Starting the 30 Day shred 3/20 - want to join?



  • Just finished L1D9, skipped yesterday.......PMS and Chocolate prevailed. Jumped back in to day. Level 1 has gotten very easy. I checked out Level 2 and it looks hard. I look forward to doing the shred because it has gotten easier. I dread starting L2 and being sore all over again! Maybe one or two days more and I'll advanced.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    I just completed D7L1!! Yay me!! Although it wasn't easy to do, my DVD player decided to stop working right in the middle of circut 3! I tried to continue with the side lunges on my own but I really do need Jillian to tell me to keep going so I had to stop and find another DVD player. It sucked!!

    CaliArmyWife: YOu can do it! Once I got past days 3 and 4 my body didn't ache quite as much.

    Allykat8: Have fun doing the shred, it'squite a workout! Hope you like it as much as I do!

    Thanks :) I LOOOOVE it. Mostly I love how fast it goes by, unbelievable!!! My goal is to do 10 days at level 1, 10 days at level 2, and the last 10 days at level 3. We shall see :)
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    do you guys know how many calories you burn on the 30 day shred workout?

    Thanks in advance :)

    I put it in as Circuit Training - General for 20 minutes. It came to 151 calories for me.
  • After many skipped days I am back. L1D3. It definitely gets easier with time!! I'm having a hard time eating all my exercise calories. Do you guys eat all of yours?
  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member
    After many skipped days I am back. L1D3. It definitely gets easier with time!! I'm having a hard time eating all my exercise calories. Do you guys eat all of yours?

    I try not to eat my exercise calories. Sometimes I do though, usually on weekends when i don't plan as well for my meals.....
  • ajimenez
    ajimenez Posts: 16 Member
    Totally inspirational reading all your posts, ladies! Thanks for sharing your successes and struggles both!
    Today I finished Day 7 of Level 1.
    Success: I lost about 2.5 pounds this week!
    Struggle: I am still following Anita on the DVD. Especially the push-ups. I am planning to do the full 30-days on Level 1, making sure I end day 30 following Natalie all the way and pushing myself the whole way. That's the goal, anyway.

    pff: I almost never log in my exercise. I feel like mfp is a little too generous with how many calories exercise earns me, so I just stay silent on that.

    mfielder: So cool that Level 1 is easy for you after just 9 days! I fully expect it to take the entire 30-days for it to feel easy for me. =]

    Mizberg: Oh, great leader! Haven't heard from you in a while... Hope all is well!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    L1D8 COMPLETED! feel awesome! Lost apx 2 ibs yay! Come on fellow shredders keep going!!
  • Hi Shredders
    Today was L1D4, I'm starting to get bored with level 1 but it's definitely still hard for me! I am pretty happy with the weight loss I have had so far. I'm fitting better into my clothes again! I look forward to losing more!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Shredders,
    L1D6 in the bag!! I also did 20minTJ and AbJam - was a great way to start the week. Geting ready for bed now just wanted to check in!!

    Love you guys,
  • valparks
    valparks Posts: 1
    I just found this site today. What is a 30 day shred? An exercise DVD? Can you tell me more about it?

  • PinkKitty724
    PinkKitty724 Posts: 179 Member
    It is a DVD by Jillian Michaels of the Biggest Loser that gets really good reviews. I haven't received mine in the mail yet but I have heard it is good.. It is like circuit training and tones your body. You do need to have 3-5 lb weights to go with it, too.
  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    :flowerforyou: I am looking at purchasing this DVD on Amazon as I have heard good things about it BUT...

    I weight about 9 stone 7lbs and am about 5 ft 6inches. I want to lose about 10 lbs max or about 8 lbs in 3 weeks? I have quite muscley legs therefore I don't want them to tone up evenmore and make them even more muscley, I want to lose weight off them!

    Any ideas? Will this DVD help?

    Thank yoU!!!
    T :flowerforyou:
  • PinkKitty724
    PinkKitty724 Posts: 179 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am looking at purchasing this DVD on Amazon as I have heard good things about it BUT...

    I weight about 9 stone 7lbs and am about 5 ft 6inches. I want to lose about 10 lbs max or about 8 lbs in 3 weeks? I have quite muscley legs therefore I don't want them to tone up evenmore and make them even more muscley, I want to lose weight off them!

