Starting the 30 Day shred 3/20 - want to join?



  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    :flowerforyou: I am looking at purchasing this DVD on Amazon as I have heard good things about it BUT...

    I weight about 9 stone 7lbs and am about 5 ft 6inches. I want to lose about 10 lbs max or about 8 lbs in 3 weeks? I have quite muscley legs therefore I don't want them to tone up evenmore and make them even more muscley, I want to lose weight off them!

    Any ideas? Will this DVD help?

    Thank yoU!!!
    T :flowerforyou:

    Hmmm... Well just FYI- you can buy the DVD @ Walmart of Target. It was $9 here at Walmart plus sales tax. I had ordered it online before I realized they had it here, but I didn't pay any more than I would have @ the store becauase of the tax I would have paid.
    But, the DVD claims to help you lose up to 20 lbs in a month. Which..... I am not sure how that is possible and it isn't really healthy to lose that much, that fast.
    You probably want to just do cardio.. or upper body toning type stuff then.. if you do workouts with your legs then you will tone them. You should try pilates...

    I am from the UK :( So Amazon is my only hope - thanks for your help. x
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Morning Shredders,
    L1D7 and 20minTJ done at 430 this morning, WOO HOO!! Getting ready to take a brisk walk after lunch and cardio, cardio on for tonight!!
    Just finished boneless skinless chick breast roasted, kale sauteed w/ coconut oil and some steamed brussels , delish!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and having an outstanding day!!

  • PinkKitty724
    PinkKitty724 Posts: 179 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am looking at purchasing this DVD on Amazon as I have heard good things about it BUT...

    I weight about 9 stone 7lbs and am about 5 ft 6inches. I want to lose about 10 lbs max or about 8 lbs in 3 weeks? I have quite muscley legs therefore I don't want them to tone up evenmore and make them even more muscley, I want to lose weight off them!

    Any ideas? Will this DVD help?

    Thank yoU!!!
    T :flowerforyou:

    Hmmm... Well just FYI- you can buy the DVD @ Walmart of Target. It was $9 here at Walmart plus sales tax. I had ordered it online before I realized they had it here, but I didn't pay any more than I would have @ the store becauase of the tax I would have paid.
    But, the DVD claims to help you lose up to 20 lbs in a month. Which..... I am not sure how that is possible and it isn't really healthy to lose that much, that fast.
    You probably want to just do cardio.. or upper body toning type stuff then.. if you do workouts with your legs then you will tone them. You should try pilates...

    I am from the UK :( So Amazon is my only hope - thanks for your help. x

    Ohhh! Ok well, Amazon is great too. I got it off of ebay but saw it on Amazon for about the same price but you have to pay shipping.
  • PinkKitty724
    PinkKitty724 Posts: 179 Member
    I just bought the Shred dvd yesterday after reading most of these posts. And OMG is that a workout!!! I could barely move afterwards but amazingly I am not sore today. I'm going to stick with the best I can. The hardest part for me was the push ups, I will admit I could not finish them but I did everything else. I have about 12lbs left of baby weight to lose and about a size and half to go down. I am determined I will do it!!! My baby will be 13 mos in a couple of days.

    This is great to hear! I just got my DVD in yesterday and will do my first workout on Saturday. P.S. your profile pic- that bridesmaid dress looks like the one I chose for my girls, and we're going to do fushia dress with a brown sash- looks like the opposite of yours! =:)
  • Dragonfly- awesome work on no smoking!!! Plus all that working out... very impressive!
  • L1D5!! Didn't want to do it at all but now I feel awesome!!! So glad I did! Keep up the shredding ladies. I love reading your posts.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Shredders,
    Happy April!!! Misposted yesterday L1D8 was done not L1D7, no cheating I promise , I promise!!!! also did 5 mile fat burning walk after work yesterday!!!
    I did L1D9 before work this am and nothing extra - will get a 30min walk in during lunch!! Probably some yoga on for later. Not sure about the weight loss but my jean are fitting better and I feel stronger and leaner. Hoping to get better results from the scale at the end of this 30 days than last time - so I've added some different things to my diet to help that along.

    We'll see :wink:

    Hope all are geared up to make the most of their day!!

    (((BIG HUGS)))

  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Hello Hello

    Yesterday I completed D4L1 and a 3 mile run.

    Today D5L1 complete and happy to say the side lunges w/anterior raises are getting much easier !!!

