Starting the 30 Day shred 3/20 - want to join?



  • ajnesbitt07
    ajnesbitt07 Posts: 12 Member
    I did Day #2 of Level 1 last night and it was already much easier than Day #1! I didn't throw up. I'm actually looking forward to doing it again this afternoon/evening. I've never felt excited to workout! Here's hoping I get the results I want!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Shredders,
    D1L1 in the bag for the day and I didn't throw up !! Hahahahah! Also did 2 miles power walking before work this morning !! I'm so excited to have you guys to do this with. Hurray for us!!!!
    I am doing cardio w/ weights when I get home to wrap the day up and then settle down to watch Biggest Loser (DVR'd it - gosh I love that thing)

    Just a quick check in - will post more later!! Still cig free ... Yea!!

  • mkisokay
    mkisokay Posts: 5
    I just started this last night. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I felt great afterwards. I have been doing cardio, mostly on the elliptical and a lot of walking (i am trying to go for a jog/walk every morning and I walk 2 miles home from work almost every night) but all of that was nothing compared to the twenty minutes I spent doing this.

    I am curious though, have you guys been continuing other cardio and/or other types of workouts along with this? I can't decide if I should skip my time on the elliptical each night in favor of the video for the next 30 days or if i'd be better off trying to fit both in to my busy nights. It would be most convienent if I could alternate nights, but as previous mentioned, I think the video is meant to be done in 30 consecutive nights.

    What do you think?
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    Hi guys, I loved reading everyones posts! Yay so excited. I have to run to pick up my son and bring him in to work with me for a bit but I'll jump back in to catch up with everyone tonight. I didn't do it last night but am going full force tonight. I'm there with you PPF.
  • Yeah! Finished Day 7! Finally made it all the way thru without stopping to take a break.
    To be honest....I did NOT feel like doing it today. Had a cup of coffee and decided to
    go for it whether I finished it or not. Ended up having the best workout yet! Isn't that
    strange?? Really amazed at how easy it is getting. Going to stay at level 1 till I'm
    not huffing and puffing so much. Mon/Wed/Fri I have been power walking 2 miles.
    Tu/Thur power walking 3. Trying to speed up the weight lose. I definitley see
    toning from the shred. Especially the arms and thighs. :) Remember Shredders....
    When you don't feel like doing it..DO IT! You'll always be glad you did.
  • L1D2- DONE!!!

    Again didn't feel like doing it but I did.... and you know what... I feel great! I really hate those bicycle situps though!!

    misokay- I think it's good to continue doing other kind of cardio when you can. I'm not sure any of us will really be able to do shred 30 days straight. I've already missed one day.... but I'm going to try and be consistent at least.

    I have to say being able to post here that I finished the day is quite motivating. Thanks ladies!
  • ajimenez
    ajimenez Posts: 16 Member
    L1D3 - This is my first day being able to do the entire workout. It was really great! Still following Anita on almost everything! ;)

    mkisokay: I would recommend just listening to your body. If you can do both, Go For It! But if you're feeling like you're overdoing it, then don't push yourself to injury. It's not worth it.

    purpleflipflop: Love that you went for it even though you didn't want to!

    mfielder1: Way to go! Day 7!!! I can't wait until I can follow Natalie the whole time. And thanks for the pep-talk. I'm still excited to work out, but, to be honest, today was really my first full day...
    Looking forward to being on Day 7 like you!

    janet: Congrats on being cig-free!!! You Rock!

    Mizberg: You have started a Good Thing! Thanks!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    I started level 2 on Tuesday. I was dreading it. It is hard, but I did it. I am still working on mastering some of the moves. Much more complicated then level 1, lots of plank stuff. Walking push-ups!! Are you kidding me? Last night, I was hugging and puffing! Anyway, I will continue!! Good to hear about everyone's really helps.
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Came home from work yesterday and did L1D1... and boy... take a break for 2 months from it and when you decide to do it again, it really kicks your butt! My legs were SHAKING! But I finished it all! Tonight after work I'm going to do D2 then I take my lil' girl to gymanstics where I will use the elliptical for about 25 min (her class is only 30 min). Whoo Hoo. Glad to be getting back on track!

