straight up full fat Greek yogurt, no flavouring.
  • Thanks, I really appreciate your answer. I have a feeling I am very sensitive to certain whole foods, even in smallish amounts. One of my CrossFit trainers recently told me I should be eating more carbs and less fat to furl my body for intense workouts - I was eating equal amounts of fat and protein, approx 100g and 60g…
  • Boiled eggs Bacon and egg cupcakes (line cupcake pan holes with bacon/ham, mix eggs with favourite veggies, pour in holes, bake for 30 mins) Peanut butter chicken skewers (chicken on skewers, smother in peanut butter, bake for 30 mins) Chicken drumstick Mozzarella ball (yes, just open the packet and eat the ball) Pigs in…
  • Does this mean that if I eat fat with fruit, the fat will be much more likely to be stored as adipose tissue than used as fuel? Is the best think I can do to avoid scoring energy as fat is to not eat sweet or sugary foods with fatty foods? I've been eating sweet potatoes with fatty fish like sardines, then I'll have an egg…
  • I few days ago I ate close to 5,000 calories every day for 3 days. I literally stuffed myself till I felt sick - PMS. Today my measurements are smaller than before those days. Go figure :-/
  • But does the amount of carbs you eat also depend on the amount of insulin released and fat stored? E.g. You eat a healthy fatty omelette for breakfast, high in fat and protein, basically no carb. Then you have a 100 calorie chocolate bar 10 minutes later. Your insulin would spike from the sugar. Will your body then use the…
  • Talk about cellulite in a bowl...
  • I asked their advice because I've actually put on weight in the last couple weeks, although I'm sure my bf% is decreasing a little. I found it very strange because I've gone from eating 200+g carbs a day to about 60-100g, so i'm no way in ketosis. I was thinking maybe the combination of a high fat diet along with medium…
  • If you're on there an hour, you're not pushing yourself hard enough. 20 minutes is all you need with HIIT, you should feel like death when you fall off crying, not like you could do another half an hour if you've got time. Work out smarter, not longer.
  • Yes! My feet must have been swollen because my size 7's are now too big and I can see all my bones, tendons and my veins pop after I work out :-)
  • What does the measuring tape say? I'm up 3lbs in 2 weeks but down a bra size, shoe size, 2 inches gone around waist and no acne.
  • Maybe off topic but the man who owns this company is publicly homophobic and very anti gay rights and gay marriage. They'll never get any money off me!
  • What exercise do you do? Have you been doing the same thing for the last year?
  • I really don't think it's a problem, especially for those who are carrying 20lbs+ extra fat. I'm just over 190lbs. I NET well under 1000 calories most days because I burn over 1000 most days. My trainers at my crossfit box have said to eat when I'm hungry until I'm full, don't eat when I'm not, which is what i'm currently…
  • I lost 40lbs drinking Ribena light and pepsi max every day, BUT now I drink 2L of diet bitter lemon most days and it is stunting my fat loss, because on days I dont drink it, I may drink less fluid, but I do drop weight the next morning.
  • Thanks everyone, that was really useful info! I find it pretty easy to stay under 100g carbs for the day as I only really have high carb veggies with lunch.