    Keep up the good work !!!!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    L2D1 completed! I found all the planks very challenging! Well, I don't normally weigh in till Mondays but because I weigh in at work and I'm not at work today or Monday, i cheated and weighed in today. I lost 3lbs so far this week! That's 6 pounds for level 1 at 10 days and staying true to my food diary!! So excited! It really helped seeing that loss today as I was tempted with chocolate at work. It made it so much easier to say no!
  • aprilwilliamsba
    aprilwilliamsba Posts: 9 Member
    I just completed L1D3. I can't believe how much I progressed in just 3 days! This is quite a workout! After day 1 I thought I would never make it through the week, but now I'm feeling *very* optimistic! :)
  • Nic4
    Why are you starting on Level 2??

    Hey guys check out this Jillian workout. You need the other two of Jillians DVDs to do this program. I'm thinking about doing it. Anyone else interested? I don't have all the DVDs so I would need to go buy them this weekend.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Shredders,
    Happy Friday to us all Woo Hoo!! D10L1 done + 35 min of cardio + weights!! planning on a 30 min walk during lunch and my ab w/o when I get home. It feels great!!
    Last night i did Jillian's Banish Fat Boot Metabolism (BFBM) 57 min run time - 7, 6min circuits a la shred, 5 in warm up and 5 min cool down. It kicked my a@$ , in a good way!! I was afraid I wasn't going to get through it but I made it!! Hurray!! I will be using this one again for sure.
    Hey Purple -
    Another thread is doing the w/o you're talking about i believe. It's using Shred, BFBM and No More Trouble Zones (NMTZ). I am joining that thread too. She has combined all 3 of her w/o's and rotates them - sometimes 2 on the same day (ouch!!) I want to try it but I don't have NMTZ yet - going to try to snag it this weekend.!!!

    Hope all have an outstanding day - and keep shredding,
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I'm a late starter for this group - I started April 1. I just did L1D2 today and I am feeling it! I am a hot sweaty mess during and after the Shred, but I love it.

    I had a quick question if people pair this with other exercise (cardio, etc) or if this is your only workout of the day. I guess it's really about how many calories you want to burn, but I'm curious what most of you wonderful women are doing.

    Thanks for having me!
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    D6 L1 Complete!! Another pound lost!!!

    This is fabulous!!!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    L2D2 completed! My neck and shoulders are killing me! Not sure if I might be doing some of exercises wrong or it is just the muscles being worked with all the planks. I've tried tylonol and a magic bag and i still can't move my head 2 without pain. If I feel like this in the morning i may not be able to shred. :sad: ouch!
  • ajimenez
    ajimenez Posts: 16 Member
    Stressed out and over-working has lead me to miss three days of Shred and seek out comfort food.
    Tomorrow the major event is over, so I plan to be back on track within the next 24-hours.
    Wish me luck.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    taking a break from the shred today. I'm still in lots of pain!:sad: jI'm taking muscle relaxants, hopefully it gets better soon. :sad:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    L1D3 in the bag. Also got to the gym for 50 min of cardio (35 on the elliptical, 15 on the bike). I love having free time on Saturday to get extra exercise in.

    Church for Easter tomorrow is at 11:30, so I should be able to get L1D4 done before that. Then there will be lots of walking for the NYC Easter Parade. Tomorrow will be a food challenge - my husband gave up meat for Lent (when people ask me what I gave up, I say, "16 pounds!") and he is making a triumphant return to it tomorrow at Peter Luger Steakhouse. I'm going with him and I'm pretty sure he plans on ordering a huge steak for 2 (more likely it's steak for 4!) and creamed spinach. I'm going to focus on enjoying the food, but keeping my portions appropriate.

    The weather is beautiful here in New York - I hope you have sun where you are this weekend as well.
  • Hi Ladies. I was so excited to see the invitation to join the 30 Day Shred today (4-3-10). However, I don't want to commit to starting until the middle of April. Our oldest daughter is getting married in exactly one week, one hour and 32 minutes. All the relatives begin arriving in three days and will be with us for at least a week. I still have to finish hemming the brides' maid dresses and add the finishing touches to the table runners my daughter wanted me to make for the wedding. I have a zillion loads of laundry to finish washing and folding, the house to clean from top to bottom (you know how you do when your mother-in-law is coming) and then pack the suitcases as the wedding will be in a different city than where we live. In other words, I'm slightly stressed and feeling like I have a lot more wedding left over and not enough days!

    All that said, I really am looking forward to having this kind of accountability to do Jillian. I did the 30 Day Shred last Fall for about 2 weeks (not every day, but at least 5 days a week). Since joining MFP, I've lost 17 lbs., which has been enough to exchange the jacket I'm wearing in the wedding for a smaller size. The last three weeks though, I have lost and gained the same half pound, AARRGG.

    Oh, I read in someone else's post that they had trouble doing some of the exercises with 5 lb weights. When I started last fall, I began with two cans of spaghetti sauce, the 26 ounce ones, as my weights. That really helped ease me in to a heavier weight. See you all in a couple of weeks.

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