    Everyone is doing such a great job!

    Janet - glad to see you here and great job on being cig free!
  • Hi Ladies
    Glad everyone is doing such hard work. ajimenez I'm still with Anita most of the time too!
  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member

    Lvl1 DONE! I again did the Biggest Loser: Cardio max before doing the 30 Day Shred. I made it through most of it without stopping, but boy did it kick my *kitten*!!!! Today my goal is to do it without stopping. Having a 2 year old makes it so hard to try to get to the gym to use the elliptical or treadmill machines. I can however take her for walks, so I use that as my leisure exercise. I see changes and am looking forward to continue shredding with you guys!! This is so amazing have so much support and inspiration =)

    Janet-great job on being cig free. My husband recently quit and I have seen physical, mental and emotional differences since he has!!! You can do it =)
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    Hi guys,
    I didn't end up doing it last night. I had a late afternoon shoot and it ran late. I had planned on going home and working out while Steve took our little guy to Jujitsu but I didn't get home until 7:30 and then made dinner. I made the mistake of having a glass of wine and then could not get motivated. I will now start doing it right after I pick up little man after school. I did really good on food. tons of vegetables and half a chicken breast ... oh and a glass of wine (bad move haha). So tonight will be Level 1 Day 4. Love checking in with everyone. Keep the updates coming!!
  • Mizberg- everyone deserves a glass of wine once in awhile!! I won't be shredding tonight, driving up to Maine to see my family. Good luck to all those of you who will!
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    PPF - Thank you!!! I will be shredding and hitting the treadmill tonight especially after entering my Venti Dark cherry Mocha (non fat, no whip) and realizing it was 350 calories.YIKES! Have a safe trip!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I hope no one minds if I jump in here! I just joined Fitness Pal today, I've been do 30 day shred for 4 days now. The first 3 days were killer! The hot tub worked wonders though. Today, I feel great! Just wondering if anyone here is noticing any weight or inch loss from doing the 30 day shred? Any one care to post what they've lost so far and how far along they are into the DVD?? I'm really hoping to see results. I've never been toned and do have some weight to lose and hope this is a good place to start.
    I took all measurments and weighed in on Day 1 and am trying to not step on the scale and take measurments again until Day 7. I LOVE how I can feel every muscle in my body! I'm sore, but at least I know those muscles are being worked out! For me Day 2 was the worst!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi Everyone, here are the results of my 30 day shred.......

    Weight at start of shred ....154 147 7 pounds lost

    Bust 37 .......................................................35 2"
    Waist 29 ........................................................26.5 2.5"
    Belly Button 34 ........................................................30 4"
    Hips 37 ........................................................34 3"
    Saddle Bags 44 ........................................................40.5 3.5
    Left Thigh 24 ........................................................22 2"
    Right Thigh 24 ........................................................21.5 2.5
    Left Calf 16 ........................................................15 1"
    Right Calf 15.5 .....................................................14.5 1"
    Left Arm 12 .........................................................11 1"
    Right Arm 12.5 ......................................................11.5 1"

    Total inches lost on 30 day shred is ...23.5

    It has been quite a challenge but well worth it so keep on shredding !!!!!!!! I think tonight i will do D1 L1 again and see how that feels!! and I'm getting hooked on Zumba its great fun Good Luck to all of you
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Wow!! Way to go Barty!! That is soo awesome!! I hope I will be able to stick it out like you did!! I'm hoping to start walking on the treadmill soon as well as doing the shred but I was waiting for the sore mucsles to subside. LOL I'm so glad to see that results can be made with this exercise! Thankyou for posting!!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303

    I am exhausted tonight and was starting to convince myself it would be ok to skip the shred tonight... after seeing your numbers I will be shredding after all! Thanks for the inspiration! Hopefully I will remember this when I am trying to do the plank twists!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    Hey everyone!! Did L1D4 last night and I really do think its better NOT to skip days. After 2 days of not doing it was hard. It seems like on the consecutive days I got stronger but I was also not feeling super good yesterday. Going to shred and treadmill this morning.
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