ajimenez Member


  • Net calories are: (a) the daily calories that you're supposed to eat PLUS (b) the calories you earn from exercise MINUS (c) the calories you have consumed with food for the day. Net calories represent the calories you still have left to consume based on these three things. I hope that makes sense...
  • How's this for a startling statistic: “for every can of diet soda consumed a day, a person’s risk of obesity increased by 41%.” Read this article: http://www.studentstuff.com/2010/06/30/the-truth-about-diet-coke/ Stay away from artificial sweeteners! (Not just diet soda but those packets in restaurants to sweeten tea, in…
    in help Comment by ajimenez August 2010
  • Hi, Punkinpoo! I was born in Michigan but live in Arizona now. Good job coming back! It's scary when the choices we make start to take their toll on our bodies. Good luck making healthy choices! I just read your old post about snacking in front of the t.v. I have been working on forming other habits to do while watching…
  • Day12-L1 Done! I am not being consistent here, so I am trying to make a renewed commitment to Shredding every day - No Skipping!!! elmox: I am so impressed that you have gone on to L2 after only 10 days at L1... I am *not* ready yet. I did L1 today and was not feeling like it was getting "easy." Although I will say that I…
  • Day11-L1 Done! (Whew!) elmox: You can do it! It's only 20 minutes! Blakeshotmomma: Okay, so I probably SHOULD be done with all thirty-days, but I'm only on Day 11... If you read back posts, you will see that many of us take brakes for various reasons, but this is a great forum to support one another, so please join and…
  • Hey, Shredders! It's been a while since I've posted but I've been keeping up on all the goings on and appreciate all the motivating posts! I have just completed Day10 of L1 and am pleased to announce I am only following Anita about half the time! Yeah! Also, I have graduated from 3-lb -weights to 5-lb-weights for about…
  • Stressed out and over-working has lead me to miss three days of Shred and seek out comfort food. Tomorrow the major event is over, so I plan to be back on track within the next 24-hours. Wish me luck.
  • Totally inspirational reading all your posts, ladies! Thanks for sharing your successes and struggles both! Today I finished Day 7 of Level 1. Success: I lost about 2.5 pounds this week! Struggle: I am still following Anita on the DVD. Especially the push-ups. I am planning to do the full 30-days on Level 1, making sure I…
  • L1D3 - This is my first day being able to do the entire workout. It was really great! Still following Anita on almost everything! ;) mkisokay: I would recommend just listening to your body. If you can do both, Go For It! But if you're feeling like you're overdoing it, then don't push yourself to injury. It's not worth it.…
  • What an awesome group of motivated folks! I'm so excited!!! As I said before, I could not get the link to load through the whole workout, but my hubby just went to the store and bought me the DVD, so, starting tomorrow, I can finally view the entire workout without breaks! Regarding weighing in... I don't own a scale, but…
  • Day 2 and I HUUUUUUUUUUURT!!! I am definitely taking tomorrow off to give my muscles time to heal and rebuild. The website isn't working all that great (slow to load) so I haven't even done a full work out (only 15 minutes each), but geez! I'm looking to rent it or check it out from the library. I'll weigh in on Sunday. ~A
  • I agree it seems daunting. I just looked at when I would be at my ideal weight with the 1-lb-per-week average and it's a long way off. But I have to also agree with the previous posts, some week will be more, other will be less. And those pounds we shed fastest are the quickest to put back on. I'm guilty of choosing that…
  • Okay, so I don't have the DVD but I found this link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTMxNDMwNzY=.html So I guess I'm in! I've never done this before, but I definitely need some support. I keep losing and gaining the same 10 pounds and, therefore, fluctuate between 10 and 20 pounds overweight. Thanks for starting this…
  • Okay, so we need to fess up: It's not the Diet Coke we're addicted to, it's the caffeine! Word of warning: Caffeine bonds with calcium and takes it out of your body. Please take Calcium Supplements if you are drinking caffeine regularly (whether Diet Coke, tea, Pepsi, coffee, whatever!). I would recommend to try to…
  • Thanks to all of you for the great tips! I'll try them and see how it goes. =]