Starting the 30 Day shred 3/20 - want to join?

Hi just thought since the other Shred posts have already started I jump in if there is any one new wanting to start with me. Thought it would be good to post the workout/menu/weightloss so yesterday was my first day and it kicked my butt. I had to half *kitten* :tongue: the jumping jacks and the smallest weights I have are 5lb so I could not do all the moves with them. Yikes I'm out of shape. This morning I was a bit sore and did Level 1 again today, I did much better than yesterday. Will do level 1 until I can do it with no modifications.

Todays Menu Breakfast - 1 HB Egg/ 1 slice WW (whole wheat) toast / 1 Tbl Organic blueberry jelly
Snack - TJ (Trader Joe) Greek yogurt - blueberry / 12 walnut halves
Lunch - TJ Chili & Lime Chicken Patty / Orowheat thin bun/ 1/4 avocado
Dinner - Grilled Pork chop/ artichoke / 1 cup cous cous


  • ♥dawnwestbury♥
    i have 30 day shred ... i know i cant do it on a regular basis though, 2 kids in activites after school (dance/swimming), full time job, online school.....i'm trying to fit work out in, :ohwell:
  • dtoscas
    dtoscas Posts: 6 Member
    I will join. I have more than a 30 day but I'll track what I lose with you two. My target goal is to lose 22 pounds by my son's first birthday party. Let's see how many I can lose in 30. His party is May 22nd. I want to lose more beyond that but I will focus on that as a short term goal.
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Dawn, all the more reason you should join in with me. :smile: . I run a photography business full time (and shoot on weekends occasionally) have 1 kiddo in activities ...homework and so on. I have had the 30 day shred DVD for probably a year and have never done it. I have decided I do not want to spend another summer fat. ugh. So I decided to bust out the DVD. It's only 20 minutes. I seriously did not know that!!! I had a million things to do today but told myself "It's ONLY 20 minutes!" and that got me to do it. SO I'm thinking this is a great way to jump in. Hope you might too..... no pressure though. lol
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    Yay Dtoscas, I have more than 30 too but that's my first goal.Glad your joining in. I'm glad I hopped on here , I think it will make me accountable. :happy:
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    I am on day 6. I have two kids and I work full time. My husband works nights, so I am on my own most evenings. The way I see it, it is only 20 minutes. How much time do I take for myself...20 minutes should not be too much to ask. I admit, I do it after the kids are in bed. Sometimes it is so hard to turn on the DVD player instead of the TV... but I remiind my self...20 MINUTES! I have BL yoga and BL bootcamp, and I like them too, but they take to long on most week nights.

    I was also not too sore the first day, but once I got my form ok and did not have to spend my time studying the girls... I really started to feel it. I did not take my measurements before, and I really wish I did. I have had pretty steady weight loss since I started.

    Glad there is a group around where I am !