    Any ideas? Will this DVD help?

    Thank yoU!!!
    T :flowerforyou:

    Hmmm... Well just FYI- you can buy the DVD @ Walmart of Target. It was $9 here at Walmart plus sales tax. I had ordered it online before I realized they had it here, but I didn't pay any more than I would have @ the store becauase of the tax I would have paid.
    But, the DVD claims to help you lose up to 20 lbs in a month. Which..... I am not sure how that is possible and it isn't really healthy to lose that much, that fast.
    You probably want to just do cardio.. or upper body toning type stuff then.. if you do workouts with your legs then you will tone them. You should try pilates...
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i've completed 3days of level one so far and have a goal of completing 30days straight...i too am not going to adjust to the next level until i "don't" feel "it" after i complete the workout...level one is pretty hard for my 224lb body...i bought the DVD like a month ago and have just been looking at it on my dresser.....i have been sick for about a week and had not been able to go running/walking like i have been since august at least 3 times a week...SATURDAY, i finally opened it and did the workout in the middle of my kitchen with my 2 kids and my cousin's 2 kids hanging around waiting to go to the pool...i made them wait until MY MINUTES were up and i did the program....did it again sunday and again last night....plan on doing it tonight after i get the kids settled while my hubby makes dinner....can i really pull off 30 days in a row??? i have started journalling my food so i should see a real change in my weight and body, doubt i'll lose the advertised 20lbs, but i'll take what i can get...
    glad i found this thread and look forward to updating again later...
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    L1D9 completed! Yay!! I plan to keep going through all 30 days with no breaks! Hoping I don't get sick!!! (The flu is really going around the children's school right hoping it stays out of our house!) I plan to be moving up to L2 on Thurs. I'm bit nervous, but I will push my way through it! I think I might sit down and watch it first, to see how exercises are done.

    Keep Shredding!! :)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Shreders,
    Yes, we can do it!! Yes, we can stay committed!! Yes, we can change our bodies!! L1D7 done and 20min of kick boxing and 1 mile walk for lunch! Woo Hoo!!!

    Cardio/weights on for when I get home and a healthy dinner.... and of course watching Jillian and the winners on The Biggest Loser !!

    Will check back in later and hang in there,
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    i've completed 3days of level one so far and have a goal of completing 30days straight...i too am not going to adjust to the next level until i "don't" feel "it" after i complete the workout...level one is pretty hard for my 224lb body...i bought the DVD like a month ago and have just been looking at it on my dresser.....i have been sick for about a week and had not been able to go running/walking like i have been since august at least 3 times a week...SATURDAY, i finally opened it and did the workout in the middle of my kitchen with my 2 kids and my cousin's 2 kids hanging around waiting to go to the pool...i made them wait until MY MINUTES were up and i did the program....did it again sunday and again last night....plan on doing it tonight after i get the kids settled while my hubby makes dinner....can i really pull off 30 days in a row??? i have started journalling my food so i should see a real change in my weight and body, doubt i'll lose the advertised 20lbs, but i'll take what i can get...
    glad i found this thread and look forward to updating again later...
    Denise: You CAN do it! We ALL CAN DO IT! I just keep telling myself, that it really is only 20 minutes out of my day! I can make time for that! For me the easiest way is to wake up before the hubby and children and do it! Then it is done for the day and I don't need to worry about making sure I find the time! KWIM?
    I have found that food diary really does help. I love MFP food diary, I find it quite easy to log in the different food items and it really helps to count the calories and see how much you have or haven't. It keeps me accountable!
    Keep up the good work and keep on shredding!:smile:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    L1D10 COMPLETED!!!!!!!! I move on to level 2 tomorrow!!!!!!!!
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I just bought the Shred dvd yesterday after reading most of these posts. And OMG is that a workout!!! I could barely move afterwards but amazingly I am not sore today. I'm going to stick with the best I can. The hardest part for me was the push ups, I will admit I could not finish them but I did everything else. I have about 12lbs left of baby weight to lose and about a size and half to go down. I am determined I will do it!!! My baby will be 13 mos in a couple of days.
  • Nic4
    Nic4 Posts: 3
    I just did Day 1 today... I'm starting with level 2... You girls have inspired me!
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