Hi from Michigan

punkinpoo Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I tried losing weight several times but gave up after a few weeks. I am trying again. I have been keeping track of what I eat everyday in a journal and how many calories I consume. I just know that if I don't lose weight I will be in danger of a stroke or heart attack.


  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome! You will love this site! I am from MI too :-)
  • I understand, I am post menopausal and my cholesterol is up to 300.....I may only be 31 but my body is going through what someone twice my age is going through. This was one of my reasons as well.....I don't want to be like my grandfather and have my first heart attack at 32. Keep up the good work, and just keep your focus in mind. Welcome and I hope this works for you!
  • This is a great place to do it. It's nice, just enter in all the information and your on your way. I like that it adds in the exercise calories, so I know how much I can consume based on my activity, not just a locked in number. I would wish you best of luck, but it's not luck, it's hard work and dedication, but most of all, it's consistency.
  • ajimenez
    ajimenez Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, Punkinpoo!
    I was born in Michigan but live in Arizona now.
    Good job coming back! It's scary when the choices we make start to take their toll on our bodies. Good luck making healthy choices!
    I just read your old post about snacking in front of the t.v. I have been working on forming other habits to do while watching t.v. like knitting or, sometimes, exercising. Also, it may help to have healthy snacks ready to go in the fridge: washed & cut carrots, celery, cucumbers, etc. Unhealthy food is so easy to grab-and-go. If I take some time on the weekends to do all my prep, my healthy snacks become just as easy!
    Good luck!
  • Thanks for the support, I feel like I'm going to make it this time.:happy:
  • Welcome aboard. This is an awesome site and with the journals that you can keep here it is easy to stay focused. Mind over matter and you can make it happen. like a wise man once said... "he who conquers self conquers all" It has been a great help for me to stick with the plan and loss the weight. Even when it seems difficult Just focusing on what can be the future is enough to stay motivated.
    And, it sounds like you may have the self motivation that it takes to succeed.
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