    Happy Shredding!
  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm in! I am on day 4 of starting the 30 day Shred. I had did it previously for 2 weeks but switched to another Jillian Michael's DVD. The 30 day shred is much more convenient for me time wise. Like everyone is said it is only 20 minutes!! I work full time mornings, go to school part time and have a soon to be 3 year old! My husband works evenings so after 2 pm it is all me. Plus I have to run to our job @ 6pm to pick my husband up for lunch so that he has a way home from work (we only have 1 car) otherwise I would have to pick him up @ 11 and I usually get up @5 to be to work by 6:15. I am hoping to get down to 230 by my anniversary in April. So lets see what this 30 days have for us!!
  • ajimenez
    ajimenez Posts: 16 Member
    Okay, so I don't have the DVD but I found this link:
    So I guess I'm in! I've never done this before, but I definitely need some support. I keep losing and gaining the same 10 pounds and, therefore, fluctuate between 10 and 20 pounds overweight.
    Thanks for starting this MizBerg.
  • clcastro
    clcastro Posts: 17
    Heyy! So I'm a day or 2 late but I'm doing Jillian Michaels "Making the Cut" which is also 30 days so the work outs i think are slightly different but basically take the same amount of dedication and hard work! I'd love to keep track of our progress together! :happy: I'm starting Day 1 tomorrow so let me know what you think!
  • purpleflipflop
    Hi Ladies
    I have done level one a few times in the past, however next consistently. Starting tomorrow I am going to try and be much more consistent and attempt to shred daily. Tomorrow I plan on doing some measurements. Having a group to talk with will be fun!! GO US!!
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    Yay, so excited to have others to do this with!
    Dmags - I think you're right, I wasn't to sore this morning but did the 2nd workout today and now tonight...hurting! Oh boy tomorrow may be rough. lol
    Tmllane810 - Yay, congrats on your upcoming anniversary!
    Ajimenez - thanks for joining in! I'm tired of losing and gaining back too!
    CLCastro - Perfect, yes! That will be great to hear how that one works too! I have it on my shelf, never opened. LOL.
    Purpleflipflop (love the name :happy: ) Yay, I'm glad I posted. I did measurements today. I'm never good at consistent exercise and that's always my problem! lol.
    Looking forward to hearing everyones progress!
  • sboothe24
    sboothe24 Posts: 34
    I would love to it just diet and exercise or is there a workout plan and diet plan?
  • usmcwife1223
    yes i will im on L1D1 today was my first day i could use some work out buddies my current goal is to lose 35lbs by november
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    CLcastro ~ I have never heard of making th cut... is it good? Is it also circuit training?
  • clcastro
    clcastro Posts: 17
    Yes! Making the Cut is an intense 30 day circuit training workout plan - I've done it once before and it REALLY toned me up but I didnt follow the meal plan as strictly as I should have and seeing that with weight loss, at least for me is 40% exercise, 60% diet, I didnt lose as much body fat as I could have so I'm doing it again to lose more body fat...Im at like 18.5% body fat now but would really like to get to like 14-15 and this plan would definately do the trick!
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I want to start it over again. I lost my DVD and just found it. AWESOME! I will do it tonight. DAY 1, Y'ALL!!
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Sboothe24 - It's the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD. If you scroll through AJimenez posted a link to the workout online I think. I thought it would be good if we posted what we were eating for the day (not necessary though). Hope you join in!!

    USMCwife - Yay, glad you're joining in! Today will be (Level 1 day 3 for me).

    kittytrix - can't wait to hear about your progress!

    One question I've seen a lot on this DVD is "Are you supposed to do it everyday?". I tried to search the net for a definitive answer and all I could find was a million people asking the question. lol. But I am going to assume because it's a "30" day program that it is meant to be done everyday. I'm going to try it that way. Let me know if anyone has other thoughts. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    i would like to join, i do enjoy the DVD, my problem is that I live on the 3rd floor of an apt. so the jumping jacks and other jumping moves are a no go for me (if I want to be respectful to the neighbors ) I have never gone past level one because of this...and i just improvised for some of those moves....does there get to be even more jumping bits in level 2 & 3....

    does anyone else share this problem? And substitution ideas?
  • purpleflipflop
    Level 1 Day 1!

    Really really didn't want to do it today but the thought of being able to post on here help urge me on! I used a HRM and I burned 219 cals in 27minutes. Not bad. As for dieting I'm working on counting my calories. MFP has me at 1350 cals so I'm mainly just focusing on staying in that range and making better overall choices.

    How was everyone elses day?
  • ajimenez
    ajimenez Posts: 16 Member
    Day 2 and I HUUUUUUUUUUURT!!!
    I am definitely taking tomorrow off to give my muscles time to heal and rebuild.
    The website isn't working all that great (slow to load) so I haven't even done a full work out (only 15 minutes each), but geez!
    I'm looking to rent it or check it out from the library.
    I'll weigh in on Sunday.
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    I think that I am on day 7. Still sore every day! I am terrified of level 2. How bad is it?