Starting the 30 Day shred 3/20 - want to join?



  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    PolliesGirl Glad you are joining in! Not sure what to do about the neighbors below. Have they complained? Maybe if they're friendly you could let them know you want to do the work out and want to know if there is a good time to do it? I don't know maybe there is a time that they are not at home or wouldn't care? Let us know how it goes.

    Purpleflipflop - woohoo. Glad you did it. I have had a crazy day, had planned to do it earlier but things got hectic. Now I don't feel like it but I'm going to Make myself do it. ITS ONLY 20 MINUTES... have to keep telling myself that. 20 minutes out of the day to feel better in summer clothes! So glad you did it and posted!

    Ajimenez - Yesterday was my day 2 and I was SO sore last night. I thought I was going to be in for it this morning but it wasn't so bad at all. They have the dvd on Amazon for only 8.99. I think I saw it around that price and Target it too. Nice to hear how you're doing!

    Ok I'll hop back on and post after I help my kiddo with his homework, put the groceries away, get my yoga pants on and then do the work out. lol. I'm telling myself if I do the work out then I can have a little bit of the fat free lemon sorbet I bought at Trader Joes and then watch Dancing with the Stars.
  • Sunshinechic
    Sunshinechic Posts: 31 Member
    What is the 30 day shred?
  • Ajimenez- 9 dollars at Walmart! Worth it! I love to hate Jillian :wink:
  • I would love to join!Today was Day 5 of the 30 day shred. I have had the tape for over a year,did it for 4 days and quit! Started back up again, and am determined to finish it this time. Really need some accountabilty! Looking to lose 20lbs, and get toned. After 5 days, I am starting to finally notice loser clothes and I think I can see a rib. Can finally do the push ups, and today I finally was able to kick my butt in the butt kicks. The jumping jaxs and the jump rope I still can't make it all the way thru without a rest. I'm excited to see what day 30 will
    bring if I can make it!
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    OK, I did it!

    Deb4 - it's the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD. Join us!

    PFF (purple flip flop :tongue: ) Good call! I think when I bought it (over a year ago) it was like 30 bucks - sheesh!)

    Mfielder1 - Awesome, glad you joined us! I just did Level 1 day three and it's pretty amazing how each day I can do a bit more! Love it... and hate it hah! Keep us posted!

    I SO did not want to work out but the "it's only 20 minutes" thing is really helping.Not only did I do it but I thought I'd hop on the treadmill after and do 10 mins there and ended up doing 28 (I should have stayed on another 2 to make it 30 lol.) Here's what I ate today

    Breakfast - hard boiled egg
    Snack - Sprouted wheat toast (1 slice) with 1 tbl organic blackberry jam
    Lunch - Trader Joes chili lime chicken burger (these are in the froz section and major YUM only 150 cal)/ Orrowheat whole wheat thin bun/1/4 avocado
    Dinner - 2 pieces of TJ whole wheat tandori Naan bread and Trader Joes spicy hummus (this was supposed to just be a snack but I was so hungry and had the 2nd piece of the naan bread and then I was full so I figured I'd eat something little but after working out I'm not hungry at all.
    The whole day came in at 1100ish calories and I earned extra from the working out. ugh really? I either eat too much or not enough. lol

    We'll see what the scale says in the morning.

    I weigh myself everyday. I know you're not supposed to but I like to.
    Do you guys weigh your self once a week? Every morning?
  • clcastro
    clcastro Posts: 17
    I try to weigh myself every other day or so - I get addicted to ;-)
  • janpei
    janpei Posts: 7
    YEAH MIZBERG :happy:

    WOOHOOO its awesome to see so many people trying out the 30 Day Shred!~ I am in!!!!! Did it today for day one and it kicked my butt... haha I went for a soak in the hot tub for 15 minutes afterwards so hopefully I won' t hurt that bad!

    I don't weigh myself everyday but I think I might start.... just because I like to see if there are any changes.(all a mental thing I know)
    Glad I found this topic. Keep up the good work girls.
  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member
    Day 5-

    I combine Lvl1 with the Biggest Loser Cardio Max. I only did 20 minutes of the cardio max but OH MY I am soooo SORE! Good news is today is my weigh in day and I am down to 238 even!!! It fels so good to know others are working just as hard as you for similar goals. Thanks for the motivation ladies!!!
  • I weigh my self every day. My scale has the ounces, so to see I dropped 2-4 ounces a day is very motivating.
  • MizBerg & TMLane

    WHOA!! You girls are crazy!! Keep up the good work!
  • ajnesbitt07
    ajnesbitt07 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm new to the board and new to the Shred! I did Day #1 last night and threw up afterwards. I got nauseous during the 2nd cardio, but I pushed my way through and I'm so glad I did (even though I swore I was never doing it again while I was puking my guts up). That's just proof that I'm WAY out of shape! I'm not too sore today, but I think it'll be worse tomorrow.

