dactonaw Member


  • No way!! As much as I hate the How tall are you? What size shoe is that? and being called sarcastically as "shorty". I could never be stick thin I enjoy my ability to be physically strong and admired for it. While sometimes it isn't cool for the ladies to avoid me for my strength and size, it has come in handy to…
  • I had the same issue and in all actuality it may not be. I lost 15lbs in my first week of weight loss because of being so overweight I was eating dang near 5000 calories a day and not realizing it. When I cut back to 2800 a day the deficit made a very unhealthy and speedy weight loss for the first bit. So its probably not…
  • Well, I'm 6'10 and at my height at 355 lbs I was generally ignored by most people except for them to walk around me and avoid eye contact from fear of me. I was always quite shy, the science nerd in high school (of which I still am). Now that I have lost a 115lbs and am down to 240 and have gained a lot of muscle, I feel…
  • Well for me, I set my goal for two pounds of weight loss a week, which for my height of 6'10 was like 2400 a day at sedentary. If I ate a little bit over because I wasn't particularly willful I tried to never let it go over 500 calories. I usually lost 2 lbs a week. I never really had a special diet except watching my…
  • I had this problem when I first started, I never found the under armor type shirts near me (but I live in rural Missouri) for the longest time I would just tuck in a white beater, but when I got down to about a 2XLT shirt I actually found that the starter brand ones they sold at Wal-Mart worked.
  • Well, I am not very active in forums, but I can certainly try more. Welcome to the group!! I finished losing my weight (115 lbs) but if you need any encouragement or help You can feel free to message me. I have a bit of experience in it, including some appetite killing methods and I am also a diabetic if that helps. I know…
  • Yeah, thats one of the big things. I hear ya on the XL's being to short.... But its near impossible to find XLT for me at least
  • That is awesome, we all did the days where we over ate believe me, I did it a lot. At least you had a vacation reason.... I just gave into the temptation of Chinese buffet
  • I personally wear 17's myself, and I have been using Eastbay.com for years. I don't know if it works the same for you but I tend to get mine at about $30 (plus shipping) a piece. And you are very right the odd colors even on the same shoe type are nearly half price.
  • Thanks Liza, that blog is very helpful and I found that when I was losing weight as a diabetic, that keeping about 300 calories under each day I didn't have to worry about it much. That and spacing out the carbs. I really hope it works out!! Ask me if you need some advice or motivation. It took a five day diabetic coma to…
  • I found it easiest to lose the weight and keep my mind off food by just keeping myself busy, and on the rare occasion I couldn't do that I did some exercise then "rewarded" myself with a 100 calorie or less snack. I know it is hard, but I hope that can help.
  • I am 6'10 and I was 345 before I started losing weight. I am glad to see others out here like me.
  • Now I can't say too much for personal knowledge, because genetics always play a factor but in skin in general you will loose weight then the skin sometimes takes a while to shrink, I lost 95 pounds so far myself and that skin still hangs around, but due to adipose tissue build up (which is a major factor in breasts) they…