    I'm glad you all are here. Now maybe I'll hold myself accountable to the workout!

    I'll start posting my food tomorrow. I'm already disgusted with myself today for consuming over 700 calories at breakfast. I need to get to the store so I don't get McDonald's for breakfast! Yuck!
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    I think that I am on day 7. Still sore every day! I am terrified of level 2. How bad is it?

    I am finishing my last day of the shred today...I actually enjoyed level really worked my lower half. The first time I did it, it was tough, but by far it was my favorite level.

    Good luck with the shred, if you are able to stick with it, you will see results.
  • i would love to join this. i just got the 30 day shred recently but i need some motivation to use it. i'm totally in <3
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Shredders,
    I need in on this!! I completed this right before Christmas and when i went to New Orleans to see my in laws they actually called me skinny! Hahahaha- That has never been a word used to describe me. I was 165-7 toned lbs and I felt strong and really good about myself. After the first of the year It's been on my heart to quit smoking ( I've been a daily smoker since I was 16 and I'm 47 now) I was never a pack a day kind of a gal but I was at 10-14/day depending on how much stress I had. Well I am officially 6 days w/o cigs ( I am using an E-cig and weaning w/ that) I've been moody and when I last checked was up to 177lbs.
    I am not going out like this. I am committing starting today to join you all and will dust Jillian off and hate her for 20min tonight:laugh:
    I've already fast walked 4 miles today so I can do another 20min when I get home from work - Only 20 min right??? I'm also going to take my measurements, which I didn't do last time. I will probably do this w/o in the AM . I'm up at 4 am and will make time to get it done before my day gets going. Those jumps and planks can be brutal at the end of a day:wink:

    Glad you all are here - I need the support, motivation and the accountability too!! Look forward to getting to know you all better,

  • bbgirl
    bbgirl Posts: 49 Member
    Good Afternoon Shredders,

    I can't join you right now because I don't have the DVD. Quite frankly, I had never heard of it untill reading this board. It sounded interesting so I did some research and was very impressed. Now I want to do it!!! I ordered my copy this afternoon and I will start as soon as it arrives. For those of you who do not have a copy, and want to purchase one, I found it for a wonderful price at It was only $8.59 but they are having a special for first time customers ($5.00 off and free shipping) so I only paid $3.59 for the DVD. A steal!!!:smile:
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Hey everyone... I did about 3 months of the Shred last year and lost 30 lbs... and since quitting, I've only lost 8 more this year... so I wanted to start back up. Mind if I jump in on the thread. I will start with day 1 tomorrow if ya'll don't mind? It really is a great workout!
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Everyone! Yay, so excited that everyone is jumping in! I am so tired today. For some reason I woke up at 3am and couldn't go back to sleep so I finally just got up at 4:30 and got some work done before getting the kid off to school come home shower and go back to school to go on a field trip. Now trying to catch up before dinner and then off to take him to Jujitsu. Maybe I'll have my husband take him solo tonight. BUT I am not going to make an excuse this time.... because normally I soooo would. BUT it's 20 minutes. lol.
    Hope&Faith - nice to have you here!!!

    Janet - AWESOME that you quit smoking!!! My mom smoked for 45 years, she started at 17 and quit when she was 62. I never thought she would quit but she did and hasn't smoked in 5 years. I now believe if she could do it after smoking her whole life any one can. Way to get healthy! Look forward to hearing about your progress - Keep strong!

    BBgirl - just jump in as soon as your DVD arrives.... sweet deal on the DVD!!!

    aofstedahl - Super stoked to have you here! Look forward to hearing how it's going for you!!

    OK off to get the little guy started on his homework!
  • ajimenez
    ajimenez Posts: 16 Member
    What an awesome group of motivated folks!
    I'm so excited!!!

    As I said before, I could not get the link to load through the whole workout, but my hubby just went to the store and bought me the DVD, so, starting tomorrow, I can finally view the entire workout without breaks!

    Regarding weighing in... I don't own a scale, but I do have a Wii Fit board, so I've been using that. I don't turn the video machine on very often, so once a week is good enough (though sometimes I do get curious!).

    On a side note: I got my son to join me in the workout (partial online workout) today! He's in his first year of college and wants to get in shape: said it was a tough workout. =] He's not kidding! AND! He said he'd join me in doing the workout every day, so I am really excited!

    Finally, you were absolutely right, mizberg! Although I was totally sore on day two, I went for it and was able to do the workout (or at least the part that downloaded) the next day! You Rock!!!
  • finished day 3 L1 !! I am still sore but can tell my endurance is getting a bit better my hubbys been doing it with me the past 2 days :laugh: hes super fit but its nice to have his support he makes me laugh everytime we do it together. I havent measured myself yet but plan on it soon!
  • Sooo I was bad and skipped Shred last night. My boyfriend of 3 years and I are going through a break-up and I was busy feeling bad for myself :(
    Tonight though back to Jillian!!
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